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A new Carex from Crete Naturalis
Gradstein, S.R.; Kern, J.H..
Rhizoma caespitosum. Culmus erectus, triqueter, laevis, inferne foliatus, 15-30 cm altus. Folia culmo multo breviora, viridia vel cinereo-viridia, 1½-2½ mm lata, breviter acuminata, apice scaberula vel sublaevia, vaginis brunnescentibus; ligulae latiores quam longiores, obtusae vel subacutae. Bracteae foliaceae, inflorescentia breviores longioresve, superiores baud vel breviter vaginatae, inferiores vagina usque ad 1½ cm longa instructae; vaginae antice appendicula membranacea in sicco facile destructa provisae. Spiculae 3-4, terminalis ♂, cylindrica, 1½ cm longa, 2 mm lata, laterales ♀, in superiore parte culmi dispositae, oblongo-cylindricae, usque ad 1½ cm longae, 3-4 mm latae, densiflorae, suprema sessilis, inferiores subsessiles vel breviter...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1968 URL:
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A new combination in Fimbristylis (Cyperaceae) Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Fimbristylis ovata (Burm .ƒ.) Kern, comb. nov. — Carex ovata Burm. ƒ. Fl. Ind. (1768) 194; Kük., Pfl. Reich, Heft 38 (1909) 103. — Cyperus monostachyos L., Mant. 2 (1771) 180. — Abildgaardia monostachya (L.) Vahl, En. Plant. 2 (1806) 296. — Fimbristylis monostachya (L.) Hassk., Pl. Jav. Rar. (1848; 61. — Iriha monostachya (L.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 (1891) 751. Burman’s description of his Carex ovata is very short: ‘Spica terminali ovata feminea. Missa ex Java’. Raymond, Mém. Jard. Bot. Montréal no 23 (1959) 78, suggested that the neglected name might be the correct one for Carex tricephala Boeck. (1875), the only Carex species of the area that would fit Burman’s description. To me this supposition seemed unlikely, as Carex tricephala is a very rare...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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A new Hawaiian Gahnia (Cyperaceae) Naturalis
Degener, O.; Degener, I.; Kern, J.H..
Herba perennis. Rhizoma breve, crassum, lignosum, squamis castaneis striatis obtectum. Culmi elati, usque ad 3 m alti, 2—4 mm crassi, teretes, glabri, usque ad apicem foliati et fere per totam longitudinem in vaginis foliorum absconditi. Folia culmum superantia, cinereo-viridia, tenacia, margine involuta, e basi dilatata 6—9 mm lata in acumen longissimum apice setaceo-caudatum scabrum gradatim angustata; vaginae longae, inferiores spadiceae vel atrofuscae, superiores stramineae; ligula angusta, rotundata vel in foliis superioribus triangularis, glabra, castanea. Inflorescentia paniculata, erecta, perangusta, (15—) 30—50 cm longa, 1—2(—3) cm lata, interrupta, e fasciculis 5—7 panicularum partialium elongato-oblongarum satis densarum constructa; rami 2—3-nim...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Acriulus once more reduced (Cyperaceae) Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Ridley (1883) based the genus Acriulus (Cyperaceae) on two species, A. madagascariensis Ridl. from Madagascar, and A. griegifolius Ridl. from Angola, the former of which must be considered the nomenclatural type, as the generic characters were chiefly taken from it, and the latter species was but inadequately known at the time. The author originally admitted a close affinity of Acriulus to Scleria, but “the different habit, the solitary spikeiets, and the deeply cleft style not continuous with the ovary” he regarded as sufficient to base a new genus upon, and, later on even as so important that he placed Acriulus in a different tribe, viz in Cryptangieae, not in Sclerieae (Ridley, 1884). Having had the opportunity to study a fairly great number of Acriulus...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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Boekbesprekingen Naturalis
Kern, J.H.; Mennema, J..
