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Ethnobotanical study and conservation status of trees in the district Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan 85
Shah,A; Rahim,S; Bhatti,KH; Khan,A; Din,N; Imran,M; Mohsin,M; Ishtiaq,M; Nabila,A; Ansari,A; Hussain,S; Zafar,M; Mushtaq,M; Mumtaz,E; Iqbal,J.
Sargodha district is one of the least studied regions of Pakistan regarding its ethnobotanical values. This paper is the frst report related to the documentation and conservation status of the tree species in the Sargodha district, and their folk ethnobotanical uses. An interview base survey was conducted in the study area in 2010-2013. The ethnobotanical data revealed the use of 100 tree species (6 gymnosperms, 94 angiosperms) belonging to 77 genera (6 gymnosperms, 71 angiosperms) and 39 families (4 gymnosperms, 35 angiosperms), with the Fabaceae ranking first with 19 tree species, followed by the Moraceae (12 species). Tree species like Aegle marmelos, Butea monosperma, Diospyrus malabarica, Gmelina arborea, Kigelia africana, Manilkara hexandra,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ethnobotanical study; Medicinal plants; Sargodha; Pakistan.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Prevalence and chemotherapy of babesiosis among Lohi sheep in the Livestock Experiment Station, Qadirabad, Pakistan, and environs 80
Rashid,A; Khan,JA; Khan,MS; Rasheed,K; Maqbool,A; Iqbal,J.
A total of 310 blood smears were collected from sheep of the Livestock Experiment Station, Qadirabad, Sahiwal district, Pakistan, and surrounding areas. The samples were examined microscopically and 30 (9.67%) were positive for babesiosis. The animals were divided into two groups (A and B) for chemotherapy. Group A sheep were treated with diminazene diaceturate while group B animals received imidocarb dipropionate. Drug efficacy was determined by negative blood smear examination. Diminazene diaceturate effectiveness against babesiosis was 80% while that of imidocarb dipropionate was 100%. Hematological studies revealed a significant decrease in hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit values for Babesia-positive animals compared to healthy controls.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Babesiosis; Sheep; Hemoglobin; Hematocrit; Diminazene; Imidocarb; Pakistan.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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