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A comparison between South African agricultural exports to the European union and those of other selected southern hemisphere countries AgEcon
Adriaen, D.; Kleynhans, Theo E.; Tollens, Eric.
Primary Eurostat data of EU imports of agricultural products from selected southern hemisphere countries - namely, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, Australia and New Zealand - was used to compare the exports from those countries to the EU for the period 1988 to 2000. The study starts with a general overview of the total and agricultural export performance of these selected countries in a global context and their specialization indexes for food. This is followed by a comparison of the total value, total mass and value per tonne of agricultural exports to the EU and of their exploitation of seasonal differences with the northern hemisphere in terms of relative emphasis on particular product groups and value/mass ratios of their major products. Comparison is...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Agricultural land purchases for alternative uses – evidence from two farming areas in the Western Cape province, South Africa AgEcon
Reed, L.L.; Kleynhans, Theo E..
Purchases of agricultural land for diverse reasons, such as recreation or aesthetic appeal (collectively referred to as lifestyle purposes), has implications for agricultural land valuations, commercial agriculture and the acquisition of land for redistribution purposes. This paper reports on the extent of purchases of agricultural land for diverse reasons within an intensive and extensive agricultural farming area in the Western Cape, gathered through a survey of land buyers between January 2005 and October 2007. Descriptive statistics provide demographical information of buyers, their reasons for purchasing farms and the importance of specific characteristics of agricultural properties considered in such purchases. Analyses of variance convey more...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Multifunctionality; Aesthetic appeal; Lifestyle motivations; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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An evaluation of the environmental care orientation of deciduous fruit producers in the Western Cape AgEcon
van Dijk, T.; Kleynhans, Theo E..
A classification system developed to evaluate the environmental care orientation of companies and, more specifically, their strategies to deal with the environmental care requirements prescribed by the market was applied to the deciduous fruit sector in the Western Cape. A survey was done to determine the attitude towards and status of, environmental care activities amongst deciduous fruit producers who have already obtained Eurepgap certification or who are busy preparing for the certification audit. A questionnaire was used and the responses were judged in terms of the guidelines of the classification system. The nature of the typical South African - European deciduous fruit export supply chain is that South African producers desire to supply the retail...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Determination of priorities of buyers regarding value contributing characteristics of farm land in the Stellenbosch District, South Africa AgEcon
Kleynhans, Theo E.; Opperman, J.M..
The use of the comparable sales method to value farm properties requires that professional valuers must think like a typical buyer of farm properties in a particular area. The Stellenbosch district, located on the periphery of the Cape Metropole, is a famous wine-producing area. The typical buyer is sophisticated and wealthy: someone for whom lifestyle could probably be just as important as the income generating capacity of the wine estate. A variety of site and situational factors have to be considered by the valuer: some of which are easily identifiable and quantifiable, where others are more elusive. This study aimed to identify and order the more important motivations as perceived by typical buyers in order to provide guidelines to valuers. An...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Farm Modelling for Interactive Multidisciplinary Planning of Small Grain Production Systems in the Western Cape, South Africa AgEcon
Hoffman, Willem; Kleynhans, Theo E..
Subject matter research has made many contributions to small grain production in the Western Cape province of South Africa, but much of this focuses on single commodities and is undertaken within conventional disciplinary boundaries (e.g. soil science, genetics, economics). The result is that the solutions offered often have knock-on effects that are not properly accounted for by researchers. Expert group discussions, as a research method, are suitable, firstly, for gathering information in a meaningful manner and, secondly, to stimulate individual creativity by presenting alternative perspectives provided by various participating experts. In support of expert group discussions, multi-period wholefarm simulation models were developed. This type of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Whole-farm modelling; Expert group discussions; Farm Management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Allerts, S.; Kleynhans, Theo E.; Vink, Nick.
During 1997 research was conducted on trends in factors that affect the supply and demand for airfreight space for fynbos exports from South Africa. The aim was to sensitise decision-makers to probable trends in those factors that will shape cargo space availability. The main finding was that the supply of airfreight to South African producers is aggravated by the unbalanced availability of cargo space on southbound and northbound trips originating from Cape Town. If the price and quantity of cargo space were determined by supply and demand, an imbalance couldn’t arise in a perfect market, as prices would balance cargo space supplied and demanded. However, airfreight tariffs are rigid per weight level. The result is that items with a higher mass per volume...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Kleynhans, Theo E.; Vink, Nick.
Various institutions wanting to invest in agricultural production or the agribusiness sector in the SADC region need information on the quality and location of agricultural resources. Generating agricultural resource information on a regional level provides the challenge of integrating vast amounts of information from the various countries, implying storing, retrieving and manipulating it to determine areas best suited to grow a particular crop; or various crops that can be grown in a particular area. A Geographical Information System (GIS) has been developed as part of a broader project to assess the agricultural potential of SADC countries from a physical-biological-climatological point of view. Crop suitability maps obtained from the GIS containing...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International Development.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Vink, Nick; Kleynhans, Theo E.; Street, K..
This paper reports the results of an international comparison of the cost of producing wheat in 8 Western Cape, 3 Free State and 7 foreign producing areas. Results show that South African yields are low compared to foreign countries whose production costs are as high as or higher than those in South Africa, while the net margins for South African producers are less than a third of those for countries that have the same or lower yields as South Africa. If the wheat industry in the Western Cape is to survive international competition, it will have to create its international competitiveness.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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The development of a spatial decision support system to optimise agricultural resource use in the Western Cape AgEcon
Pretorius, C.; Louw, D.B.; Kleynhans, Theo E..
This paper describes the development of a decision support model for regional agricultural resource utilisation. The analysis was generated in a spatial context and the optimisation technique was interactive with a geographical information system (GIS). Economic and operational research methodologies were linked to the GIS in the process of determining the appropriate resource uses for the region. The optimisation technique was applied for the Western Cape Province for eight crops. The results of this research are discussed in this paper, with specific reference to its application value for the public sector and agri-business.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Towards more inclusive long-term bulk water resource management AgEcon
de Lange, Willem J.; Kleynhans, Theo E..
Fresh water resources provide a platform for complex and often emotional issues to develop, particularly in resource scarcity situations. Bulk water infrastructure contains elements of a public good and proved vulnerable to failures in market and government driven allocation strategies. Common to both are uncaptured costs and benefits due to shortcomings in cost quantification techniques. Natural ecosystems stands to lose the most since ecosystem services are often not quantifiable in monetary terms and therefore neglected in allocation decision-making. This paper took on the challenge of expanding current decision-support in order to promote more inclusive long-term water management. A case-study approach with the focus on a choice related problem...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Water management; Decision-support; Public participation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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