Wie meer van het interessante geslacht Carex wil weten dan een flora kan geven, wordt dit boek in handig zakformaat warm aanbevolen. Het is een waardig pendant van het ook door de Nederlandse floristen veel gebruikte en gewaardeerde „Grasses” van Dr. C. E. Hubbard. Degelijke hoofdstukken over de morfologie, anatomie, oecologie en classificatie der zeggen worden gevolgd door een uitvoerige determinatie-tabel. Vooral sociologen zullen ingenomen zijn met een tweede tabel, die het mogelijk maakt niet-bloeiende Carices en een aantal op Carex gelijkende Cyperaceeën op naam te brengen. Alle in de Britse eilanden voorkomende soorten worden nauwkeurig beschreven en 69 platen geven niet alleen goede habitus-beelden, maar ook vele details, die voor de determinatie...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1969 URL:
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Caprifoliaceae Naturalis
Kern, J.H.; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van.
Small trees, shrubs or twining woody plants, rarely herbs; branches terete. Glands present in various parts. Indumentum consisting of simple hairs, or in Viburnum sometimes lepidote; glandular hairs mostly present. Stems often pithy. Leaves decussate, simple or deeply divided (Sambucus), sometimes provided with pitted or cup-shaped glands exuding resin. Stipules absent or very small. Flowers ♀, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, mostly cymosely arranged, 4—5-merous; outer flowers in an inflorescence sometimes differing from the normal ones, rarely ( Sambucus p.p.) some fls aborted into extra-floral nectaries. Calyx adnate to the ovary, (4—)5-fid or -toothed, mostly constricted below the limb; sepals often enlarged in fruit. Corolla epigynous, gamopetalous,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1948 URL:
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Carex hartmanii Caj. in Nederland Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Carex hartmanii Caj., a sedge new for the Netherlands, was discovered on Terschelling, one of the Frisian Islands. It grows there abundantly in a marshy dune valley west of the Boschplaat. The species is closely allied to C. buxbaumii Wahlenb., from which it mainly differs by the cylindrical, not club-shaped terminal spikelet, the shorter lowest bract, and the distinctly nerved, smaller utricles.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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Cyperaceae Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Annual or perennial, often grass-like herbs, only the monotypic African genus Microdracoides tree-like; the perennial spp. with short- or long-creeping, mostly sympodial rhizome not rarely emitting stolons. Stems solid, exceptionally hollow, sometimes septate, often trigonous, more rarely 2-sided or terete, or 4-, 5-, or multangular, usually nodeless below the inflorescence. Leaves often 3- ranked, more rarely distichous or polystichous, basal and/or cauline, usually sheathing at the base, the sheaths closed (in Mal.), very rarely open, the blades as a rule sessile, linear (grass-like) or setaceous, rarely lanceolate and petioled, rarely much reduced or even absent; sheath and blade whether or not separated by a rim of short hairs or by a membranous ligule...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Cyperaceae—II Naturalis
Kern, J.H.; Nooteboom, H.P..
Perennial herbs with tufted or creeping rhizome, monoecious, rarely dioecious. Stems arising centrally or laterally, erect or obliquely erect, mostly triquetrous or trigonous, rarely subterete, solid or sometimes hollow, often clothed at the base by persistent leaf-sheaths or their fibrous remains. Leaves tristichous, usually narrowly linear, sheathing at the base, with a ligule at the junction of blade and sheath, rarely lanceolate or elliptic with a more or less distinct petiole and eligulate, mostly basal and subbasal, 0-several higher on the stem, the lower ones often reduced to bladeless sheaths; sheaths of the stem-leaves and bracts closed. Inflorescence paniculiform, racemiform or spiciform, more rarely reduced to a single spikelet. Spikelets 1-very...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1979 URL:
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De variabiliteit van Veronica hederifolia L. in Nederland Naturalis
Jongh, S.E. de; Kern, J.H..
