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Active biological materials inhibiting tumor initiation extracted from marine algae OceanDocs
Mostafa, M.H.; Ibrahim, A.M.M.; El-Masry, M.H.; El-Naggar, M.A..
Ethanol extraction of seventeen algal species from 35 different samples collected from the coastal area of Abou-Qir, Egypt, South East of the Mediterranean Sea Coast, was conducted. The aim was to obtain natural products from the algal extracts which have significant biologically active algal compounds. The collected algae showed a wide variation in their occurrence during the period of collection. Thirty five extracts representing different seasonal growths of 17 marine algal species were tested for antitumorigenic activity. Tests performed were the toxicity bioassay using Brine shrimp Artemia salina and the anti-tumor bioassay against Agrobacterium tumefaciens on potato discs. Codium tomentosum (winter); Jaina rubens (summer) and Padina pavonia (winter)...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Anti-tumor agent; Bioactive material; Bioassay; Marine algae; Natural product compound Biological properties Algae Marine environment
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Review of the impact of harmful algae blooms and toxins on the world economy and human health OceanDocs
Ibrahim, A.M.M..
The most common type of harmful algal blooms (HABs) is referred to as a "Red Tide" because the bloom discolors the water, making it appear red. However, HABs may also be yellow, orange, brown, green, white, or pink, depending on which one of the three primary types of phytoplankton are responsible for the problem; dinoflagellate, diatoms, or bluegreen algae. Of the more than 4,400 marine phytoplankton species, only 50 to 60 are believed to be toxic. Many HABs (harmful algal blooms), produce vividly colored blooms of cells that accumulate on surface water. These high biomass blooms can cause hypoxia, can contribute to toxicity of fish and shellfish, and can cause other environmental problems. They occur in waters all over the globe, and have been called red...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: A Review; Algal blooms; Algal blooms; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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