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Political ecology of inter-basin water transfers in Turkish water governance Ecology and Society
Islar, Mine; Lund University Center for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS);; Boda, Chad; Lund University Center for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS);
We explore the emergence of two contemporary mega water projects in Turkey that are designed to meet the demands of the country’s major urban centers. Moreover, we analyze how policy makers in the water sector frame problems and solutions. We argue that these projects represent a tendency to depoliticize water management and steer away from controversial issues of water allocation by emphasizing large-scale, centralized, technical, and supply-oriented solutions. In doing so, urgent concerns are ignored regarding unsustainable water use, impacts on rural livelihoods, and institutional shortcomings in the water sector. These aspirations build heavily on prevailing discourses of modernity, development, and economic growth, and how urban centers are...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Inter-basin water transfers; Political ecology; Turkey; Urban water; Water governance.
Ano: 2014
Registros recuperados: 1
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