Lavaud, Romain; Flye-sainte-marie, Jonathan; Jean, Fred; Emmery, Antoine; Strand, Oivind; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M.. |
We developed a full life-cycle bioenergetic model for the great scallop P. maximusrelying on the concepts of the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory. The covariation method was implemented to estimate the parameters of a standard DEB model. Such models are able to predict various metabolic processes from a food availability marker and temperature in the environment. However, suspension-feeders are likely to feed on various trophic sources, from microalgae cells to detritus. They are also able to sort and select food particles very efficiently, depending on their size, energetic value or quality. The present model includes a mechanistic description of the feeding processes, based on Kooijman’s Synthesizing Unit principle which allow to deal with several food... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; DEB theory; Synthesizing Units; Phytoplankton; Feeding process; Bay of Brest. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00162/27316/28458.pdf |
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Pecquerie, Laure; Fablet, Ronan; De Pontual, Helene; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Petitgas, Pierre; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M.. |
Environmental conditions experienced by aquatic organisms are archived in biogenic carbonates such as fish otoliths, bivalve shells and coral skeletons. These calcified structures present an accretionary growth and variations in optical properties - color or opacity - that are used to reconstruct time. Full and reliable exploitation of the information extracted from these structures is, however, often limited as the metabolic processes that control their growth and their optical properties are poorly understood. Here, we propose a new modeling framework that couples both the growth of a biogenic carbonate and its optical properties with the metabolism of the organism. The model relies on well-tested properties of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory. It is... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Otolith; Calcification; Metabolism; Bioenergetic model; Food reconstruction; Dynamic Energy Budget theory. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00060/17082/14593.pdf |
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Fablet, Ronan; Pecquerie, Laure; De Pontual, Helene; Hoie, Hans; Millner, Richard; Mosegaard, Henrik; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M.. |
Otoliths are biocalcified bodies connected to the sensory system in the inner ears of fish. Their layered, biorhythm-following formation provides individual records of the age, the individual history and the natural environment of extinct and living fish species. Such data are critical for ecosystem and fisheries monitoring. They however often lack validation and the poor understanding of biomineralization mechanisms has led to striking examples of misinterpretations and subsequent erroneous conclusions in fish ecology and fisheries management. Here we develop and validate a numerical model of otolith biomineralization. Based on a general bioenergetic theory, it disentangles the complex interplay between metabolic and temperature effects on... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00056/16695/14163.pdf |
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Marques, Goncalo M.; Augustine, Starrlight; Lika, Konstadia; Pecquerie, Laure; Domingos, Tiago; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M.. |
We developed new methods for parameter estimation-in-context and, with the help of 125 authors, built the AmP (Add-my-Pet) database of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models, parameters and referenced underlying data for animals, where each species constitutes one database entry. The combination of DEB parameters covers all aspects of energetics throughout the full organism's life cycle, from the start of embryo development to death by aging. The species-specific parameter values capture biodiversity and can now, for the first time, be compared between animals species. An important insight brought by the AmP project is the classification of animal energetics according to a family of related DEB models that is structured on the basis of the mode of metabolic... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00448/55986/72122.pdf |
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