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A Methodological Framework to Estimate the Site Fidelity of Tagged Animals Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry ArchiMer
Capello, Manuela; Robert, Marianne; Soria, Marc; Potin, Gael; Itano, David; Holland, Kim; Deneubourg, Jean-louis; Dagorn, Laurent.
The rapid expansion of the use of passive acoustic telemetry technologies has facilitated unprecedented opportunities for studying the behavior of marine organisms in their natural environment. This technological advance would greatly benefit from the parallel development of dedicated methodologies accounting for the variety of timescales involved in the remote detection of tagged animals related to instrumental, environmental and behavioral events. In this paper we propose a methodological framework for estimating the site fidelity (“residence times”) of acoustic tagged animals at different timescales, based on the survival analysis of continuous residence times recorded at multiple receivers. Our approach is validated through modeling and applied on two...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Association dynamics of tuna and purse seine bycatch species with drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean ArchiMer
Tolotti, Mariana Travassos; Forget, Fabien; Capello, Manuela; Filmalter, John David; Hutchinson, Melanie; Itano, David; Holland, Kim; Dagorn, Laurent.
Several pelagic fish species are known to regularly associate with floating objects in the open ocean, including commercially valuable species. The tuna purse seine industry takes advantage of this associative behavior and has been increasingly deploying free-drifting man-made floating objects, also known as fish aggregating devices (FADs). Using passive acoustic telemetry, this study describes the associative dynamics of the main targeted tropical tuna species (Thunnus albacares, T. obesus and Katsuwonus pelamis), as well as three major bycatch species, silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis), rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata) and oceanic triggerfish (Canthidermis maculata). Short-term excursions away from the FADs were frequently performed by all tuna...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behavior; Acoustic telemetry; Residence time; Floating objects; Pelagic fish; Tropical tuna.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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DCP employés par les pêcheries artisanales et industrielles : une question d'échelle. L’utilisation et le développement technique des DCP au coeur de la conférence de Tahiti sur les DCP ArchiMer
Taquet, Marc; Blanc, Michel; Dagorn, Laurent; Filmalter, John David; Fonteneau, Alain; Forget, Fabien; Gaertner, Jean-claude; Galzin, René; Gervain, Paul; Goujon, Michel; Guillotreau, Patrice; Guyader, Olivier; Hall, Martin; Holland, Kim; Itano, David; Monteagudo, Jean-pierre; Morales-nin, Beatriz; Reynal, Lionel; Sharp, Michael; Sokimi, Williams; Tanetoa, Mainui; Yen Kai Sun, Stephen.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Deep diving behavior observed in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) ArchiMer
Dagorn, Laurent; Holland, Kim N.; Hallier, Jean-pierre; Taquet, Marc; Moreno, Gala; Sancho, Gorka; Itano, David; Aumeeruddy, Ryaz; Girard, Charlotte; Million, Julien; Fonteneau, Alain.
Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) are known to preferentially occupy the Surface mixed layer above the thermocline and it has been Suggested that they are physiologically restricted to water lerriperatt.11-CS no more than 8 degrees C colder than Surface waters. However, we here report for dive data acquired from a large yellowfin tuna which demonstrate for the first time that this species is indeed capable of making prolonged dives into deep cold waters. A yellowfin tuna (134 cm fork length) caught near ail anchored fish aggregating device (FAD) in the Seychelles (Western Indian Ocean) was equipped with all internally implanted archival tag and released. The fish was recaptured 98 days later. As predicted for this species, this fish spent 85% of its time...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indian ocean; Yellowfin tuna; Swimming speed; Diving behavior; Vertical movements; Archival tap.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effects of habitat modifications on the movement behavior of animals: the case study of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) and tropical tunas ArchiMer
Pérez, Geraldine; Dagorn, Laurent; Deneubourg, Jean-louis; Forget, Fabien; Filmalter, John D.; Holland, Kim; Itano, David; Adam, Shiham; Jauharee, Riyaz; Beeharry, Sunil P.; Capello, Manuela.
Background Aggregation sites represent important sources of environmental heterogeneity and can modify the movement behavior of animals. When these sites are artificially established through anthropogenic actions, the consequent alterations to animal movements may impact their ecology with potential implications for their fitness. Floating objects represent important sources of habitat heterogeneity for tropical tunas, beneath which these species naturally aggregate in large numbers. Man-made floating objects, called Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD), are used by fishers on a massive scale to facilitate fishing operations. In addition to the direct impacts that fishing with FADs has on tuna populations, assessing the effects of increasing the numbers of FADs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustic tagging; Associative behavior; Density of floating objects; Movement behavior; Tropical tuna.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Intra-individual behavioral variability displayed by tuna at fish aggregating devices (FADs) ArchiMer
Robert, Marianne; Dagorn, Laurent; Filmalter, John David; Deneubourg, Jean-louis; Itano, David; Holland, Kim.
Fishers have exploited the associative behavior displayed by several pelagic fish species with floating objects for decades, through the use of man-made fish aggregating devices (FADs), which facilitate the capture of such species. However, our understanding of this associative behavior and its adaptive value is poor and the scientific community is ill-equipped to provide fishery managers with science-based recommendations on the impacts of FADs on ecosystems. In an array of 13 anchored FADs around Oahu, Hawaii, USA, 72 yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares were equipped with internal acoustic tags, which facilitated the continuous monitored of their presence and absence around each FAD using automated acoustic receivers. Data were analyzed using survival...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behavioral variability; Fish aggregating device; FAD; Yellowfin tuna; Acoustic tagging; Residence time; Survival curve.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Towards an Autonomous Pelagic Observatory: Experiences from Monitoring Fish Communities around Drifting FADs ArchiMer
Brehmer, Patrice; Sancho, Gorka; Trygonis, Vasilis; Itano, David; Dalen, John; Fuchs, Ariel; Faraj, Abdelmalek; Taquet, Marc.
This work presents a methodological synthesis for the in situ monitoring of fish aggregating devices (FADs) using a combination of optical, echosounder and SCUBA observations conducted in the vicinity of drifting FADs. The acoustic methods allowed, according to the devices used, the description of the spatial organisation and dynamics of biotic scattering layers, individual fishes, schools, shoals and mammals, while visual, photographic and video observations permitted species identification within a range of 0 to ~ 25 m. Based on these results, we elaborate on the interest to combine acoustic and visual methods, and present an autonomous instrumented drifting buoy for remotely monitoring fish diversity and abundance in the pelagic ecosystems. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Optical; Census; Acoustics; Buoy; Seaorbiter; Biomonitoring; Conservation; Environmental monitoring; Fish; Pelagic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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