The variation and distribution of Veronica hederifolia in the Netherlands is more thoroughly discussed than in the preliminary paper bij DE JONGH (1968). It is shown that only two of the five taxa distinguished by M. Fischer occur, V. hederifolia L. and V. sublobata M. Fischer. The earlier records for V. triloba Opiz refer to V. sublobata. In a rather large number of specimens the combination of morphological characters typical of the two indigenous taxa was not found. Therefore the authors agree with Hartl that Fischer’s microspecies do not deserve specific rank. The correct names on subspecific level appear to be V. hederifolia L. subsp. hederifolia, and V. hederifolia L. subsp. lucorum (Klett & Richt.) Hartl. The distribution of the latter...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1971 URL:
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De variabiliteit van Veronica hederifolia L. in Nederland. Aanvullende gegevens Naturalis
Jongh, S.E. de; Kern, J.H..
An additional study on chromosome numbers of 41 specimens of Veronica hederifolia L. subsp. hederifolia and subsp. lucorum (Klett. & Richt.) Hartl. by W. M. Luyt (Laboratory for Experimental Plant taxonomy, Leiden) revealed, that 2n=54 and 2n=36 respectively for most specimens from the Netherlands; in only two specimens 2n=28 was found.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Distribution maps of Pacific plants Naturalis
Steenis, C.G.G.J. van; Hou, Ding; Kern, J.H.; Leenhouts, P.W.; Jacobs, M..
Name: Dolichandrone spathacea (L. f.) K. SCH., Fl. Kais. Wilh. Land (1889) 123. Family: Bignoniaceæ.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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Florae Malesianae Precursores X. Notes on Malaysian and some S. E. Asian Cyperaceae III Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
This third paper on Malaysian Cyperaceae chiefly discusses new and otherwise noteworthy species of Fimbristylis. In addition a key to the Malaysian species of the genus and a survey of their arrangement as accepted for the Flora Malesiana are given. A few new species are described from Siam and Indo-China. I am greatly indebted to the Directors of the Herbaria who granted me the opportunity to study the collections of their institutions.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1955 URL:
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Florae Malesianae Precursores XIX. Notes on Malaysian and some S.E. Asian Cyperaceae VI Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Although Clarke saw the type of Scirpus erectus Poir. in the Paris Herbarium he misapplied the name to a quite different species occurring in Madagascar, S. and E. Asia, and tropical Australia. Herein he was followed by Ridley, Merrill, Backer, and others. It has now generally been accepted that the correct name of this species is Scirpus juncoides Roxb. and that the name Scirpus erectus Poir. does not belong to its synonymy. After having examined the type of S. erectus I am convinced that the question was admirably cleared up by Chermezon (see Arch. Bot. 4, 1931, 26, and also in Humbert, Fl. Madag., fam. 29, 1937, 149). Scirpus erectus is much nearer to the European S. supinus L. than to S. juncoides Roxb. It differs from S. supinus by the larger...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1958 URL:
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Florae Malesianae Precursores XL. Notes on Malesian and some extra-Malesian Cyperaceae IX Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
BORNEO. Sarawak: Ulu Tubau, Bintulu, skeletal sandy clay soil on steep hillside by sandstone rocks, Nyabau formation, mixed Dipterocarp forest, c. 350 m., Ashton S 18439 (L); base of Bt Naoung, Ulu Muput Kanan, Anap, sandstone rocks in shade, Biban formation, common, 600 m., Oct. II, 1963. Ashton S 19360 (L). West Borneo: Sanggau, am Ufer eines Bächleins, felsig, zwischen Baumwurzeln und Steinen, Juni 23, 1964, A. Elsener 26 (L).