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Effet d'une crise dystrophique dans l'etang de Salses-Leucate ArchiMer
Boutiere, H; Boree, Fde; Delille, D; Fiala, M; Gros, C; Jacques, G; Knoepffler, M; Labat, J P; Panouse, M; Soyer, J.
The dystrophic crisis in the lagoon of Salses-Leucae in 1979-1980 resulted in a bloom of the chlorophyceae Nannochloris sp. which attained a density in the order of 10 super(9) cells/litre. The worst effect was the destruction of oyster and mussel cultures because of overfeeding. This bloom also caused high turbidity which induced the destruction of large parts of sea-grass communities (Zostera)). One year after the beginning of this crisis, a gradual improvement of ecological conditions was noted, especially in the pelagic zone. The benthic environment recovered at a much slower rate. Sea-grass showed signs of recovery, organic matter concentrations and bacterial populations decreased. Furthermore, the macrofauna density increased notably. Nevertheless,...
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Ano: 1982 URL:
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Flux de carbone en milieu pelagique de Mediterranee occidentale lors de la floraison printaniere ArchiMer
Jacques, G.
Data from the Mediprod 1 cruise (March-April 1969), together with the appropriate conversion factors, were used to calculate carbon flux in the pelagic ecosystem, following fertilization due to vertical winter mixing. In the space of one month, 13.7 gC multiplied by m super(-2) are produced by the phytoplankton, one quarter (3.4 gC multiplied by m super(-2)) of which corresponds to a rapid regeneration of nutrients within the euphotic layer mainly by the way of zooplankton. One quarter of the production (3.4 gC multiplied by m super(-2)) is used by the phytoplankton to increase its biomass. The remainder of the photosynthetic carbon (10.3 gC multiplied by m super(-2)) is exported outside the primary producers box. About one half (5.2 gC multiplied by m...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Production primaire dans le secteur indien de l'océan Antarctique en fin d'été ArchiMer
Jacques, G; Minas, M.
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Ano: 1981 URL:
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The spatial-distribution of phytoplankton in a mediterranean lagoon (Etang de Thau) ArchiMer
Jarry, V; Fiala, M; Frisoni, Gf; Jacques, G; Neveux, J; Panouse, M.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1990 URL:
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