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Comparison of 0- and 2-group otolith elemental signatures to discriminate Solea solea nurseries in the bay of biscay ArchiMer
Durieux, Eric D. H.; Labonne, Maylis; Begout, Marie-laure; De Pontual, Helene.
The common sole Solea solea (L.) is a commercially important and widely distributed flatfish of the North-East Atlantic. For the Bay of Biscay stock, sole nurseries display differences in terms of quantity and quality. In fine the measure of the quality of a habitat for juveniles of a particular species is expressed by the contribution to the recruitment into the adult population. Understanding this connectivity between juvenile and adult habitats, i.e. evaluating the contribution of each nursery to a single adult stock appears essential in terms of stock management. However, this critical link is still missing for the Bay of Biscay sole stock. Determining if nurseries could be discriminated using otolith elemental composition analysis constitutes the...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Determining the age of tropical tunas in the Indian Ocean from otolith microstructures ArchiMer
Sardenne, Fany; Dortel, Emmanuelle; Le Croizier, Gael; Million, Julien; Labonne, Maylis; Leroy, Bruno; Bodin, Nathalie; Chassot, Emmanuel.
The Indian Ocean Tuna Tagging Program (IOTTP) provided a unique opportunity to assess the viability of estimating the age of tropical tunas from the micro-structural features of otoliths. Here, we analyzed the length measurements and micro-increment counts collected for 506 sagittal otoliths, of which 343 were chemically marked with oxytetracycline, for bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Our results show that the otoliths of tropical tunas grow more slowly than the rest of the body. Our findings confirm that both yellowfin and juvenile bigeye deposit daily increments in their otoliths, though ages are underestimated for large bigeye (>100 cm) when derived from micro-increment counts. Our...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Daily age; Micro-increment; Mark-recapture; Oxytetracycline; Thunnus.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Extent of Mangrove Nursery Habitats Determines the Geographic Distribution of a Coral Reef Fish in a South-Pacific Archipelago ArchiMer
Paillon, Christelle; Wantiez, Laurent; Kulbicki, Michel; Labonne, Maylis; Vigliola, Laurent.
Understanding the drivers of species' geographic distribution has fundamental implications for the management of biodiversity. For coral reef fishes, mangroves have long been recognized as important nursery habitats sustaining biodiversity in the Western Atlantic but there is still debate about their role in the Indo-Pacific. Here, we combined LA-ICP-MS otolith microchemistry, underwater visual censuses (UVC) and mangrove cartography to estimate the importance of mangroves for the Indo-Pacific coral reef fish Lutjanus fulviflamma in the archipelago of New Caledonia. Otolith elemental compositions allowed high discrimination of mangroves and reefs with 83.8% and 98.7% correct classification, respectively. Reefs were characterized by higher concentrations of...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Mineral phase in shell repair of Manila clam Venerupis philippinarum affected by brown ring disease ArchiMer
Trinkler, Nolwenn; Bardeau, Jean-francois; Marin, Frederic; Labonne, Maylis; Jolivet, Aurelie; Crassous, Philippe; Paillard, Christine.
The mineral phase of shell repair in the Manila clam Venerupis philippinarum affected by brown ring disease (BRD) was characterised at various scales and at various stages of shell repair by confocal Raman microspectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. Spherulitic and quadrangular aragonite microstructures associated with polyene pigments were clearly observed. Von Kossa staining showed that at the beginning of shell repair, hemocytes are filled with insoluble calcium carbonate salts in all fluids and then are transported toward the extrapallial fluids and the repair sites. Our analyses suggest that after a Vibrio tapetis attack and BRD deposit some clams rapidly cover the deposit, resulting in a modification in the microstructure, which could be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aragonite; Hemocytes; Shell microstructure; Calcium carbonate; Biomineralization; Mollusc; Raman microspectrometry; Scanning electron microscopy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Modeling larval dispersal for the gilthead seabream in the northwestern Mediterranean sea ArchiMer
Lett, Christophe; Barrier, Nicolas; Ourmières, Yann; Petit, Cécile; Labonne, Maylis; Bourjea, Jerome; Darnaude, Audrey M..
