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Bioenergy – A New Chance for Czech Agriculture and its Risks 31
Doucha, Tomas; Jelinek, Ladislav; Medonos, Tomas.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Czech Agricultural Associations and the Impact of Membership on Farm Efficiency 31
Bavorova, Miroslava; Curtiss, Jarmila; Jelinek, Ladislav.
The study investigates the efficiency effect of affiliation with the two strongest associations in Czech agriculture. These represent large-scale enterprises and individual farmers, respectively. The efficiency analysis is supplemented by analyses of incentives for associations' membership and farm characteristics decisive for membership choice. The results imply that political lobbying is the main entry incentive. Commercially-oriented individual farms which employ external workers are more likely to choose association membership, as are agricultural enterprises that specialize in livestock production or preserve a high share of employee ownership. We find that association membership has a significant positive impact on farms' performance, especially...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Associations; Agricultural enterprises; Czech agriculture; Incentives; Individual farms; Technical efficiency; Stochastic frontier analysis; Transition; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Energy Efficiency and Shadow Costs of Energy Saving in Conventional Agricultural Production: The Case of Czech Wheat Production 31
Curtiss, Jarmila; Jelinek, Ladislav.
Increasing worldwide energy demand and diminishing supplies of fossil fuels have necessitated the development and increasing use of new sustainable energy sources, as well as more parsimonious energy use. In the context of agriculture, research has focused predominantly on the production of bio-energy, while only a limited number of studies have investigated the energy use and possible energy saving in conventional agricultural production. In response to this lack in empirical research this study aims (i) to measure the farm-level energy and cost efficiency of conventional agricultural (wheat) production, (ii) to identify the potential for energy saving in conventional agriculture and quantify its shadow cost, (iii) to identify production technologies and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Energy efficiency; Cost efficiency; Shadow cost of energy saving; Agriculture; Czech farm; Wheat production; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; D24.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Future and Past Effects of the Common Agricultural Policy in Czech Republic 31
Sahrbacher, Christoph; Jelinek, Ladislav; Kellermann, Konrad; Medonos, Tomas.
The paper discusses the impact of the implementation of the EU Common Agricultural Policy on Czech agriculture with a special emphasis given to the effects resulting from the application of current direct payments system. Two approaches were applied: in an ex post analysis we address how accession have so far influenced structural changes income situation and production structure. Secondly, in an ex-ante analysis we apply the agent-based model AgriPoliS to simulate the impacts of decoupling top-ups on structural change and farm income. In the ex post analysis it has been observed that production decisions are strongly influenced by top-ups. Furthermore, the model shows that accession slows down structural change while decoupling of top-ups in 2009 will not...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Structural change; Czech Republic; Decoupling; Agent-based modelling; Common Agricultural Policy.; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Impact of public subsidies on farms’ technical efficiency in New Member States before and after EU accession 31
Latruffe, Laure; Bakucs, Lajos Zoltan; Bojnec, Stefan; Ferto, Imre; Fogarasi, Jozsef; Gavrilescu, Camelia; Jelinek, Ladislav; Luca, Lucian; Medonos, Tomas; Toma, Camelia.
This paper presents some results of a two-year (2006-2007) research project supported by the French Ministry of Research’s funding program ECONET. One of the project’s objectives was to investigate the determinants of farm technical efficiency in New Member States before and after accession to the European Union, and in particular the role of public subsidies on this performance variable. Four countries were considered: Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovenia, who acceded to the EU in 2004, and Romania, whose accession was in 2007. The study found that subsidies had a negative impact on farm technical efficiency in Hungary over the period 2001-2005, in the Czech dairy corporate sector over the period 2000-2004, in Slovenia over the period 1994-2003, and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Technical efficiency; Farms; Subsidies; Hungary; Czech Republic; Slovenia; Romania; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Risk and Subsidies in Czech Agriculture - an ex-ante Analysis of Farmers´ Decision-making 31
Jelinek, Ladislav; Foltyn, Ivan; Spicka, Jindrich; Ratinger, Tomas.
This paper deals with the ex-ante analysis of the effects of farm subsidies on farm behaviour. Beside that the risk factor is implemented in the farm model to reflect and quantify potential (negative) impact on farm results. A farm-level optimization model is used to assess the effects of different kind of policies and risk on production structure, income indicators and land use management. It appeared that a reasonable level of risk (via income variation) have impact, but not significant. If liberalisation would have happened (zero direct and disadvantageous payments) production would homogenised, 30% of land would remained abandoned, production and income would clearly decline. Other scenario points out that environmental objectives (here through more...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agrarian policy; Risk assessment; Farm model; Direct payments; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; GA; IN.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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What determines the Czech land market prices? Some regional findings 31
Medonos, Tomas; Vilhelm, Vaclav; Hruska, Martin; Jelinek, Ladislav.
The paper deals with the analysis of market land prices that were collected from land purchased contracts in the Czech Republic. Regression model was used to identify determinants explaining variability of market prices between 2008 and 2009. It was found out that type of plantation, region, type of buyers, plot size, distance to regional city or number of parcels play significant role. These factors explain more than a half of variance in land price. Quality of land that was expressed through administrative price has significant effect on market price. Yet, such effect became less import in regions nearby cities (e.g. Prague and Olomouc), where the market land price is significantly influenced by the distance to the district city. Land reform, however has...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Land; Market price; Administrative price; Regression model; Region.; Land Economics/Use; GA; IN.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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