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Lumbar and Abdominal Muscles Isometric Potential in Volleyball Cadets International Journal of Morphology
Bogdanovic,Zoran; Smajic,Miroslav; Jaksic,Damjan; Milosevic,Zoran; Obradovic,Borislav; Gogic,Aleksandra; Vidakovic,Hadzi Milos; Ljubisavljevic,Milija; Draskovic,Vesko; Visnjic,Svetlana; Mekic,Hasim; Stankovic,Ratko; Ivancic,Goran; Popovic,Stevo.
Given that a volleyball game requires a certain level of individual anthropological characteristics of young volleyball players to successfully act on situational conditions, and that interdisciplinary approach in the science study is the principal methodological orientation, subject of study in the field of sports is the anthropological status. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible differences in spinal lumbar and abdominal muscles isometric potential of prospective male and female. Sample included 42 subjects (15 male and 27 female subjects), male and female volleyball players, the cadet selection of Serbia, aged 14±0.5 years. Isometric muscle potential assessment was conducted using four standardized motor movement tasks, covering the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Muscle Strength; Trunk; Volleyball Players.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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