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Efficacy of European Policies on Rural Landscape: the Case Study of Sardinia (ITALY) AgEcon
Idda, Lorenzo; Madau, Fabio A.; Orru, Elia; Pulina, Pietro; Sini, Maria Paola.
Over the last decades, a large number of developed countries have explicitly recognized the importance of benefits generated from agricultural and rural landscape into their legislation. Since the early '90, preservation and enhancing of rural landscape has played an increasing role also into the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) promoted by the European Union (EU). More generally, the whole European rural development policy seems to recognize an important role to the keeping of agricultural and rural landscape. The present work is a part of a wider research aimed to identify rational instruments for guidance policies on rural landscape. The specific purpose of this paper is to evaluate efficacy of Sardinian (Italy) regional policies on rural landscape. In...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural landscape; Rural and environmental policies; Structural policies; Efficacy policies evaluation; Sardinia; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q18; Q28; R59.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Idda, Lorenzo; Furesi, Roberto; Pulina, Pietro.
This paper is designed to verify empirically the choices that Italian farm households make when investing in human capital. Census data from the National Institute of Statistics (Istat) were used to describe the main structural and organisational characteristics of the farms. Multivariate statistical tools were used to process the information in the database, so that the different types of Italian farm households could be defined and geographically located. The results allowed us to analyse the competence endowment inside the family farm by determining the existence, the types and the strength of the relationships between the characteristics of family farms and certain variables which described the specific local environment and the human capital available...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Human capital; Household farms; Agricultural labour; Spatial analysis; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Social Opportunities and Private Convenience of Choices at Farm Level: An Approach to the Links Between Farm Income and Sustainable GDP AgEcon
Idda, Lorenzo; Sini, Maria Paola.
This work proposes a method to identify and evaluate the links between the economic and environmental management of a farm, its income, and sustainable GDP. The approach is designed to link micro and macro economic aspects and is based on certain indicators, chosen from among those obtained from analysis of the farm accounts, suitable for representing socially desirable objectives. Three different types of farm accounts are employed. An MADM method of quantitative MCDM analysis was used to make a joint evaluation of various objective indicators in different types of farm management. The work only presents the most interesting result of the research, which was the method itself and does not include the results of a specific case study which was made. This...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Method; Farm; Society; Income; Environment; Well-being; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Q1.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Motivational Profile of Organic Food Consumers: a Survey of Specialized Stores Customers in Italy AgEcon
Idda, Lorenzo; Madau, Fabio A.; Pulina, Pietro.
Organic food demand is becoming increasingly important throughout the world. Despite this relevance, however, not many attempts have been carried out to profile this food market segment. This paper aims to investigate on motivations that drive consumers towards purchasing organic foods in Italy. Through a survey carried out in some organic specialized stores sited in Sardinia, we explored organic consumer behaviour with specific emphasis on understanding reasons consumers have to buy organic products. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis has obtained four consumers’ motivational profiles and several findings. Furthermore, a Logit regression allowed us to evaluate the relationships between individual motivations and some socio-demographic characteristics of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic food purchase; Consumer’s motivational profilers; Logit regression.; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Structure of Rural Landscape in Monetary Evaluation Studies: Main Analytical Approaches in Literature AgEcon
Idda, Lorenzo; Benedetto, Graziella; Madau, Fabio A.; Orru, Elia; Pulina, Pietro.
Over recent years considerable research has been devoted to the assessment of the rural landscape value. These studies have concerned both use and non-use value estimation. An important issue in monetary evaluations is about taking (or not) into account the structural complexity of landscape. Three analytical approaches may be recognized on the basis of whether landscape structural attributes are involved (global, mono-attribute and multi-attribute approach). The present work is part of a research aimed to seek out rational instruments for guidance policies on rural landscape. It consists in a survey of the main studies appeared in literature. The specific purpose is to classify these empirical analyses in accordance both to the approaches mentioned above...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural landscape; Structural attributes; Landscape demand; Contingent valuation models; Choice experiment; Land Economics/Use; Q26.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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