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Coupling spatial analysis and economic valuation of ecosystem services to inform the management of an UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve ArchiMer
Kermagoret, Charlene; Dupras, Jerôme.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Dataset on marine ecosystem services supplied by coral reefs, sandy beaches and coastal lagoons in different eutrophication states ArchiMer
Kermagoret, Charlene; Claudet, Joachim; Derolez, Valerie; Nugues, Maggy M.; Ouisse, Vincent; Quillien, Nolwenn; Bailly, Denis.
This data article provides indicators of Ecosystem Service (ES) supply for coral reefs, sandy beaches and coastal lagoons in different ecological states regarding eutrophication. 14 ES are considered: food through fisheries; material; molecules; coastal protection; nutrient regulation; pathogen regulation; climate regulation; support of recreational and leisure activities; contribution to a pleasant landscape; contribution to culture and territorial identity; emblematic biodiversity; habitat; trophic networks; recruitment. For each ecosystem 3 to 4 eutrophication states are described. Indicators of ES supply are filled on the basis of a literature review supplemented with expert-knowledge. A semi-quantification of the indicator value is finally provided....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Marine ecosystems; Eutrophication; Marine biodiversity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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How does eutrophication impact bundles of ecosystem services in multiple coastal habitats using state-and-transition models ArchiMer
Kermagoret, Charlene; Claudet, Joachim; Derolez, Valerie; Nugues, Maggy M.; Ouisse, Vincent; Quillien, Nolwenn; Baulaz, Yoann; Le Mao, Patrick; Scemama, Pierre; Vaschalde, Diane; Bailly, Denis; Mongruel, Remi.
One of the current major scientific challenges to sustain social-ecological systems is to improve our understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services. Here, we analyse the bundles of ecosystem services supplied by three coastal ecosystems (coastal lagoons, coral reefs and sandy beaches) along a gradient of eutrophication. Based on a state-and-transition model, we analyses the dynamic responses of ecological communities to environmental change and management actions. Although few exceptions are highlighted, increasing eutrophication in the three ecosystem types leads to a degradation of the ecosystem service bundles, particularly for nutrient and pathogen...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sandy beaches; Coral reefs; Coastal lagoons; Ecosystem service bundles; Temporal dynamics; Management.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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La compensation au service de l’acceptabilité sociale : un état de l’art des apports empiriques et du débat scientifique. Réflexions au service du développement de l’énergie éolienne en mer ArchiMer
Kermagoret, Charlene; Levrel, Harold; Carlier, Antoine.
The Energy Transition involves governance issues which need to be overcome to ensure its success. In Europe, the policies that accompany this energy transition have fixed very short term goals such as the diversification and the development of renewable energy sources by 2020. The benefits of developing these technologies for limiting greenhouse gases emissions is widely accepted at European and national level and is frequently invoked by the State for legitimizing the current projects. However, many projects declared of public interest by the State lead to conflicts, at the territorial level, between the objective of economic development, and those of biodiversity conservation and of social interests protection. In this context, the compensation is often...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Principe de compensation; Restauration écologique; Indemnisation financière; Acceptabilité sociale; Énergies renouvelables; Transition énergétique; Compensation principle; Ecological restoration; Financial indemnity; Social acceptability; Renewable energy; Energetic transition.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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L’économie néo-institutionnelle comme cadre de recherche pour questionner l’efficacité de la compensation écologique. Dossier : La fabrique de la compensation écologique : controverses et pratiques ArchiMer
Scemama, Pierre; Kermagoret, Charlene; Levrel, Harold; Vaissière, Anne-charlotte.
Any analysis of the effectiveness of a public policy implies adopting a normative approach, i.e. defining “what should be” and then discussing the best way to achieve it. In the context of ecological compensation, this objective is defined as the achievement of equivalence between the losses related to a project and the gains linked to the compensatory measures. This equivalence is based on a substitution logic, which is the core concern of environmental economics. In this paper, we start by presenting the contributions of this theoretical field to the study of compensation effectiveness. We also highlight its limitations. This led us to give preference to the framework of the new institutional economics which studies the effectiveness of the compensation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Compensation écologique; Économie de l’environnement; Économie néo-institutionnelle; Ecological offset; Environmental economics; New institutional economics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Milieux marins et littoraux : évaluation des écosystèmes et des services rendus ArchiMer
Mongruel, Remi; Kermagoret, Charlene; Carlier, Antoine; Scemama, Pierre; Le Mao, Patrick; Levain, Alix; Balle-beganton, Johanna; Vaschalde, Diane; Bailly, Denis.
