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Volatile female odors activate the accessory olfactory system of male mice without physical contact OAK
Muroi, Yoshikage; Ishii, Toshiaki; Komori, Seiichi; Kitamura, Nobuo; Nishimura, Masakazu; 室井, 喜景; 石井, 利明; 北村, 延夫.
We previously reported that male mice are more attracted to volatile odors from intact female mice than from ovarlectornized female mice. In the present study, we investigated male attraction to volatile odors from soiled bedding collected from the cages of estrous or ovariectomized female mice. There was no difference in the total time spent sniffing volatile odors from estrous and ovariectomized female mice, suggesting that female mice emit volatile odors which are not excreted into bedding. To test this possibility, we investigated c-Fos expression in the mitral cell layer and granule cell layer of the accessory olfactory bulb 60 min after exposure of male mice to volatile odors without physical contact. Volatile odors from an estrous female mouse...
Palavras-chave: Accessory olfactory bulb; Vomeronasal organ; Pheromone; C-Fos; Habituation-dishabituation test; Sexual attraction.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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