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River Restoration and Meanders Ecology and Society
Kondolf, G. Mathias; University of California - Berkeley;
Among the most visually striking river restoration projects are those that involve the creation of a new channel, often in a new alignment and generally with a form and dimensions that are different from those of the preproject channel. These channel reconstruction projects often have the objective of creating a stable, single-thread, meandering channel, even on rivers that were not historically meandering, on rivers whose sediment load and flow regime would not be consistent with such stable channels, or on already sinuous channels whose bends are not symmetrical. Such meandering channels are often specified by the Rosgen classification system, a popular restoration design approach. Although most projects of this type have not been subject to objective...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: River restoration; Meandering channels; Cultural preferences; Channel classification.
Ano: 2006
Registros recuperados: 1
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