Emmery, Antoine; Lefebvre, Sebastien; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Kooijman, S. A. L. M.. |
Biological performances (growth and reproduction) of intertidal bivalves mainly rely on environmental factors such as water temperature and food sources. Both quality and quantity of bivalve food sources, however, are not easy to determine because of complex features of coastal ecosystem functioning, such as high spatial heterogeneity. This is particularly critical for oyster (Crassostrea gigas) culture in France when quantifying and explaining the variability in growth performances of oysters among culture sites at a large spatial scale. In this context, insights for new operational tools to characterise trophic features of coastal ecosystems are needed. The aim of the present study is to couple natural isotope tracers and DEB modeling to describe and... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00032/14370/11659.pdf |
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Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Van Der Vee, Henk W.; Kooijman, S. A. L. M.. |
This second special issue of the Journal of Sea Research on development and applications of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory concludes the European Research Project AquaDEB (2007–2011). In this introductory paper we summarise the progress made during the running time of this 5 years’ project, present context for the papers in this volume and discuss future directions. The main scientific objectives in AquaDEB were (i) to study and compare the sensitivity of aquatic species (mainly molluscs and fish) to environmental variability within the context of DEB theory for metabolic organisation, and (ii) to evaluate the inter-relationships between different biological levels (individual, population, ecosystem) and temporal scales (life cycle, population... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00044/15497/14508.pdf |
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Emmery, Antoine; Lefebvre, Sebastien; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Kooijman, S. A. L. M.. |
We studied the dynamics of stable isotopes δ13C and δ15N of an opportunistic suspension feeder the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) to better understand the factors that influence the trophic enrichment (trophic-shift, Δ) between primary producers and consumers. Most of the previous studies on this topic do not quantify mass fluxes or isotopic discrimination phenomena in the organism, which are two pillars in isotope ecology. We used a dynamic energy budget (DEB) approach (Kooijman, 2010) to quantify i) the fluxes of elements and isotopes in C. gigas soft tissues and ii) the impact of the scaled feeding level, the organism mass and the isotopic ratio of food on the "trophic-shift" Δ, and isotope turnover in tissues. Calibration and parametrization... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Oyster; Isotopic ratio; Discrimination; Trophic-shift; Diet; DEB theory. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00043/15434/12784.pdf |
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