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Benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of drill cutting disposal in tropical east Atlantic outer shelf environments ArchiMer
Mojtahid, Meryem; Jorissen, Frans; Durrieu, Josiane; Galgani, Francois; Howa, Helene; Redois, Fabrice; Camps, Roger.
We present a study of benthic foraminiferal. faunas from the outer continental shelf off Congo (tropical West Africa), with the aim to determine the impact of the discharge of oily drill cuttings on the sea floor environment, to judge the regenerating capacity of the benthic ecosystem, and to investigate the possibility to develop an environmental monitoring method for open marine continental shelf environments, based on benthic foraminifera. We studied the spatial distribution and microhabitats of living and dead foraminiferal faunas, sampled in April 2003, 4 years after the end of disposal activities, in the upper 3 cm of the sediment at 9 stations (about 180 m depth) offshore Congo, that were subject to various degrees of pollution by oily cuttings from...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oily cuttings; Opportunistic taxa; Drill mud; Bio indicator; Eutrophication; Outer shelf; Benthic foraminifera.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effect of light on photosynthetic efficiency of sequestered chloroplasts in intertidal benthic foraminifera (Haynesina germanica and Ammonia tepida) ArchiMer
Jauffrais, Thierry; Jesus, Bruno; Metzger, Edouard; Mouget, Jean-luc; Jorissen, Frans; Geslin, Emmanuelle.
Some benthic foraminifera have the ability to incorporate functional chloroplasts from diatoms (kleptoplasty). Our objective was to investigate chloroplast functionality of two benthic foraminifera (Haynesina germanica and Ammonia tepida) exposed to different irradiance levels (0, 25, 70 mot photon m(-2) s(-1)) using spectral reflectance, epifluorescence observations, oxygen evolution and pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry (maximum photosystem II quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) and rapid light curves (RLC)). Our results clearly showed that H. germanica was capable of using its kleptoplasts for more than 1 week while A. tepida showed very limited kleptoplastic ability with maximum photosystem II quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm = 0.4), much lower than H....
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Refining benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca-temperature calibrations using core-tops from the western tropical Atlantic: Implication for paleotemperature estimation ArchiMer
Tisserand, Amandine A.; Dokken, Trond M.; Waelbroeck, Claire; Gherardi, Jeanne Marie; Scao, Vincent; Fontanier, Christophe; Jorissen, Frans.
Benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca has been shown to have great potential as a proxy for reconstructing deep water temperatures. However, the exact relationship between Mg uptake in benthic foraminifera and temperature is still ambiguous, and further exploration and refinement is much needed to reduce uncertainties associated with the method. Here, we present new core-top Mg/Ca data from benthic foraminiferal species from the lower part of the thermocline in the western tropical Atlantic (northern Brazilian margin). This area is unusual in that the changes in carbonate chemistry along the transect are very small, making it an ideal region for isolating and studying the role of temperature in the incorporation of Mg into the benthic shells. Our results show that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic foraminiferal Mg; Ca; Intermediate water temperature; Equatorial thermocline; Western tropical Atlantic Ocean; Core-tops.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Temperature calibration of Mg/Ca ratios in the intermediate water benthic foraminifer Hyalinea balthica ArchiMer
Rosenthal, Yair; Morley, Audrey; Barras, Christine; Katz, Miriam E.; Jorissen, Frans; Reichart, Gert-jan; Oppo, Delia W.; Linsley, Braddock K..
