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A contribution to the fern flora of French Guiana Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
In recent times very little has been published on the fern flora of French Guiana. In 1918, R. BONAPARTE published a list of fern specimens, collected chiefly by Leprieur and Mélinon (p. 365: Guyane franςaise, plusieurs collecteurs, herbier du Prince Bonaparte; apart from some scattered notes in other volumes of Notes Ptéridologiques); POSTHUMUS’s records of ferns from that region, which are included in his work on the ferns of Surinam (1928), were partly based on Bonaparte’s work, but comparatively little new material had been added to the existing collections. Consequently, when Mme M. Tardieu-Blot informed me that the Paris herbarium contained some unidentified collections of Pteridophytes from that region, I accepted willingly her offer to study them....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1955 URL:
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A new genus of Lindsaeoid ferns Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
In revising the New World representatives of the genus Lindsaea, the author came across a fern specimen from Borneo preserved in the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, that did not seem to fit into any described genus. It had been described as Schizoloma stortii v. A. v. R., but in the author’s opinion the genus Schizoloma Gaud., typified by Lindsaea ensifolia Sw., cannot be maintained (Kramer, 1957). Almost all species that in modern works have been left in it (e.g. HOLTTUM, 1954; ALSTON, 1956, as Schizolegnia) should be put back in Lindsaea. This, however, cannot be done with Sch. stortii, as this species possesses a peculiar combination of characters unlike anything found in Lindsaea. Its pinnae have a median main vein as in L. ensifolia, but are freeveined, and...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1957 URL:
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A revison of the genus Lindsaea in the New World with notes on Allied genera Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1957 URL:
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A sketch of the vegetation and flora of the Kappel Savanna near Tafelberg, Suriname. I Naturalis
Kramer, K.U.; Donselaar, J. van.
In February and early March, 1961, the senior author spent three weeks on a small savanna in the approximate centre of Suriname, South of Tafelberg, (map 1). He was accompanied by Mr. W. H. A. Hekking. The time was spent in exploring the flora of the savanna and the adjacent forest. As a detailed study of the vegetation of the savannas of northern Suriname was then in progress, several extensive papers being in preparation (Heyligers, 1963; Van Donselaar, 1965; Van Donselaar-Ten Bokkel Huinink, 1966), it was felt that a more thorough inventory of the vegetation and the flora of the savanna might be rewarding. When a general impression of the plant-cover of the area had been obtained, eight representative sample-plots were selected, their vegetation was...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1968 URL:
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A sketch of the vegetation and flora of the Kappel Savanna near Tafelberg, Suriname. II Naturalis
Kramer, K.U.; Donselaar, J. van.
Humiria balsamifera (Aublet) St. Hil. var. balsamifera KH 3294, var. guianensis (Benth.) Cuatrecasas KH 2954, 3288, 3313. K: Widespread, but not common, in thickets. S: Northern and southern savannas, savanna scrub and savanna woods. R: Kaieteur savanna (var. guianensis).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1968 URL:
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Addenda, corrigenda et emendanda Naturalis
Holttum, R.E.; Kramer, K.U..
As has been done in Series I, Flowering Plants, it seems useful to complete the volume with worthwhile additions and corrections. Page numbers are provided with either a or b denoting the left and right columns respectively.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Distribution maps of Pacific plants Naturalis
Balgooy, M.M.J. van; Gunn, C.R.; Meijden, R. van der; Green, P.S.; Vogel, E.F. de; Geesink, R.; Hansen, B.; Carolin, R.C.; Kramer, K.U.; Hatorg, C. den; Manning, W.E.; Smit, P.G.; Wilde, W.J.J.O. de.
Name: Eurya Thunb., Nova Genera Plantarum (1783) 68. Family: Theaceae.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Floristic and Cytotaxonomic notes on the flora of the Maltese Islands Naturalis
Kramer, K.U.; Westra, L.Y.Th.; Kliphuis, E.; Gadella, Th.W.J..
