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A Comparison of Wholesaler/Retailer Business Characteristics of Natural Products between Ghana and Rwanda AgEcon
Govindasamy, Ramu; Simon, James E.; Puduri, Venkata S.; Juliani, H. Rodolfo; Asante-Dartey, Juliana; Arthur, Hanson; Diawuo, Bismarck; Acquaye, Dan; Hitimana, Nicholas.
The usage of natural products is becoming an increasingly common consumer phenomenon due to increasing health consciousness, and because of their naturalness, and medicinal qualities of the products. African countries are very rich with natural products resources and supplies. The continent’s rich botanical heritage offers an excellent opportunity to diversify away from other traditional exports. Europe and the USA are particularly promising markets for natural products. Thus, it is advantageous to examine development of natural products exporting as alternative or complimentary economic opportunities for many African people, especially those in the rural areas. This paper has explores both factors which promote and which act as obstacles to the natural...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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An Overview of Marketing of Ghana Natural Products AgEcon
Govindasamy, Ramu; Onyango, Benjamin M.; Puduri, Venkata S.; Simon, James E.; Juliani, H. Rodolfo; Asante-Dartey, Juliana; Arthur, Hanson; Diawuo, Bismarck; Acquaye, Dan.
The study finds strong correlations between natural products business performance and the impeding factors. The impediments include access to finance and markets, lack of herbal market information especially relating to external markets. Additionally, there is lack of processing capacity, while at the same time most if not all the natural products business operators lack technical training relating to product handling. However, there is big potential for success, the top ten traded natural products, may be exploited initially, both domestically and for export market, given range of perceived use. The constraints identified require concerted efforts from all stakeholders to recognize the importance of this sub-sector in providing opportunities to successful...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Marketing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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