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Agronomical techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality 21
David, C.; Celette, F.; Abecassis, J.; Carcea, M.; Dubois, D.; Friedel, J.K.; Hellou, G.; Jeuffroy, M.H.; Mäder, P.; Thomsen, I.K..
In spite of variable grain protein contents, baking quality of organic wheat was found to be acceptable to good. Mycotoxin (DON) infestation was generally low on tested grain samples. Choice of wheat cultivar was the most efficient way to obtain higher grain quality. Fertilization with readily available nitrogen and, to a lower extent, association with legumes and green manures with mixtures containing fodder legumes also improved grain quality. Reduced tillage affected soil quality and wheat yield but had little effects on grain quality.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Nitrogen management of organic winter wheat Decision-making through model-based explorations 21
David, C.; Jeuffroy, M.H.; Meynard, J.M..
In organic wheat, nitrogen is one of the key limiting factors responsible for irregular productivity and low quality (David et al, 2005b), 5 to 50 % less than conventionally managed crops (Nieberg and Schulze Pals, 1996). On arable farms, the decreasing use of N-organic sources such as forage legumes, manures and composts relative to mixed-farms requires the development of suitable fertility strategies based on the use of off-farm organic fertilizers. Numerous mechanistic crop models simulating the dynamics of crop requirements and N supply in the soil (e.g. CERES, EPIC, APSIM, ARCWHEAT STICS) have previously been developed (Whisler et al, 1996). Although these models are highly used in research, their complexity and input requirements have limited their...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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