In the spring of 1968 and 1969 the two senior authors visited the Maltese Islands of Malta and Gozo and collected and photographed plants. The entire herbarium collection amounts to about 350 numbers. The first set is deposited in the herbarium of the State University of Utrecht; duplicates were sent chiefly to the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. Critical determination of the material yielded some results which may be interesting from a floristictaxonomic viewpoint and are therefore reported below. Beside herbarium material fruits and seeds were collected; the samples that germinated were investigated cytotaxonomically by the two junior authors. The results are also presented in the following. The first truly comprehensive account of the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Lindsaea-group Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
Small to medium-sized, rarely large, terrestrial or epiphytic ferns. Rhizome creeping, terrestrial and radially symmetric or nearly so, solenostelic or more often with a special type of protostele with internal phloem but without internal endodermis and medulla; or epiphytic and with a similar but strongly dorsiventral protostele with the internal phloem close to the dorsal side of the xylem, or in some small species the xylem strand open and U-shaped. Petioles with a single U- or V-shaped vascular bundle. Indument of the rhizome of scales, these nonpeltate, non-clathrate (in Mal. spp.), glabrous, entire, or with weakly developed teeth of two protruding cell-ends; terminal cell of scale glandular. Juvenile leaves with similar but narrower, caducous scales....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Notes on the Distribution of the Pteridophytes of Suriname Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
In a forthcoming publication (Kramer, in prep.) floristic and taxonomic data of the pteridophyte flora of Suriname will be assembled, with keys and notes on their local distribution and ecological preference. The present paper deals with the geographical distribution of Suriname pteridophytes beyond the boundaries of Suriname (Fig. 2), a subject that lies beyond the scope of a local fern Flora. In the past, some (but relatively not very many) authors of fern Floras included a paragraph on the distribution of the taxa (Posthumus, 1928; Christensen, 1932; Backer & Posthumus, 1939). In some other fern Floras some space is devoted to ecology, but very little to geography (Holttum, 1954). In still others, considerations of a general kind on ecology and...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Notes on the Pteridophytes on the Dutch West Indies Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
The present paper is intended as an introduction to the author’s treatment of the ferns and fern allies in Mr. A. L. STOFFERS’ new Flora of the Netherlands Antilles, the first volume to be published shortly. Apart from phytogeographical notes that do not usually find a place in such a flora, in the following some nomenclatural notes are given, besides a few explanatory remarks on the principles employed in the classification.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1960 URL:
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Pseudophegopteris (Thelypteridaceae) in Fiji, a new record and a new species Naturalis
Kramer, K.U.; Zogg, E..
Pseudophegopteris fijiensis is a newly described fern species from the island of Taveuni, Fiji; it also represents a new generic record for Fiji. Its possible relationships are discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Pteridophyta Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
Epiphytic or usually terrestrial ferns with a short fleshy rhizome bearing only one or a few, mostly fleshy, leaves, these erect, petiolate, continuous with the rhizome, the lamina usually divided into a sterile and a stalked fertile portion; veins free or reticulate. Sporangia with a wall composed of several layers of cells, opening with a slit, containing numerous trilete thick-walled subspherical spores of one kind. Four genera, two monotypic, the others with about 60 species of almost world-wide distribution.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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Reviews Naturalis
Bethel, J.S.; Tan, B.C.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van; Kramer, K.U.; Nooteboom, H.P.; Steenis-Kruseman, M.J. van.
ANONYMOUS. Food and fruit-bearing forest species. 2: Examples from southeastern Asia. FAO, Via della Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. FAO Forestry Paper 44/2. 1984. xx, 167 pp., ill. Price unknown. ISBN 92.5.102153.8. This brochure is the second of a series on potential food plants from various tropical areas. The idea to produce the series was generated during the 8th World Forestry Congress in Jakarta in 1978. It reflects the increasing public awareness of the forest as a resource for mankind and as such is to be welcomed. The paper prepared by the Forest Research Institute, Laguna, contains the descriptions of 70 species with notes on names, uses, propagation, all in relation to the Philippines.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Reviews Naturalis
Bourdy, G.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Baas, P.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van; Noteboom, H.P.; Kramer, K.U.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Balgooy, M.M.J. van; Noteboom, H.P.; Noteboom, H.P.; Geesink, R.; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van; Veldkamp, J.F.; boom, H.P. Noote-; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van; Noteboom, H.P.; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van; Noteboom, H.P..
