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Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio signature of the Matuyama–Brunhes boundary in the Montalbano Jonico marine succession ArchiMer
Simon, Quentin; Bourles, Didier L.; Bassinot, Franck; Nomade, Sebastien; Marino, Maria; Ciaranfi, Neri; Girone, Angela; Maiorano, Patrizia; Thouveny, Nicolas; Choy, Sandrine; Dewilde, Fabien; Scao, Vincent; Isguder, Gulay; Blamart, Dominique; Aster Team,.
Geomagnetic dipole moment (GDM) lows associated with polarity reversals or geomagnetic excursions induce significant modulation of the cosmogenic nuclide Beryllium-10 (Be-10) production. Hence, the reconstruction of atmospheric Be-10 production rates from natural archives such as marine sedimentary sequences or ice cores constitutes a complementary approach, independent from paleomagnetic measurements, to decipher past GDM fluctuations. This is particularly important in the Montalbano Jonico succession (South Italy) since it is candidate to host the Global Stratotype Section and Point of the Middle Pleistocene Stage but where the magnetostratigraphic positioning of the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary (MBB) has not been available up to now. This study presents...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Be-10 cosmogenic nuclide; Authigenic Be-10/Be-9 ratio; Matuyama Brunhes Boundary (MBB); High-resolution oxygen isotope stratigraphy; MIS 19; GSSP stratotype.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Carbon isotope records reveal precise timing of enhanced Southern Ocean upwelling during the last deglaciation ArchiMer
Siani, Giuseppe; Michel, Elisabeth; De Pol-holz, Ricardo; Devries, Tim; Lamy, Frank; Carel, Melanie; Isguder, Gulay; Dewilde, Fabien; Lourantou, Anna.
The Southern Ocean plays a prominent role in the Earth's climate and carbon cycle. Changes in the Southern Ocean circulation may have regulated the release of CO2 to the atmosphere from a deep-ocean reservoir during the last deglaciation. However, the path and exact timing of this deglacial CO2 release are still under debate. Here we present measurements of deglacial surface reservoir C-14 age changes in the eastern Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, obtained by C-14 dating of tephra deposited over the marine and terrestrial regions. These results, along with records of foraminifera benthic-planktic C-14 age and delta C-13 difference, provide evidence for three periods of enhanced upwelling in the Southern Ocean during the last deglaciation, supporting...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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Updated calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer in planktonic and benthic foraminifera ArchiMer
Peral, Marion; Daeron, Mathieu; Blamart, Dominique; Bassinot, Franck; Dewilde, Fabien; Smialkowski, Nicolas; Isguder, Gulay; Bonnin, Jerome; Jorissen, Frans; Kissel, Catherine; Michel, Elisabeth; Vazquez Riveiros, Natalia; Waelbroeck, Claire.
Accurate reconstruction of past ocean temperatures is of critical importance to paleoclimatology. Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry (“Δ47”) is a relatively recent technique based on the strong relationship between calcification temperature and the statistical excess of 13C-18O bonds in carbonates. Its application to foraminifera holds great scientific potential, particularly because Δ47 paleotemperature reconstructions do not require assumptions regarding the 18O composition of seawater. However there are still relatively few published observations investigating the potential influence of parameters such as salinity or foraminiferal size and species. We present a new calibration data set based on 234 replicate analyses of 9 planktonic and 2 benthic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbonate clumped isotopes; Foraminifera; Paleothermometry.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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