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Amphi-Atlantic cold-seep Bathymodiolus species complexes across the equatorial belt 5
Olu, Karine; Von Cosel, R; Hourdez, S; Carney, S; Jollivet, D.
Deep-sea bivalves of the subfamily Bathymodiolinae (family Mytilidae) are very widespread and form dense beds in reduced environments such as hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. Bathymodiolus mussels recently discovered on African cold seeps strangely resemble Gulf of Mexico and Barbados seep species. This raises intriguing questions regarding their taxonomic relationships and their dispersal capabilities across the Atlantic equatorial belt. The morphological study of the shell and soft parts of mussels from either sites of the Atlantic shows that they form two distinct groups: the Bathymodiolus boomerang group (also including Bathymodiolus heckerae and a species from Africa), and the Bathymodiolus childressi group (also including Bathymodiolus mauritanicus...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: RDNA ITS2; Mitochondrial cytochrome oxydase; Amphi Atlantic species; Cold seeps; Bathymodiolus.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Evidence for differences in the allozyme thermostability of deep-sea hydrothermal vent polychaetes (Alvinellidae): a possible selection by habitat 5
Jollivet, D; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Ladrat, Christine; Laubier, Lucien.
Alvinellid polychaetes are, to date, restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the eastern and the western ridges of the Pacific Ocean. These organisms Live in various sulfide-rich habitats, including the hottest part of the hydrothermal environment (i.e. chimneys). They experience transient anoxia, high levels of heavy metals and H2S, natural radioactivity and temperatures ranging from 5 to 80 degrees C which vary greatly with time. The Alvinellidae, as many vent organisms, have developed specific adaptations to cope with this harsh and unstable environment. Enzyme systems are good markers of the adaptation of ectotherms to temperature, which acts on both enzyme kinetics and protein denaturation. We estimated genetic distances between 11 alvinellid...
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Mark-recapture cloning: a straightforward and cost-effective cloning method for population genetics of single-copy nuclear DNA sequences in diploids 5
Bierne, Nicolas; Tanguy, A; Faure, Michel; Faure, B; David, E; Boutet, I; Boon, E; Quere, N; Plouviez, S; Kemppainen, P; Jollivet, D; Moraga, D; Boudry, Pierre; David, P.
We describe a simple protocol to reduce the number of cloning reactions of nuclear DNA sequences in population genetic studies of diploid organisms. Cloning is a necessary step to obtain correct haplotypes in such organisms, and, while traditional methods are efficient at cloning together many genes of a single individual, population geneticists rather need to clone the same locus in many individuals. Our method consists of marking individual sequences during the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 5'-tailed primers with small polynucleotide tags. PCR products are mixed together before the cloning reaction and clones are sequenced with universal plasmid primers. The individual from which a sequence comes from is identified by the tag sequences upstream...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sequence; Population genetics; High throughput allele recognition; DNA polymorphism.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Reproductive biology, sexual dimorphism, and population structure of the deep sea hydrothermal vent scale-worm, Branchiplynoee seepensis (Polychaeta : Polynoidae) 5
Jollivet, D; Empis, A; Baker, Mc; Hourdez, S; Comtet, Thierry; Jouin-toulmond, C; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Tyler, Pa.
The polychaete family Polynoidae (scale-worms) is well-represented at deep sea hydrothermal vents. Most species are free-living in a wide range of habitats: from high-temperature hydrothermal `chimney' walls to diffuse venting areas. Conversely, species of the genus Branchipolynoe live inside the mantle cavity of vent and seep mytilids. Specimens, morphologically close to Branchipolynoe seepensis, have been reported from all the known vent areas on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), with varying infestation rates (0¿6 individuals per host). Reproductive tract, gametogenesis and population structures were examined for specimens from the Lucky Strike vent field (MAR) in order to test whether this species displays dwarf males, protandric hermaphroditism or...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Sharp genetic break between Atlantic and English Channel populations of the polychaete Pectinaria koreni, along the North coast of France 5
Jolly, Mt; Jollivet, D; Gentil, F; Thiebaut, E; Viard, F.
This study uses enzymatic and mitochondrial genes to infer the relative importance of historical processes and contemporary hydrodynamic features on the observed patterns of genetic structure in subdivided populations of Pectinaria koreni (Polychaeta: Pectinariidae) along the coasts of Brittany and the English Channel. Nucleotide sequence variation of a 603-bp fragment of the mtDNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene revealed a surprisingly deep phylogeographic break of about 16% divergence separating the Brittany and Channel populations, which coincides with a biogeographic boundary along the western coast of Brittany. Deep sequence divergence with fixed haplotype differences and the inversion of allele frequencies at two enzyme loci suggests the occurrence...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phylogeography; Allozymes; MtDNA; Parapatric boundary; Cryptic species.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Temperature resistance studies on the deep-sea vent shrimp Mirocaris fortunata 5
Shillito, B; Le Bris, Nadine; Hourdez, S; Ravaux, J; Cottin, D; Caprais, Jean-claude; Jollivet, D; Gaill, F.
The shrimp Mirocaris fortunata is a hydrothermal vent species that is found at most vent-sites along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This endemic species is found across a hydrothermal gradient, with thermal conditions ranging from 2-9 degrees C in ambient seawater to fairly warm values of about 25 degrees C. We performed in vivo experiments on M. fortunata specimens originating from different sites and depths (850 m to 2300 m), both at atmospheric pressure and in pressurized aquaria, to characterise the upper thermal limits of this species. Atmospheric pressure results show that thermal physiology should be studied at each population's native pressure. At in situ pressure, shrimps from Menez Gwen (850 m depth) and Lucky Strike (1700 m depth) do not survive...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: IPOCAMP TM; Crustacea; Mirocaris fortunata; Thermal stress; Hydrothermal vent.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Thermotolerance and the 'Pompeii worms' 5
Chevaldonne, P; Fisher, Cr; Childress, Jj; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Jollivet, D; Zal, F; Toulmond, A.
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Ano: 2000 URL:
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