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An economic analysis of the possibility of reducing pesticides in French field crops AgEcon
Jacquet, Florence; Butault, Jean-Pierre; Guichard, Laurence.
The paper aims to study the effects of reducing pesticide use by farmers in the arable sector in France and the feasibility of a policy target of reducing pesticide use by half. The originality of the approach is to combine statistical data and expert knowledge to describe low-input alternative techniques at the national level. These data are used in a mathematical programming model to simulate the effect on land use, production and farmers’ income of achieving different levels of pesticide reduction. The results show that reducing pesticide use by 30% could be possible without reducing farmers’ income. We also estimate the levels of tax on pesticides necessary to achieve different levels of reduction of pesticide use and the effect of an incentive...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Pesticide use; Policy incentive; Environmental indicators; Low-input techniques; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Economic analysis of summer fallow management to reduce take-all disease and N-leaching in a wheat crop rotation AgEcon
de Cara, Stephane; Jacquet, Florence; Reynaud, Arnaud; Goulevant, Gael; Jeuffroy, Marie-Helene; Lucas, Philippe; Montfort, Francoise.
This paper addresses the question of summer cover crop adoption by farmers in presence of a risk of yield loss due to take-all disease and climate variability. To analyse the public incentives needed to encourage farmers to adopt summer cover crops as a means of reducing N leaching, we combine outputs from an economic, an epidemiological and an agronomic model. The economic model is a simple model of choice under uncertainty. The farmer is assumed to choose among a range of summer fallow managements and input uses on the basis of the expected utility criterion (HARA assumption) in presence of both climate and take all risks. The epidemiological model proposed by Ennaïfar et al. [1] is used to determine the impact of take all on yields and N-uptake. The...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Take-all disease; N leaching; Summer fallow management; Wheat rotation; Catch crop adoption; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Environmental Good Production in the Optimum Activities Portfolio of a Risk Averse Farmer AgEcon
Havlik, Petr; Jacquet, Florence; Boisson, Jean-Marie; Veysset, Patrick; Lherm, Michel.
An analytical framework is proposed for analysis of environmental good production by farmers in the case of price uncertainty. Environmental good production contracted by means of agri-environmental agreements is treated as a risk less option in the farmer's production activities portfolio. Efficient frontiers were generated using mathematical programming farm level models of suckler cow farms in Monts du Cantal, in France. It was demonstrated that for a DARA risk averse farmer: 1) the agreement payment level is not without impact on the farming intensity on parcels not subscribed under the corresponding argi-environmental programme, 2) a lump sum payment matters under uncertainty, 3) the overall impact of the lump sum payment on environmental good...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Uncertainty; Portfolio optimisation; Biodiversity; Agricultural policy; Mathematical programming; Agricultural and Food Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q18; Q28.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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EU market access for Mediterranean fruit and vegetables: A gravity model assessment AgEcon
Emlinger, Charlotte; Lozza, Emmanuelle Chevassus; Jacquet, Florence.
Since 1995, a liberalization process - the so- called Barcelona Process - has begun in the Mediterranean area. It aims at establishing a free trade area for 2010 in the Mediterranean Basin. For the moment the full liberalization concerns industrial product s trade whereas agriculture remains sensitive. Among agricultural product s, the fruit and vegetables (F&V) sector is essential for Mediterranean countries and the EU is their first trading partner. In this context, two questions arise: Firstly, to what extent protection influence trade for the med countries, compared to the other countries? Secondly, what would be the impacts of a greater liberalization on F&V trade between the EU and Mediterranean Countries? Our model, based on the new...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fruit and Vegetables; EU-Med agreement; Gravity models; Transport cost; Tariffs; International Relations/Trade; Marketing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Euromediterranean agreements: which advantages for Mediterranean countries in fruit and vegetables sector? AgEcon
Emlinger, Charlotte; Chevassus-Lozza, Emmanuelle; Jacquet, Florence.
This article measures the advantage granted by the European Union to different Mediterranean countries in the fruit and vegetables sector in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements. The advantage of each country are evaluated by calculating the value of the preferential margins, which compares the amount of the customs duties paid by an exporting country with the amount of the duties this country would have paid if it had not enjoyed tariff preferences. The situation of the Mediterranean countries appears to be highly unequal in terms of the advantages granted by the EU in the fruit and vegetables sector. The progress of bilateral negotiations and the export structure in each country explain the significant variations in preferential...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Euromediterranean agreements; Preferential margin; Fruit and vegetables; Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Expected Utility or Prospect Theory Maximizers? Results from a Structural Model based on Field-experiment Data AgEcon
Bocqueho, Geraldine; Jacquet, Florence; Reynaud, Arnaud.
We elicit risk preferences of French farmers in a field experimental setting under expected utility theory and cumulative prospect theory. We use two different estimation methods, namely the interval approach and the estimation of a random preference model. On average, farmers are risk averse and loss averse. They also exhibit an inverse S-shaped probability weighting function, meaning that they tend to overweight small probabilities and underweight high probabilities. We infer from our results that CPT explains farmers’ behaviour better than EUT in the context of our experiment. We also investigate how preferences correlate with individual socio-demographic characteristics. We find that education and agricultural innovation are negatively linked with risk...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Risk preferences; Field experiment; Experimental economics; Prospect theory; Risk and Uncertainty; C91; D81; J16; Q12.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Farm Income Stabilization: A Central Goal for American and European Policies AgEcon
Tyner, Wallace E.; Jacquet, Florence; Gray, Allan W..
