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Sensory Evaluation and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Quality Protein Maize (QPM) using Experimental Auctions in Rural Tanzania AgEcon
Kiria, Christine G.; Vermeulen, Hester; De Groote, Hugo.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sensory characteristics and consumer acceptability of quality protein maize (QPM) in rural Tanzania. Due to the malnutrition problem facing consumers in developing countries, QPM which has almost double the amount of tryptophan and lysine, has been identified as a possible solution to this problem. To know whether consumers will accept QPM, it is vital that its sensory attributes and consumer acceptance tests are carried out. Sensory characteristics were determined using home use testing and central location methods by use of stiff porridge. Three districts were visited and 120 consumers participated in home use testing, whereas 30 respondents participated in the central location testing. At the central...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: QPM; Consumer acceptability; Sensory evaluation; Malnutrition; Tanzania; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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