BOURDY, G. Une approche de la médicine traditionnelle à Bukittinggi (Sumatra Quest). D.E.A. d’ecologie U.S.T.L. Montpellier. 1984. 55 pp. The results presented in this paper are based one some field work conducted in the Minangkabau region of Bukittinggi (Western Sumatra) during February and March 1984. Traditional medicine is approached through the description of medicinal plants, the way they are utilized, and the people who gather and prescribe them. Data have been collected while interviewing the ’dukuns’ (native doctors). For each medicinal plant synonyms, vernacular names in Bahasa and Minangkabau are given. Voucher specimens of 69 specimens of such medicinal plants were collected and are deposited at MPU.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Studies in the New World Sapindaceae I. Notes on the genus Talisia aublet Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
Since the completion of Radlkofer’s monumental work on the Sapindaceae in Engler’s series “Das Pflanzenreich” 50 years have now elapsed, almost 40 since its publication. It is still the basis of virtually all taxonomic studies in the family. Some of the gerontogean genera have since been the subject of revisional work (Leenhouts 1969, 1971), but for the neogean representatives there are only some regional treatments (e.g. Rambo 1952; Barkley 1957; Reitz 1962; Soukup 1969), apart from descriptions of new taxa scattered through the literature. When studying the taxa native to Suriname in connection with the preparation of a supplement to the family treatment published previously in the “Flora of Suriname” (Uittien 1937) it soon became apparent to me that the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1972 URL:
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The Lindsaeoid ferns of the Old World. I. New Caledonia Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
The present paper is the first of a series of regional revisions of the Old World Lindsaeoid ferns centering around a revision of the group in the Flora Malesiana area where the largest number of species occurs. In the few cases where modern revisions are already available the present author’s contribution will be limited to critical and additional notes; otherwise they will be in the nature of monographic treatments, although widespread species will, of course, as a rule not be described more than once. The botanically isolated position of New Caledonia is well-known, and most floristic phytogeographers agree in regarding it as a separate floristic region (e.g. Good, 1947; Van Balgooy, 1960). Endemism is high in the ferns as well as in the flowering...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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The Lindsaeoid ferns of the Old World II. A revision of Tapeinidium Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
Tapeinidium is the second largest of the Lindsaeoid fern genera. In the present study 17 species are distinguished. Until Tapeinidium was recognized as a genus its species were included in Microlepia, where it was originally described as an infrageneric division, or in Davallia. Fée (1852), then Diels (1902), treated it as a genus, but under the incorrectly interpreted name Wibelia Bernhardi, which is actually a synonym of Davallia (see Copeland, 1947). The species described so far have mainly been distinguished by their leaf architecture, especially the degree of dissection; see, e.g., van Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh (1909). In my opinion this is at best one of several useful characters. At least equally important is the structure of the petiole and the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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The Lindsaeoid ferns of the Old World III. Notes on Lindsaea and Sphenomeris in the Flora Malesiana Area Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
In the Flora Malesiana area recent authors have distinguished the following genera in the Lindsaea group of ferns: Isoloma J. Smith, Lindsaea Dryander (often misspelled “Lindsaya”; see Copeland 1947, p. 53, and Kramer 1957a, p. 156), Odontosoria Fee, Protolindsaya Copeland, Schizoloma Gaudichaud (or Schizolegnia Alston), Sphenomeris Maxon, Tapeinidium (Presl) C. Christensen, and Xyropteris Kramer. In my account of the American species (Kramer 1957a) I included the Asiatic genus Schizolepton Fee in the Lindsaea group, on Copeland’s authority, without sufficiently looking into the matter. Holttum (1958) has shown since that its affinities are with Syngramma and has subsequently (1960) combined it with Taenitis, although Pichi-Sermolli (1966) denies any close...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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The Lindsaeoid ferns of the Old World V. The smaller Pacific islands Naturalis
Kramer, K.U..
The present paper is the third regional revision of the Old World Lindsaeoid ferns. The second (the fourth in the entire series on the Old World Lindsaeoids) will be published as vol. II, 1 part 3 of Flora Malesiana; it is awaiting publication as the present paper goes to the press. Species fully described there and extending into the area covered by the present revision are not dealt with at length again, in order to avoid redundance. The present treatment deals with the species of Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia, or, more precisely, the smaller Pacific Islands from the Palau Islands, the Marianas, and the Bismarck Archipelago in the West to Hawaii and the Marquesas in the East. The Volcano and Bonin Islands wil be treated with Japan, to which...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1970 URL:
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