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Effects of light availability and growth rate on leaf lifespan of four temperate rainforest Proteaceae RChHN
Although comparative studies have revealed much about the environmental correlates of leaf lifespan and its integration with other leaf traits, a comprehensive theory of leaf lifespan is still lacking. The influence of growth rate on self-shading may be a key proximate determinant of both inter- and intra-specific variation in leaf lifespans. If this were the case, we would expect leaf lifespans of fast-growing light-demanding species to respond more strongly to light environment than those of shade-tolerant species. We monitored growth and leaf survival of juvenile trees of four temperate rainforest Proteaceae in southern Chile, in order to explore the influences of light environment and self-shading on leaf lifespan. Leaf lifespans tended to decrease...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Height growth; LAI-2000; Path analysis; Self-shading; Shade tolerance.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Ontogenetic variation in light interception, self-shading and biomass distribution of seedlings of the conifer Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch RChHN
One of the factors thought to contribute to ontogenetic declines in plant growth rates is diminishing light interception efficiency, as a result of the difficulties of avoiding self-shading among a growing number of leaves, and by stems. The effects of plant size on self-shading and light interception have rarely been quantified, however. We used a three-dimensional digitising system to construct virtual models of the architecture of Araucaria araucana seedlings 71 to 358 mm tall, and modelled their light interception in the forest understorey using the program YPLANT. We also analyzed seedling allometry, to determine the combined effects of biomass distribution and self-shading on total light interception. Average light interception efficiencies...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Allocation; Allometry; FLORADIG; Leaf area ratio; Virtual plants; YPLANT.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Responses of two températe evergreen Nothofagus species to sudden and gradual waterlogging: relationships with distribution patterns RChHN
The effects of gradual waterlogging on trees have been little studied. The températe evergreens Nothofagus nítida and N. dombeyi are differentially distributed on soil moisture gradients, only the former being common on poorly-drained sites. We compared the relative height growth rate (RGR H) and foliage loss of seedlings subjected experimentally to normal drainage (soil at field capacity), sudden waterlogging and gradual waterlogging for two months to determine which waterlogging regime more accurately predicts interspecific differences in tolerance, as evident from natural distributions. RGR H was similar between species but differed between treatments (normal watering > gradual waterlogging = sudden waterlogging). Sudden waterlogging caused massive...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Nothofagus; Reciprocal transplants; Seedling growth; Températe rainforest.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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