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Mercury Distribution and Methylmercury Mobility in the Sediments of Three Sites on the Lebanese Coast, Eastern Mediterranean 5
Abi-ghanem, Carine; Nakhle, Khaled; Khalaf, Gaby; Cossa, Daniel.
Mercury (Hg) contamination in coastal sediments has been widely studied in clay deposits; however, equivalent results on carbonated sediments are scarce. This article aims to study Hg distribution in Lebanese carbonate coastal marine sediments (Eastern Mediterranean) in order to characterize their contamination level and to explore the postdepositional mobility of methylmercury (MeHg) in the deposits. Vertical distribution profiles of total (HgT) and MeHg have been established for the solid phase of sediment cores collected in various near-shore environments chosen for their hypothetical various degrees of anthropization. In addition, dissolved MeHg was determined in sediment pore waters to test its mobility and potential availability for biota. Three...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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