The central thesis developed in this paper is that snapshot views of the global measures of agricultural support mask what is really happening in U.S. and E.U. agricultural policies. We demonstrate that American and European farmers are effectively protected from market risk by these policies. The level of PSE is largely determined by the level of world price. Most economists do not pay much attention to the role of agricultural policies in income stability. Yet farm income stability is clearly a prime objective of government policy both in the E.U. and the U.S. and probably elsewhere. We need to turn out attention to this objective if we are to produce policy analysis relevant to real world policy decisions.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural policy; Market risks; Agricultural income; U.S.; E.U.; Agricultural and natural resource economics; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Future Agricultural Policy in the European Union AgEcon
Jacquet, Florence.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Impacts of the French bio-fuel policy on the French arable crop sub-sector AgEcon
Guinde, Loic; Jacquet, Florence; Millet, Guy.
The paper provides an analysis of the impacts of the biofuel policy on the French arable crop sub-sector. The model used is a biofuel supply model composed of an agricultural module and an industrial biofuel processing module. The agricultural supply model is an aggregation of 1094 farm models, based on data from the French Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Different biofuel chains are included in the model: ethanol from wheat and sugar beet, biodiesel (Vegetable Oil Methyl Ester) from rapeseed and sunflower. Scenarios are built upon the recent policy of an increased demand of biofuels for the next years, under the assumption of fulfilling the targets with domestic production only. Results show that the incorporation target of 7% of biofuels in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biofuel; Agriculture; France; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Prospects for EU Biofuel Production and Trade AgEcon
Bamiére, Laure; Bureau, Jean-Christophe; Guinde, Loic; Guyomard, Herve; Jacquet, Florence; Treguer, David.
The paper provides background information regarding the EU policy on biofuels. The purpose is to assess whether this policy may lead to an increased use of European agricultural products to provide energy, or whether it is more likely that the EU will shift towards imports of biofuels. The paper first describes the EU support policy for energy crops, i.e. tax exemption for biofuels and mandatory incorporation taxes in some member states, the impact on demand and supply of biofuels. It then focuses on the prospects for the production and utilization of biofuels in the EU. The paper addresses the three related issues of energy efficiency, environmental benefits and cost competitiveness of EU biofuels and presents simulations regarding the competition between...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Recent developments and prospects for the production of biofuels in the EU: Can they really be "Part of Solution"? AgEcon
Jacquet, Florence; Bamiére, Laure; Bureau, Jean-Christophe; Guinde, Loic; Guyomard, Herve; Treguer, David.
The European Union has launched an ambitious policy aiming at increasing the use of biofuels in land transport “with a view to contributing to objectives such as meeting climate change commitments, environmentally friendly security of supply and promoting renewable energy sources”. Another motivation, at least for some member states, is that the development of biofuels is expected to provide larger outlets for domestic farm products and new employment opportunities in rural areas and make future adjustments of the Common agricultural policy easier. The EU policy of support to energy crops, tax exemption for biofuels and mandatory incorporation targets in some member states, has resulted in a significant increase in the demand and supply of biofuels. The...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Spatially explicit farming system modelling for an efficient agri-environmental policy design AgEcon
Havlik, Petr; Bamiére, Laure; Jacquet, Florence; Millet, Guy.
A mathematical programming model is developed and associated to a spatial pattern index (Ripley L-function) to analyse the optimal reserve design and implementation for the Little Bustard conservation in Plaine de Niort. The model structure corresponds to three spatial levels, fields, farm and landscape. Simple in terms of area representation it is detailed in term of farm behaviour and spatially explicit. The model is applied in a normative and in a positive way. The major findings of the normative approach relate to the trade-offs between the reserve pattern and its cost. It was found that the environmentally optimal reserve, which is randomly dispersed across the zone, is the most costly one. Within the positive approach, it is illustrated that the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Spatial optimization; Mathematical programming; Agri-environmental policies; Tetrax tetrax; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Spatially explicit farming system modelling for an efficient agri-environmental policy design AgEcon
Havlik, Petr; Bamiére, Laure; Jacquet, Florence; Millet, Guy.
A mathematical programming model is developed and associated to a spatial pattern index (Ripley L function) to analyse the optimal reserve design and implementation for the Little Bustard conservation in Plaine de Niort. The model structure corresponds to three spatial levels, fields, farm and landscape. Simple in terms of area representation, it is detailed in terms of farm behaviour and spatially explicit. The model is applied in a normative and in a positive way. The major findings of the normative approach relate to the trade-offs between the reserve pattern and its cost. It was found that the environmentally optimal reserve, which is randomly dispersed across the zone, is the most costly one. Within the positive approach, it is illustrated that the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Spatial optimization; Mathematical programming; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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