Si l’idée que la Nature rend à l’Homme des services indispensables est très ancienne, l’approche par les services écosystémiques a gagné une reconnaissance universelle avec la réalisation du Millenium Ecosystem Assessment au début des années 2000. Dans l’acception contemporaine de cette notion, les évaluations de services écosystémiques doivent avant tout servir à la mise en place de politiques ambitieuses en matière de protection des écosystèmes et de la biodiversité. Ainsi, les objectifs d’Aïchi pour 2020 fixés par la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique prévoient notamment que les valeurs de la biodiversité puissent être intégrées dans les processus de décision. L’Évaluation Française des Écosystèmes et des Services Écosystémiques (EFESE) est un...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Operationalising marine and coastal ecosystem services. Editorial ArchiMer
Garcia Rodrigues, Joao; Villasante, Sebastian; Drakou, Evangelia; Kermagoret, Charlene; Beaumont, Nicolas.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Shaping the future of marine socio-ecological systems research: when early-career researchers meet the seniors ArchiMer
Drakou, Evangelia G.; Kermagoret, Charlene; Comte, Adrien; Trapman, Brita; Rice, Jake C..
As the environmental issues facing our planet change, scientific efforts need to inform the sustainable management of marine resources by adopting a socio-ecological systems approach. Taking the symposium on "Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (MSEAS)" as an opportunity we organized a workshop to foster the dialogue between early and advanced-career researchers and explore the conceptual and methodological challenges marine socio-ecological systems research faces. The discussions focused on: a) interdisciplinary research teams versus interdisciplinary scientists; b) idealism versus pragmatism on dealing with data and conceptual gaps; c) publishing interdisciplinary research....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dialogue among research generations; Future; Governance; Interdisciplinary science; Marine socio-ecological systems; Operational research.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Stakeholder Perceptions of Offshore Wind Power: A Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach ArchiMer
Kermagoret, Charlene; Levrel, Harold; Carlier, Antoine; Ponsero, Alain.
Using the method of fuzzy cognitive mapping, this study explores stakeholder attitudes toward offshore wind energy. The survey was conducted with local communities of the Bay of Saint-Brieuc, where an offshore wind farm is under development. It was used to record the stakeholder perceptions of social, ecological, and economic impacts and the expression of expected compensation for negative impacts. Distribution and interaction among the data were analyzed through multiple correspondence analysis. Our study illustrates a gap between positive impacts associated with sustainable development perceived at the national level and more negative impacts perceived by local communities. The expression of expected compensation is dependent on the perceived impacts....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Saint-Brieuc; Compensation principle; Fuzzy cognitive mapping; Impact perceptions; Local communities; Multiple correspondence analysis; Offshore wind farm.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The impact and compensation of offshore wind farm development: Analysing the institutional discourse from a french case study ArchiMer
Kermagoret, Charlene; Levrel, Harold; Carlier, Antoine.
In France, the public acceptability of marine renewable energies and their impacts on ecosystem services (ES) involves questions about compensation for stakeholders, who may perceive some of their activities and interests to be modified. This paper seeks to understand how impacts on ES are perceived by institutional stakeholders and what is expected in terms of compensation. It also seeks to identify the communities of practice affected. We focus our study on the planned offshore wind farm in the bay of Saint-Brieuc. Our results show that institutional discourse is heterogeneous, depending on sensitivities, interests, and who or what the stakeholders surveyed represent or defend. Stakeholders' discourse can be interpreted on various gradients of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Communities of practice; Ecosystem services; Compensatory measures; No-net-loss goal; Arine renewable energy; Offshore wind farm.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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