Core top samples from Indonesian and northeast Atlantic depth transects were used to calibrate Mg/Ca and delta O-18 in tests of the calcitic benthic foraminifer Hyalinea balthica to bottom water temperature between 4 degrees C and 13 degrees C. This shallow infaunal species is primarily abundant in neritic to upper bathyal sediments (< 600 m). Both linear and exponential calibrations suggest a temperature sensitivity of similar to 12% per degrees C that is similar to 4 times higher than observed in other species of deep-sea benthic foraminifera. Culture experiments support the core top calibration. We find no discernible effect of salinity and saturation on Mg/Ca. Comparison between the measured benthic foraminiferal delta O-18 and predicted equilibrium...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mg/Ca; Benthic foraminifera; Temperature calibration; Isotope.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Understanding continent-ocean sediment transfer ArchiMer
Mulder, Thierry; Cirac, Pierre; Gaudin, Mathieu; Bourillet, Jean-francois; Trainer, J.; Normand, Alain; Weber, O.; Griboulard, R.; Jouanneau, Jean-marie; Anschutz, Pierre; Jorissen, Frans.
Submarine canyons are narrow but deep submarine valleys that extend for hundreds of meters. They represent the most impressive structures that shape the present morphology of passive continental margins. They can occur off the mouth of rivers: the Tagus, Zaire, Amazon, and Orinoco in the Atlantic; the Indus in the Indian Ocean; and the Var, Rhone, and Ebro in the Mediterranean. Some are at times disconnected from any stream mouth such as the Nazare canyon, off Portugal, despite the fact that it is close to the coast. Some were connected to a river mouth during lowstands of sea level, such as the Wilmington canyon in the northwest Atlantic, or the Blackmud canyon in the northeast Atlantic.
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Ano: 2004 URL:
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Unexpected biotic resilience on the Japanese seafloor caused by the 2011 Tohoku-Oki tsunami ArchiMer
Toyofuku, Takashi; Duros, Pauline; Fontanier, Christophe; Mamo, Briony; Bichon, Sabrina; Buscail, Roselyne; Chabaud, Gerard; Deflandre, Bruno; Goubet, Sarah; Gremare, Antoine; Menniti, Christophe; Fujii, Minami; Kawamura, Kiichiro; Koho, Karoliina Annika; Noda, Atsushi; Namegaya, Yuichi; Oguri, Kazumasa; Radakovitch, Olivier; Murayama, Masafumi; De Nooijer, Lennart Jan; Kurasawa, Atushi; Ohkawara, Nina; Okutani, Takashi; Sakaguchi, Arito; Jorissen, Frans; Reichart, Gert-jan; Kitazato, Hiroshi.
On March 11th, 2011 the Mw 9.0 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake resulted in a tsunami which caused major devastation in coastal areas. Along the Japanese NE coast, tsunami waves reached maximum run-ups of 40 m, and travelled kilometers inland. Whereas devastation was clearly visible on land, underwater impact is much more difficult to assess. Here, we report unexpected results obtained during a research cruise targeting the seafloor off Shimokita (NE Japan), shortly (five months) after the disaster. The geography of the studied area is characterized by smooth coastline and a gradually descending shelf slope. Although high-energy tsunami waves caused major sediment reworking in shallow-water environments, investigated shelf ecosystems were characterized by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Palaeoceanography; Biodiversity.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Updated calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer in planktonic and benthic foraminifera ArchiMer
Peral, Marion; Daeron, Mathieu; Blamart, Dominique; Bassinot, Franck; Dewilde, Fabien; Smialkowski, Nicolas; Isguder, Gulay; Bonnin, Jerome; Jorissen, Frans; Kissel, Catherine; Michel, Elisabeth; Vazquez Riveiros, Natalia; Waelbroeck, Claire.
Accurate reconstruction of past ocean temperatures is of critical importance to paleoclimatology. Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry (“Δ47”) is a relatively recent technique based on the strong relationship between calcification temperature and the statistical excess of 13C-18O bonds in carbonates. Its application to foraminifera holds great scientific potential, particularly because Δ47 paleotemperature reconstructions do not require assumptions regarding the 18O composition of seawater. However there are still relatively few published observations investigating the potential influence of parameters such as salinity or foraminiferal size and species. We present a new calibration data set based on 234 replicate analyses of 9 planktonic and 2 benthic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbonate clumped isotopes; Foraminifera; Paleothermometry.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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