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Benthis. Final Report ArchiMer
Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Eigaard, Ole R.; Kenny, Andrew; Hiddink, Jan Geert; Hamon, Katell; Piet, Gerjan; Sala, Antonello; Nielsen, Rasmus; Polet, Hans; Laffargue, Pascal; Zengin, Mustafa; Gregerson, Olavur.
BENTHIS developed the scientific basis to quantify the impact of bottom trawling on the seafloor and the benthic ecosystem. Based on insight in how fishing gear affects the seafloor, an assessment framework was developed that provide indicators of impact and seafloor status on a continuous scale that can be applied in the context of the MSFD. The mechanistic approach allows us to set reference values of impact (status) to estimate the proportion of a region or habitat where the impact is below (status is above) the threshold. The methodology combines estimates of trawling intensity with the depth to which the fishing gear penetrates into the sea bed (penetration profile) and the sensitivity of the habitat. Habitat sensitivity is estimated from the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Fishing impact and environmental status in European seas: a diagnosis from stock assessments and ecosystem indicators ArchiMer
Gascuel, Didier; Coll, Marta; Fox, Clive; Guenette, Sylvie; Guitton, Jerome; Kenny, Andrew; Knittweis, Leyla; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Piet, Gerjan; Raid, Tiit; Travers-trolet, Morgane; Shephard, Samuel.
Stock-based and ecosystem-based indicators are used to provide a new diagnosis of the fishing impact and environmental status of European seas. In the seven European marine ecosystems covering the Baltic and the North-east Atlantic, (i) trends in landings since 1950 were examined; (ii) syntheses of the status and trends in fish stocks were consolidated at the ecosystem level; and (iii) trends in ecosystem indicators based on landings and surveys were analysed. We show that yields began to decrease everywhere (except in the Baltic) from the mid-1970s, as a result of the over-exploitation of some major stocks. Fishermen adapted by increasing fishing effort and exploiting a wider part of the ecosystems. This was insufficient to compensate for the decrease in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem approach to fisheries management; Ecosystem indicators; Good environmental status; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Stock assessment; Trophic level.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Fishing Sea-bed Habitat Risk Assessment (A framework towards the quantitative assessment of trawling impact on the sea-bed and benthic ecosystem) ArchiMer
Rijnsdorp, A.d.; Bastardie, Francois; Bolam, S.g.; Buhl-mortensen, Lene; Eigaard, O.r.; Hamon, Katell G.; Hiddink, Jan Geert; Hintzen, N.t.; Ivanovic, Ana; Kenny, Andrew; Laffargue, Pascal; Nielsen, R.n.; O’neill, F.g.; Piet, G.j.; Polet, Hans; Sala, Antonello; Smith, Chris; Van Denderen, P.d.; Van Kooten, Tobias; Zengin, Mustafa.
A framework to assess the impact of mobile fishing gear on the seabed and benthic ecosystem is presented. The framework that can be used at regional and local scales considers the physical effects of trawl gears on the seabed, on marine taxa and the functioning of the benthic ecosystem. A reductionist approach is applied that breaks down a fishing gear in its components and distinguishes a number of biological traits that are chosen to determine the vulnerability of benthos for the impact of a gear component or to provide a proxy for their ecological role. The approach considers a wide variety of gear elements, such as otter boards, twin trawl clump and ground-rope, and, sweeps that herd the fish. The physical impact of these elements on the seabed,...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Functional links between sea-bed habitats and demersal fish stocks (A generic model of benthic productivity, diversity and natural disturbance, and a dynamic food web model of benthic ecosystem function) ArchiMer
Rijnsdorp, A.d.; Van Kooten, T.; Van De Wolfshaar, K.; Eggleton, J.; Bolam, S.g.; Buhl-mortensen, Lene; Garcia, C.; Gonzalez, G.; Dinesen, Grete; Papadopoulou, Nadia; Smith, Chris; Gumus, A.; Bastardie, François; Eigaard, O.r.; Hiddink, Jan Geert; Sciberras, M.; Kenny, Andrew; Laffargue, Pascal; Piet, G.j.; Polet, Hans; Van Denderen, P.d.; Van Kooten, Tobias; Zengin, Mustafa.
An important consideration in assessing the impacts of fishing on seabed habitats is to understand the functional links (as trophic interactions) between populations of demersal fish species and potential benthic invertebrate prey (food) which live on or in the seabed. The type of sea-bed fauna has been shown to respond to both natural variation in habitat conditions and in response to different levels of fishing pressure. The extent to which different commercial fish species will depend on specific combinations of habitat type and fishing disturbance to feed will likely be species specific. It has been suggested that positive changes in growth rates of different demersal fish species are not only related to density-dependent processes, but may also be...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Strengths and Weaknesses of the Management and Monitoring of Deep-Water Stocks, Fisheries, and Ecosystems in Various Areas of the World-A Roadmap Toward Sustainable Deep-Water Fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic? ArchiMer
Large, Philip A.; Agnew, David J.; Alvarez Perez, Jose Angel; Barrio Frojan, Christopher; Cloete, Rudi; Damalas, Dimitrios; Dransfeld, Leonie; Edwards, Charles T. T.; Feist, Stephen; Figueiredo, Ivone; Gonzalez, Fernando; Gil Herrera, Juan; Kenny, Andrew; Jakobsdottir, Klara; Longshaw, Matt; Lorance, Pascal; Marchal, Paul; Mytilineou, Chryssi; Planque, Benjamin; Politou, Chrissi-yianna.
Scientific interest in deep-water marine resources has increased dramatically over the last 10-20 years as management bodies have sought advice on how to manage deep-water fisheries and protect deep-water ecosystems. The strengths and weaknesses of the management and monitoring of deep-water stocks, fisheries, and ecosystems in various areas of the world are described, with the objective of informing the EU FP7 DEEPFISHMAN project so that it can fulfill its primary aim, which is to develop strategic options for a short-and long-term management and monitoring ecosystem-based framework for the northeast Atlantic. To provide a baseline, the current monitoring and management regime in the northeast Atlantic is reviewed, followed by a brief description of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-water; Fisheries; Ecosystem; Monitoring; Management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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