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Bluetongue virus spread in Europe is a consequence of climatic, landscape and vertebrate host factors as revealed by phylogeographic inference ArchiMer
Jacquot, Maude; Nomikou, Kyriaki; Palmarini, Massimo; Mertens, Peter; Biek, Roman.
Spatio-temporal patterns of the spread of infectious diseases are commonly driven by environmental and ecological factors. This is particularly true for vector-borne diseases because vector populations can be strongly affected by host distribution as well as by climatic and landscape variables. Here, we aim to identify environmental drivers for bluetongue virus (BTV), the causative agent of a major vector-borne disease of ruminants that has emerged multiple times in Europe in recent decades. In order to determine the importance of climatic, landscape and host-related factors affecting BTV diffusion across Europe, we fitted different phylogeographic models to a dataset of 113 time-stamped and geo-referenced BTV genomes, representing multiple strains and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bluetongue; Phylogeography; Viral diffusion; Environmental drivers; Predictor testing; Vector-borne pathogen.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Comparative Population Genomics of the Borrelia burgdorferi Species Complex Reveals High Degree of Genetic Isolation among Species and Underscores Benefits and Constraints to Studying Intra-Specific Epidemiological Processes ArchiMer
Jacquot, Maude; Gonnet, Mathieu; Ferquel, Elisabeth; Abrial, David; Claude, Alexandre; Gasqui, Patrick; Choumet, Valerie; Charras-garrido, Myriam; Garnier, Martine; Faure, Benjamin; Sertour, Natacha; Dorr, Nelly; De Goer, Jocelyn; Vourc'H, Gwenael; Bailly, Xavier.
Lyme borreliosis, one of the most frequently contracted zoonotic diseases in the Northern Hemisphere, is caused by bacteria belonging to different genetic groups within the Borrelia burgdorferi species complex, which are transmitted by ticks among various wildlife reservoirs, such as small mammals and birds. These features make the Borrelia burgdorferi species complex an attractive biological model that can be used to study the diversification and the epidemiology of endemic bacterial pathogens. We investigated the potential of population genomic approaches to study these processes. Sixty-three strains belonging to three species within the Borrelia burgdorferi complex were isolated from questing ticks in Alsace (France), a region where Lyme disease is...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Contrasting selective patterns across the segmented genome of bluetongue virus in a global reassortment hotspot ArchiMer
Jacquot, Maude; Rao, Pavuluri P.; Yadav, Sarita; Nomikou, Kyriaki; Maan, Sushila; Jyothi, Y. Krishna; Reddy, Narasimha; Putty, Kalyani; Hemadri, Divakar; Singh, Karam P.; Maan, Narender Singh; Hegde, Nagendra R.; Mertens, Peter; Biek, Roman.
For segmented viruses, rapid genomic and phenotypic changes can occur through the process of reassortment, whereby co-infecting strains exchange entire segments creating novel progeny virus genotypes. However, for many viruses with segmented genomes, this process and its effect on transmission dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we assessed the consequences of reassortment for selection on viral diversity through time using bluetongue virus (BTV), a segmented arbovirus that is the causative agent of a major disease of ruminants. We analysed ninety-two BTV genomes isolated across four decades from India, where BTV diversity, and thus opportunities for reassortment, are among the highest in the world. Our results point to frequent reassortment and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bluetongue virus; Evolution; Reassortment; India; Selection.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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"Frozen evolution" of an RNA virus suggests accidental release as a potential cause of arbovirus re-emergence ArchiMer
Pascall, David J.; Nomikou, Kyriaki; Breard, Emmanuel; Zientara, Stephan; Filipe, Ana Da Silva; Hoffmann, Bernd; Jacquot, Maude; Singer, Joshua B.; De Clercq, Kris; Botner, Anette; Sailleau, Corinne; Viarouge, Cyril; Batten, Carrie; Puggioni, Giantonella; Ligios, Ciriaco; Savini, Giovanni; Van Rijn, Piet A.; Mertens, Peter P. C.; Biek, Roman; Palmarini, Massimo.
The mechanisms underlying virus emergence are rarely well understood, making the appearance of outbreaks largely unpredictable. Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8), an arthropod-borne virus of ruminants, emerged in livestock in northern Europe in 2006, spreading to most European countries by 2009 and causing losses of billions of euros. Although the outbreak was successfully controlled through vaccination by early 2010, puzzlingly, a closely related BTV-8 strain re-emerged in France in 2015, triggering a second outbreak that is still ongoing. The origin of this virus and the mechanisms underlying its re-emergence are unknown. Here, we performed phylogenetic analyses of 164 whole BTV-8 genomes sampled throughout the two outbreaks. We demonstrate consistent...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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High dispersal capacity of Culicoides obsoletus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), vector of bluetongue and Schmallenberg viruses, revealed by landscape genetic analyses ArchiMer
Mignotte, Antoine; Garros, Claire; Dellicour, Simon; Jacquot, Maude; Gilbert, Marius; Gardès, Laetitia; Balenghien, Thomas; Duhayon, Maxime; Rakotoarivony, Ignace; De Wavrechin, Maïa; Huber, Karine.
Background In the last two decades, recurrent epizootics of bluetongue virus and Schmallenberg virus have been reported in the western Palearctic region. These viruses affect domestic cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants and are transmitted by native hematophagous midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Culicoides dispersal is known to be stratified, i.e. due to a combination of dispersal processes occurring actively at short distances and passively or semi-actively at long distances, allowing individuals to jump hundreds of kilometers. Methods Here, we aim to identify the environmental factors that promote or limit gene flow of Culicoides obsoletus, an abundant and widespread vector species in Europe, using an innovative framework...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Culicoides obsoletus; Landscape genetics; Microsatellite; Dispersal; Palearctic region.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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High-Throughput Sequence Typing Reveals Genetic Differentiation and Host Specialization among Populations of the Borrelia burgdorferi Species Complex that Infect Rodents ArchiMer
Jacquot, Maude; Bisseux, Maxime; Abrial, David; Marsot, Maud; Ferquel, Elisabeth; Chapuis, Jean-louis; Vourc'H, Gwenael; Bailly, Xavier.
Lyme disease is a zoonosis caused by various species belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterial species complex. These pathogens are transmitted by ticks and infect multiple, taxonomically distinct, host species. From an epidemiological perspective, it is important to determine whether genetic variants within the species complex are able to spread freely through the whole host community or, instead, if certain variants are restricted to particular hosts. To this end, we characterized the genotypes of members of the B. burgdorferi species complex; the bacteria were isolated from more than two hundred individuals captured in the wild and belonging to three different rodent host species. For each individual, we used a high-throughput approach to amplify...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Multiple independent transmission cycles of a tick-borne pathogen within a local host community ArchiMer
Jacquot, Maude; Abrial, David; Gasqui, Patrick; Bord, Severine; Marsot, Maud; Masseglia, Sebastien; Pion, Angelique; Poux, Valerie; Zilliox, Laurence; Chapuis, Jean-louis; Vourc'H, Gwenael; Bailly, Xavier.
Many pathogens are maintained by multiple host species and involve multiple strains with potentially different phenotypic characteristics. Disentangling transmission patterns in such systems is often challenging, yet investigating how different host species contribute to transmission is crucial to properly assess and manage disease risk. We aim to reveal transmission cycles of bacteria within the Borrelia burgdorferi species complex, which include Lyme disease agents. We characterized Borrelia genotypes found in 488 infected Ixodes ricinus nymphs collected in the Senart Forest located near Paris (France). These genotypes were compared to those observed in three sympatric species of small mammals and network analyses reveal four independent transmission...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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