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Intraspecific variation in sensitivity to ambient ultraviolet-B radiation in growth and yield characteristics of eight soybean cultivars grown under field conditions Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Baroniya,Sanjay S.; Kataria,Sunita; Pandey,G.P.; Guruprasad,Kadur N..
The present study was conducted with eight cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) to determine the effect of exclusion of solar UV-B on the vegetative growth (plant height, leaf area, no. of nodes), UV absorbing compounds (implicated in UV protection) and crop yield (No. of pods and seed weight) and to determine the cultivar difference in their sensitivity to ambient UV-B. Exclusion of solar UV-B enhanced the vegetative growth and yield of all the soybean cultivars. The results showed a significant inverse association between the enhancement in vegetative growth and number of pods among the cultivars tested, indicating differences in the carbon partitioning amongst the cultivars by the way of exclusion of solar UV-B. NRC-7, Pusa-24 and JS-335 showed maximum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Exclusion; Leaf Area; Sensitivity index; UV-Absorbing substances.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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