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Accessory Tendon and Tripartite Insertion Pattern of Fibularis Longus Muscle: A Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Jayakumari,S; Suri,R. K.; Rath,G; Arora,J.
The fibular muscles are the chief everters of foot and play an important role in stabilizing its subtalar motion. In the present case detected incidentally, we report a case of an accessory tendon and tripartite insertion pattern of fibularis longus muscle in the left leg, out of which two slips were attached to plantar and lateral aspects of base of first metatarsal and the third slip was found blending with first dorsal interosseous muscle. Awareness and precise knowledge of such anatomical variants are important to surgeons performing reconstructive procedures
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Fibularis longus muscle; Accessory tendon; Tripartite insertion.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Unilateral Double Axillary and Double Brachial Arteries: Embryological Basis and Clinical Implications International Journal of Morphology
Jayakumari,S; Rath,Gayatri; Arora,Jyoti.
This report presents double axillary and double brachial arteries on the right side of an adult male cadaver. In this case, the right axillary artery bifurcated into axillary artery I and axillary artery II posterior to the pectoralis minor muscle. Both the axillary arteries with their branches traversed upto lower border of teres major muscle and continued further as seperate entities into the cubital fossa as brachial artery I and brachial artery II respectively. The axillary artery I which continued as brachial artery I was superficial and tortuous in its course, while the axillary artery II was slender and deeply situated. The thoraco-acromial, lateral thoracic and subscapular arteries took origin from axillary artery I. The superior thoracic artery...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Axillary artery; Brachial artery; Anatomical variation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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