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Benthic impact of fisheries in European waters: the distribution and intensity of bottom trawling ArchiMer
Eigaard, Ole R.; Bastardie, Francois; Hintzen, Niels; Buhl-mortensen, Lene; Buhl-mortensen, Pål; Catarino, Rui; Dinesen, Grete E.; Fock, Heino; Geitner, Kerstin; Gerritsen, Hans; Gonzalez, Manuel M.; Jonsson, Patrik; Kavadas, Stefanos; Laffargue, Pascal; Lundy, Mathieu; Mirelis, Genoveva G.; Nielsen, Rasmus; Papadopoulou, Nadia; Posen, Paulette; Pulcinella, Jacopo; Russo, Tomasso; Sala, Antonello; Silva, Cristina; Smith, Chris; Vanelslander, Bart; Zengin, Mustafa; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D..
Mapping and monitoring of pressure from fishery on the marine benthic environment is necessary to support an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). In many cases this need is not reflected in official fisheries statistics and logbooks, where focus typically is on catch rather than effort. Consequently, most logbook information is not well suited for quantitative estimation of seafloor impact (swept area and impact severity) of the different gears and trips. We developed a method to overcome this information deficiency of official statistics and produced European wide high-resolution fishing intensity maps (total yearly swept area within grid cells of 1*1 minutes longitude and latitude) for 2010, 2011 and 2012. The annual distribution and...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Large-scale distribution of a deep-sea megafauna community along Mediterranean trawlable grounds ArchiMer
Fernandez-arcaya, Ulla; Bitetto, Isabella; Esteban, Antonio; Farriols, M. Teresa; García-ruiz, Cristina; Gil De Sola, Luis; Guijarro, Beatriz; Jadaud, Angelique; Kavadas, Stefanos; Lembo, Giuseppe; Milisenda, Giacomo; Maina, Irida; Petovic, Slavica; Sion, Letizia; Vaz, Sandrine; Massutí, Enric.
The large-scale distribution pattern of megafauna communities along the Mediterranean middle slope was explored. The study was conducted between 500 and 800 m depth where deep-water fishery occurs. Although community studies carried out deeper than 500 m are partly available for some geographic areas, few large-scale comparative studies have been carried out. Within the framework of the MEDITS survey programme, we compared the megafauna community structure in ten geographical sub-areas (GSAs) along the Mediterranean coasts. Additionally, the spatial distribution of fishing was analysed using vessel monitoring by satellite information. Overall, the community showed a significant difference between sub-areas, with a decreasing eastward pattern in abundance...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Distribution pattern; Fishing impact; Continental slope; Deep sea; Megafauna; Red shrimp; Community.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Report on assessing trawling impact in regional seas ArchiMer
Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Bastardie, Francois; Buhl-mortensen, Lene; Eigaard, Ole; Gümüs, Aysun; Hintzen, Niels T.; Kavadas, Stefanos; Laffargue, Pascal; Mehault, Sonia; Notti, Emilio; Papadoupoulou, Nadia; Polet, Hans; Reid, David; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Robert, Alexandre; Sala, Antonello; Smith, Chris; Virgili, Massimo; Zengin, Mustafa.
Baltic Sea Benthic ecosystem impacts from demersal fishery in the western Baltic is assumed to come mainly from Nephrops trawling in the central and southern Kattegat, mussel dredging in the Belt Sea, and mixed cod trawling in the western Baltic Sea.These fisheries both impact the seabed, as well as produce substantial amounts of discards. The western Baltic Sea offer a unique opportunity to analyse the benthic effects of fishingthanks to the closure of Øresund to towed gears since the 1920s, and the introduction of the Kattegat MPA in2009 (including cod closure) and the western Baltic Sea Natura-2000 areas. Furthermore an extensive benthic nationalmonitoring and data collection effort has taken place in the area over a number of years, which can be usedto...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Size-dependent survival of European hake juveniles in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Hidalgo, Manuel; Ligas, Alessandro; Maria Bellido, Jose; Bitetto, Isabella; Carbonara, Pierluiggi; Carlucci, Roberto; Guijarro, Beatriz; Jadaud, Angelique; Lembo, Giuseppe; Manfredi, Chiara; Esteban, Antonio; Garofalo, Germana; Ikica, Zdravko; Garcia, Cristina; Gil De Sola, Luis; Kavadas, Stefanos; Maina, Irida; Sion, Letizia; Vittori, Stefania; Vrgoc, Nedo.
Most studies on European hake focus on the recruitment process and nursery areas, whereas the information is comparatively limited on the ecology of the juvenile stage (ca. second year of life)-the one most exploited by the Mediterranean trawl fisheries. Using information of the MEDITS programme, we provide a spatial and temporal assessment of the influence of body size and growth on hake survival from recruits (age 0) to juveniles (age 1), along with the impact of surface temperature and chlorophyll variability. At a biogeographic scale, size-dependent survival is supported, with areas with higher mean length of recruits and juveniles yielding higher survival. A similar pattern was observed at interannual level in some western Mediterranean areas, also...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Juvenile survival; European hake; Mediterranean Sea; Size dependence.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Stability of the relationships among demersal fish assemblages and environmental-trawling drivers at large spatio-temporal scales in the northern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Mérigot, Bastien; Gaertner, Jean-claude; Brind’amour, Anik; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Esteban, Antonio; Garcia-ruiz, Cristina; Gristina, Michele; Imzilen, Taha; Jadaud, Angelique; Joksimovic, Aleksandar; Kavadas, Stefanos; Kolitari, Jerina; Maina, Irida; Maiorano, Porzia; Manfredi, Chiara; Micallef, Reno; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Relini, Giulio; Sbrana, Mario; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Thasitis, Ioannis; Vittori, Stefania; Vrgoc, Nedo.
Trawling pressure and environmental changes may affect the composition of fish assemblages. Our knowledge on large spatio-temporal patterns of demersal fish composition remains incomplete for the Mediterranean Sea. We investigated (1) the spatio-temporal stability of demersal assemblages, (2) the relationships between these assemblages and potential structuring factors (trawling pressure and environmental conditions) in order to assess the dynamic of the assemblage structure at the scale of the northern Mediterranean Sea. We analysed a dataset of 18062 hauls from 10 to 800 m depth performed annually during the last two decades across 17 Geographical Sub-Areas (GSAs) (MEDITS program). A multi-table analysis (STATICO-CoA) evidenced a strong inter-GSAs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Species composition; Stability; Demersal assemblages; Environment; Fishing pressure; Large scale; Co-inertia analysis; STATICO-CoA.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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