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Coupled modeling of thermics and hydrogeology with the Cast3M code: application to the Rainbow hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36A degrees 14'N) ArchiMer
Perez, Florian; Muegler, Claude; Jean-baptiste, Philippe; Charlou, Jean-luc.
We present a new numerical tool developed in the Cast3M software framework to model hydrothermal circulation. Thermodynamic properties of one-phase pure water are calculated from the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam formulation. This new numerical tool is validated on several test cases of convection in closed-top and open-top boxes. Simulations of hydrothermal circulation in a homogeneous-permeability porous medium also give results in good agreement with already published simulations. This new numerical tool is used to construct a geometric and physical conceptual model of the Rainbow vent site at 36A degrees 14(')N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Several configurations are discussed, showing that high temperatures and high mass...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrothermal system; Mid-ocean ridge; Numerical modeling; Rainbow vent site; Permeability.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Gaining insight into Clipperton's lagoon hydrology using tritium ArchiMer
Jean-baptiste, Philippe; Fourre, Elise; Charlou, Jean-luc; Donval, Jean-pierre; Correge, Thierry.
Historical descriptions of the Clipperton lagoon appear to converge on the fact that it became isolated from the surrounding ocean around 1858. Since then, because of the high precipitation rate which largely exceeds evaporation in this region of the eastern tropical Pacific, a brackish lens has formed on top of the saline oceanic waters. In 1980, literature data show that the thickness of this water body was reaching 14 m. During the 2005 Etienne's Clipperton expedition, we collected lagoon water on two vertical profiles. Salinity, delta O-18 and tritium analyses were performed on these samples with the objective of gaining further insight into the lagoon hydrology and age of the deep waters. The upper 15 m were characterized by low salinities (5.4 +/-...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oxygen isotopes; Tritium; Enclosed lagoon hydrology; Clipperton atoll.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Helium transport in sediment pore fluids of the Congo-Angola margin ArchiMer
Chaduteau, Carine; Jean-baptiste, Philippe; Fourre, Elise; Charlou, Jean-luc; Donval, Jean-pierre.
During the ZaiRov2 cruise of the ZaiAngo project (1998-2000) on the passive Congo-Angola margin, several gravity cores were analyzed for helium isotopic composition of sedimentary pore waters in two cold fluid seepage zones: the Astrid slide area and the Regab giant pockmark. Gas concentration and isotopic composition are presented along with thermal data in terms of the origin and circulation of fluids. Helium isotope data lie on a mixing line between bottom seawater and an almost pure radiogenic. Helium and temperature vertical profiles are well described by the classic diffusion-advection equation. On the basis of He profiles, we estimate the advection rate on the rim of the pockmark between 1.2 and 2.3 mm/a. The He flux derived for a pure diffusive...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zaire Angola margin; Sediment; Regab; Pore fluids; Pockmark; Helium.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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L'Hydrothermalisme océanique ArchiMer
Bougault, Henri; Charlou, Jean-luc; Fouquet, Yves; Appriou, Pierre; Jean-baptiste, Philippe.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1993 URL:
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