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การผลิตเมล็ดพันธุ์พืชตระกูลถั่ว พืชบำรุงดิน และพืชอาหารสัตว์ในสวนยางพาราสร้างใหม่: รายงานการวิจัย 106
Suwat Boonchan; Boonmee Siri; Krailert Taweekul; Chaisri Chotrungroj.
The objective of this experiment was to investigate the advantages of seed production of three legume crops, stalkless yard long bean, cowpea and soybean; as intercropping in new rubber plantation. Each legume crop was planted 2 rai. Soil analysis was conducted before and after planting the intercropping legumes. Growths of rubber plants with and without intercropping were monitored monthly until harvesting legume. The result found that the legumes as intercropping in new rubber plantation improved organic matters and nitrogen level in soil, whereas rubber plant decreased soil acidity. Also, the legumes increased growth of rubber plant including height, diameter, circumference, and number of leaf. Moreover, the rubber plant farmer gained more profit from...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Legume crops; Stalkless yard long bean; Cowpea; Soybean; Seed production; Rubber plantation; Intercrooping; Khon Kaen province; พืชตระกูลถั่ว; ถั่วฝักยาวไร้ค้าง; ถั่วพุ่มเอนกประสงค์; ถั่วเหลือง; การผลิตเมล็ดพันธุ์; สวนยางพารา; การปลูกพืชแซม; จ.ขอนแก่น.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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แรงจูงใจและผลด้านเศรษฐกิจของเกษตรกรผู้ผลิตผักปลอดสารพิษ บ้านสว่าง ตำบลห้วยเตย อำเภอซำสูง จังหวัดขอนแก่น 106
Krailert Taweekul.
The research aim to study the motivation and the economic characteristics of farmers participated in chemically free vegetable production by using underground water. Various research methods had been used: interview and focus group at Swang village Samsung district, Khon Kaen province. Then, the data had been analyzed by using statistic test: frequency, percentage average and regression, after that explanation also was used to describe. The study found that the member of group had annual farm income average 72,941 baht per household, while their expenditures on farm totaled 62,560 baht per household per year. Their motivations of them to participate the group were: 1) need land to cultivate vegetable, 2) need the cultivate land nearby houses, 3) water for...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Chemically free vegetable; Ground water; Organic; Khon Kaen province; ผักปลอดสารพิษ; สารอินทรีย์; แรงจูงใจ; เทคโนโลยีการผลิต; รายได้; ต้นทุนการผลิต; ครัวเรือน; จ.ขอนแก่น อ.ซำสูง.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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