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Phytoplankton phosphorus limitation in a North Atlantic coastal ecosystem not predicted by nutrient load 5
Trommer, Gabriele; Leynaert, Aude; Klein, Cecile; Naegelen, Aurore; Beker, Beatriz.
Phytoplankton nutrient limitation patterns were investigated in an anthropogenically influenced coastal ecosystem with a high nutrient load. Weekly nutrient limitation bioassays, and water chemistry and stoichiometry measurements were performed in the Bay of Brest, France, from February to July 2011. Each limitation bioassay included phosphorus, nitrogen, silicate and all possible combined nutrient additions, and lasted over 72 h. Results showed that the phytoplankton community experienced a general P limitation from March to July. N limitation alone was observed only during 1 week in early March. Subsequently, all limitation bioassays revealed primary P limitation, indicated by significantly increased growth rates in all samples containing P additions....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton; Stoichiometry; Bioassays; Nutrient limitation; Coastal ecosystem.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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