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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Florae Malesianae Precursores XLVI. Notes on some S.E. Asian Cyperaceae X Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Zollinger, Plantae Javanicae n. 1254, collected ‘in sylvis umbrosis M. Pulusari’, and distributed as Carex indica L., is a mixture of two related but clearly distinct Carices both belonging in Section Indicae. This was already known to Steudel, who worked up Zollinger’s Cyperaceae and described part of the 1254 collection as a new species in his Synopsis (16, p. 207): ‘Carex commixta. Steud. Radice valide fibrosa; culmo triquetro glabro laevi toto fere vaginato et foliato (3-pedali), basi vaginis efoliatis brevibus ovato-lanceolatis et foliiferis vestito; foliis lanceolatis elongatis latis (ultra pedalibus, 4—7”’ latis) striatis pallidis subglaucescentibus margine scaberrimis ; paniculis axillaribus et terminali, omnibus pedunculatis simplicibus; radiis...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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Florae Malesianae Precursores XVII. Notes on Malaysian and some S.E. Asian Cyperaceae V Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Mapania holttumii Kern, nom. nov. — Mapania insignis Holttum, Gard. Bull. Sing. 11, 1947, 293, non Sandwith, Kew Bull. 1933, 496. When publishing the name Mapania insignis for a species occurring in the Malay Peninsula, Holttum overlooked the existence of the earlier homonym Mapania insignis Sandw. for a different species from British Guyana. I therefore propose to replace the illegitimate binomial by that of Mapania holttumii.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1958 URL:
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Florae Malesianae Precursores XXX. The genus Scleria in Malaysia Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
After Boeckeler's treatise on the species of Scleria known in his day (5), no comprehensive study on the genus has ever been published. The preparation of an up-to-date monograph would be an arduous task, not only owing to the large size of the genus, but also to the numerous problems encountered in its delimitation and its subdivision. Fortunately several very valuable studies on the Scleriae of America and Africa have been published lately, which are important precursors to a future monographic treatment. Core (14) revised the American species, Chermezon (8, 9) those of Madagascar, Piérart (24) published a study on the species of Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, and Nelmes (22, 23) gave an account of the genus for the whole of Africa. The history of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1961 URL:
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Florae Malesianae Precursores XXXII. Some new Cyperaceae Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
Herba perennis, rhizomate lignoso, adscendente. Culmus erectus, radicibus crassis teretibus 2—3 mm diam. sustensus, dense foliatus, c. 50 cm altus. Folia linearia, rigida, opaca, glaucescentia, basin conduplicatam versus straminea, apice sensim in flagellum triquetrum scaberrimum angustata, usque ad 50 cm longa, 5—7 mm lata, marginibus nervoque medio subtus apicem versus dense acuteque serrata, nervo medio subtus prominente, nervis lateralibus vix distinctis. Scapi brevissimi, in axillis foliorum caulinorum absconditi, spiculam unicam gerentes. Spiculae subsessiles, ovoideae, apice acutae, c. 15 mm longae, 7—10 mm latae. Glumae multinerviae, inferiores vacuae, coriaceae, ovatae, acutae, fuscae, membranaceo-marginatae, 8—9 mm longae; glumae florigerae...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1963 URL:
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Florae Malseianae Precursores XXV. Notes on Malaysian and some S.E. Asian Cyperaceae VIII Naturalis
Kern, J.H..
1. Fimbristylis savannicola Kern, spec. nov. — Sect. Fuscae Ohwi. — Fig. 1. Herba perennis, rhizomate lignoso brevissimo vaginis brunneis parce dissolutis circumdato. Culmi caespitosi, erecti, graciles sed firmuli, compressi, sulcati, dense puncticulati, glabri laevesque vel praesertim basin versus pilis albis patentibus antrorsisve pubescentes, 20—40 cm alti, 2/3— 1 mm crassi, ad basin incrassatam foliati. Folia erecta, rigida, setacea, canaliculato-conduplicata, apice abrupte acuminata, supra minute cellulosoreticulata, subtus costata, cinereo-viridia, pilis albis antrorsis dense pubescentia, ½—1 mm lata, laminis intus ad basin serie pilorum alborum a vagina separatis; vaginae striatae, cinnamomeae, antice membranaceae. Anthela subsimplex, densa, 1—2½ cm...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1960 URL:
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