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An alternative early opening scenario for the Central Atlantic Ocean ArchiMer
Labails, Cinthia; Olivet, Jean-louis; Aslanian, Daniel; Roest, Walter.
The opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean basin that separated North America from northwest Africa is well documented and assumed to have started during the Late Jurassic. However, the early evolution and the initial breakup history of Pangaea are still debated: most of the existing models are based on one or multiple ridge jumps at the Middle Jurassic leaving the oldest crust on the American side, between the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA) and the Blake Spur Magnetic Anomaly (BSMA). According to these hypotheses, the BSMA represents the limit of the initial basin and the footprint subsequent to the ridge jump. Consequently, the evolution of the northwest African margin is widely different from the northeast American margin. However, this setting is in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Central Atlantic Ocean; Mesozoic reversals; Volcanism; Fracture zones; Spreading asymmetry; Plate reconstructions.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Crustal structure of the SW-Moroccan margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (the DAKHLA experiment) Part A: Wide-angle seismic models ArchiMer
Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Labails, Cinthia; Cosquer, Emmanuel; Rouzo, Stephane; Geli, Louis; Aslanian, Daniel; Olivet, Jean-louis; Sahabi, M.; Nouze, Herve; Unternehr, P..
A total 1500 km of seismic reflection and wide-angle profiles were acquired off the southern Moroccan margin during the DAKHLA cruise, a joint project of Ifremer, the Universities of Brest, El Jadida and Lisbon and Total. The shots along two profiles parallel to the margin and two profiles perpendicular to the margin were also recorded by ocean bottom seismometers (OBS). The profiles perpendicular to the margin were additionally extended on land using 14 stations on the northern profile and 11 stations on the southern profile. Modelling of the reflection and wide-angle seismic data reveals a 10 km deep sedimentary basin including two high velocity carbonate layers. Lateral crustal thinning is observed from a 27 km thick crystalline continental crust to a 7...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean continent transition; Keyword wide angle seismic; Southern Moroccan margin.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Evolution of rifted continental margins: The case of the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean Basin) ArchiMer
Bache, Francois; Olivet, Jean-louis; Gorini, Christian; Aslanian, Daniel; Labails, Cinthia; Rabineau, Marina.
The formation of rifted continental margins has long been explained by numerous physical models. However, field observations are still lacking to validate or constrain these models. This study presents major new observations on the broad continental margin of the Gulf of Lions, based on a large amount of varied data. Two contrasting regions characterize the thinned continental crust of this margin. One of these regions corresponds to a narrow rift zone (40–50 km wide) that was highly thinned and stretched during rifting. In contrast with this domain, a large part of the margin subsided slowly during rifting and then rapidly after rifting. The thinning of this domain cannot be explained by stretching of the upper crust. We can thus recognize a zonation of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subsidence; Passive margins; Back-arc; Rifting; Erosion; Stretching; Thinning; Western Mediterranean; Gulf of Lions.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Heat flow from the Southeast Indian Ridge flanks between 80°E and 140°E: Data review and analysis - art. no. B01101 ArchiMer
Geli, Louis; Lee, T; Cochran, J; Francheteau, J; Abbott, D; Labails, Cinthia; Appriou, D.
We analyze available heat flow data from the flanks of the Southeast Indian Ridge adjacent to or within the Australian-Antarctic Discordance (AAD), an area with patchy sediment cover and highly fractured seafloor as dissected by ridge- and fracture-parallel faults. The data set includes 23 new data points collected along a 14-Ma old isochron and 19 existing measurements from the 20- to 24-Ma old crust. Most sites of measurements exhibit low heat flux (from 2 to 50 mW m(-2)) with near-linear temperature-depth profiles except at a few sites, where recent bottom water temperature change may have caused nonlinearity toward the sediment surface. Because the igneous basement is expected to outcrop a short distance away from any measurement site, we hypothesize...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mid ocean ridges; Heat flow; Marine geophysics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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La marge sud-marocaine et les premières phases d'ouverture de l'océan Atlantique Central ArchiMer
Labails, Cinthia.
We here propose a twofold approach to study the continental margins of the Central Atlantic Ocean, with special focus on the South Morocco Margin, in front of Reguibat bloc. This approach is based on plate kinematics reconstructions and geological field studies to map and constrain the geometry of the plate boundary though time and seismic sections (reflection and refraction) to decipher the tectonic and sedimentary history of the margin. Sahabi et al. (2004) recently showed that the opening of the central Atlantic Ocean started 195 my ago (Sinemurian basis) (i.e. 20 my later than what was generally proposed in earlier models). Based on this result and on the analysis of geophysical data (including new seismic lines, a new magnetic anomaly grid and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tectonic inheritance; Combined wide angle and deep reflection seismic; South Moroccan margin; Crustal structure; Non volcanic continental passive margin; Héritage tectonique; Sismique réflexion et réfraction; Structure crustale; Marge continentale passive Sud Maroc.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Linking the Canary and Cape-Verde hot-spots, Northwest Africa ArchiMer
Patriat, Martin; Labails, Cinthia.
The Canary and Cape-Verde archipelagos are two groups of volcanic islands often cited as case examples of the surface expression of two distinct hot-spot plumes. However, several considerations that we enumerate suggest a link between the two archipelagos. Using seismic profiles we describe a continuous morphological basement ridge that exists between the two archipelagos. We then examine the stratigraphic record available from field data on Fuerteventura Island (Canary) and Maio Island (Cape-Verde) and from a few Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) holes. The geological history of these volcanic islands is very similar since the formation of their oceanic basement during the Late Jurassic. They share the same and synchronious sedimentary evolution...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Maio; Hot spots; Fuerteventura; Cape Verde; Canary.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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