To investigate dispersal and connectivity between spawning and lagoon nursery habitats of the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, in the Gulf of Lions (northwestern Mediterranean Sea), we modeled the potential transport of the species’ larvae between its supposed main spawning site in the region (the Planier Island) and two of its main local nursery areas (the coastal lagoons of Thau and Salses-Leucate). Passive larval drift simulations using a dispersal biophysical model showed a large variability in the possible trajectories from spawning to nursery areas and in the predicted ages for larvae arrival on the two nursery sites. The most common ages at arrival obtained in the simulations (20–60 days) are broadly consistent with previous modeling studies but...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sparus aurata; Gulf of Lions; Fish; Larvae; Models-hydrodynamic; Biophysical model; Connectivity; Otolith.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Otolith microchemistry suggests probable population structuring in the Indian Ocean for the broadbill swordfish Xiphias gladius ArchiMer
Darnaude, Audrey M; Labonne, Maylis; Petit, Cécile; Médieu, Anais; Pernak, Marianne; Nikolic, Natacha; Artetxe-arrate, Iraide; Clear, Naomi; Farley, Jessica; Eveson, Paige; Lozano-montes, Hector; Davies, Campbell; Marsac, Francis.
Variation in otolith elemental fingerprints was investigated in the broadbill swordfish (Xiphias gladius) to complement genetic data obtained by next generation sequencing in the framework of a collaborative project on population stock structure of tuna, billfish and sharks of the Indian Ocean (PSTBS-IO). Swordfish specimens for this work were sampled in the southwest (SWI), west central (WCI) and southeast (SEI) regions of the Indian Ocean. A total of 70 otoliths (30 from SWI and 20 from each WCI and SEI) were selected and the elemental signatures of their cores were analysed by LA-ICP-MS to investigate potential differences in spawning origin among regions. Among the 15 chemical elements analysed, only Mg, P, Sr, Ba and B were above detection limits and...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Trace metal distribution in pelagic fish species from the north-west African coast (Morocco) ArchiMer
Afandi, Imane; Talba, Sophia; Benhra, Ali; Benbrahim, Samir; Chfiri, Rachid; Labonne, Maylis; Masski, Hicham; Lae, Raymond; De Morais, Luis Tito; Bekkali, Mohammed; Bouthir, Fatima Zohra.
In the current study, ten elements contents (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb and Hg) have been measured in muscle and liver of four pelagic fish species (Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus, Scomber japonicus and Trachurus trachurus) from the north-west African coast (South Atlantic Moroccan coast), collected during summer and autumn seasons (July and December 2013, respectively). Significant differences in metal contents were found between the different species (p < 0.05). Metals levels were also much higher in liver than those recorded in muscle tissues. The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cd, Co, Cu and Pb were significantly higher in mackerel liver (p < 0.05).While, in muscle, anchovy presents a higher content of Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni and Pb. A high...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Variabilité spatiale de la signature multi-élémentaire des otolithes de G0 de Solea solea et Pleuronectes platessa au sein d’un habitat côtier : exemple de la baie de Seine ArchiMer
Durieux, Eric; Mahe, Kelig; Labonne, Maylis; Morin, Jocelyne; Brind'Amour, Anik.
Les zones côtières telles que les baies et les estuaires constituent des nourriceries pour les juvéniles de nombreuses espèces de poissons marins et en particulier les poissons plats. In fine, la fonction de nourricerie d’un habitat repose sur sa capacité à produire des individus qui vont contribuer à la population adulte. La composition élémentaire des otolithes de poissons est devenue un outil important pour étudier la connectivité entre les habitats des juvéniles et des adultes. Cette approche majeure en écologie halieutique repose sur l’identification de signatures multi-élémentaires caractérisant les nourriceries. Il est donc important de considérer les processus spatiaux à plus petite échelle de manière à identifier localement les habitats de...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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