Registros recuperados: 13 | |
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Clavier, Jacques; Chauvaud, Laurent; Amice, Erwan; Lazure, Pascal; Van Der Geest, Matthijs; Labrosse, Pierre; Diagne, Ahmed; Carlier, Antoine; Chauvaud, Sylvain. |
Benthic primary production and respiration were investigated at 4 sites representative of the major coastal communities bordering the Sahara Desert in the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, Western Africa. These sites correspond to intertidal Zostera noltii beds (270 km(2)), intertidal bare sediments (88 km(2)), subtidal Cymodocea nodosa beds (374 km(2)), and subtidal bare sediments (311 km(2)). At each site, production-irradiance relationships were established in situ in November 2008 and January 2010, and used to calculate daily carbon fluxes for these communities. In intertidal areas, compared to emersion, the gross maximal photosynthetic rates for Z. noltii bed and bare sediment communities were on average 8-and 7-fold higher during immersion, respectively;... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Seagrass; Carbon metabolism; Intertidal; Subtidal; Respiration; Primary; Production; Western Africa. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00189/29987/28460.pdf |
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Randall, John E.; Williams, Jeffrey T.; Smith, David G.; Kulbicki, M.; Tham, G. Mou, Tham, G. Mou; Labrosse, Pierre; Kronen, M.; Clua, E.; Mann, B. S.. |
A checklist is given below of 1162 species of shore and epipelagic fishes belonging to 111 families that occur in the islands of Tonga, South Pacifie Ocean; 40 of these are epipelagic species. As might be expected, the fish fauna of Tonga is most similar to those of Samoa and Fiji; at least 658 species of the fishes found in Tonga are also known from Fiji and the islands of Samoa. Twelve species of shore fishes are presently known only from Tonga. Specimens of Tongan fishes are housed mainly in the fish collections of the National Museum ofNatural History, Washington D.C.; Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu; Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; and the Australian Museum, Sydney. Native Tongan names of fishes, when known, are presented after species... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71976/70673.pdf |
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Letourneur, Y; Labrosse, Pierre; Kulbicki, M. |
A comparative study was conducted in two zones of the Northern Province of New Caledonia, one located windward (east coast) and the other located leeward (west coast). In each zone, three major sectors were investigated: fringing reefs close to areas of important mining activities, fringing reefs close to areas of moderate mining activities, and fringing reefs close to areas free of mining activities. In addition, on the west coast, fringing reefs close to areas of high natural ground erosion were also studied. Only commercial fish species sensus late were censused on a total of 163 stations, concerning 165 fish species. Substrate characteristics were not different between zones and sectors. However, significant differences were observed for living... |
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Palavras-chave: Ichtyofaune; Récif corallien; Activité minière; Apport terrigène; Océan Pacifique; Ichthyofauna; Fringing reefs; Mining activities; Terrigeneous runoff; Pacific Ocean. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00325/43586/44026.pdf |
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Leopold, M; Ferraris, J; Labrosse, Pierre. |
Fishing pressure on reef fish stocks, in relation to exploitable biomass, is a useful parameter for fishery resource management but difficult to assess in subsistence fisheries. A methodology for indirect fishery output assessment in island environments is proposed based on estimates of consumption and the relevant seafood trade. Ouvea atoll in the South Pacific (Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia), where subsistence fishing is the main activity, was used as the IPF experimental site. A consumer survey of the islands' households was conducted in June 2000. The sampling plan was determined on the basis of data already available on the population concerned, making it possible to give quantitative and qualitative information on catches. Total catch is estimated... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Consumer survey; Subsistence fishery; Coral reef resources; Household; Indicator. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71966/70662.pdf |
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Kulbicki, M; Bozec, Ym; Labrosse, Pierre; Letourneur, Y; Mou-tham, G; Wantiez, L. |
A total of 212 carnivorous coastal fish species from New Caledonia, represented by 7335 individuals, were analysed for their diet. Fifty two prey items were identified and later grouped into broader taxonomic categories refered as "prey types". For each fish species 6 biological traits were defined: maximum adult size, major biotope, schooling behaviour, home range, nycthemeral behaviour, degree of crypticity. A general linear model was fit to the diet data taking into account these traits, and depth of capture and fish family. This model was applied to the average number of prey types/stomach and to the volume of 5 prey types: nekton, crustaceans. molluscs, echinoderms, worms. A second analysis was performed on the effect of observed size on diet... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Fish diet; Trophic level; Indian ocean. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71965/70663.pdf |
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Clua, Eric; Beliaeff, Benoit; Chauvet, Claude; David, Gilbert; Ferraris, Jocelyne; Kronen, Mekhi; Kulbicki, Michel; Labrosse, Pierre; Letourneur, Yves; Pelletier, Dominique; Thebaud, Olivier; Leopold, Marc. |
The diversity of reef ecosystems, the multiplicity of reef resource uses and the breadth of the range of the island socio-cultural contexts concerned make coral reef fisheries (CRF) management in the South Pacific a complex task. The health and state of the targeted resources depend both on ecosystem characteristics (as determined by ecological and biological factors) and on fishing pressure, whose effects are only partly known. Increasing harvests from commercial and recreational fishing increasingly overlap with traditional Subsistence activity, creating an important CRF management challenge. This paper presents a new approach to CRF assessment and monitoring by providing a set of multidisciplinary indicators. The fisheries system is assessed from three... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Dashboard; Indicators; Co management; Fishing; Coral reefs. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2005/publication-716.pdf |
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Carlier, Antoine; Chauvaud, Laurent; Van Der Geest, Matthijs; Le Loc'H, Francois; Le Duff, Michel; Vernet, Marc; Raffray, Jean; Diakhate, Djibril; Labrosse, Pierre; Wague, Abdoulaye; Le Goff, Clement; Gohin, Francis; Chapron, Bertrand; Clavier, Jacques. |
Banc d’Arguin (BA), Mauritania, is a nationally protected shallow gulf > 10,000 km2 between the Sahara desert and the upwelling system off the Mauritanian coast. In the southeast, BA consists of a 500 km2 tidal flat, the most important wintering site for shorebirds using the East Atlantic Flyway. The Mauritanian upwelling-driven phytoplankton production supports the most productive fisheries worldwide, but little is known about its trophic role in the functioning of the inshore BA food web. Using stable isotopes as trophic tracers to distinguish between upwelling-driven phytoplankton, open ocean phytoplankton, and benthic primary producers, we assessed the spatial extent to which the inshore BA food web is fuelled by upwelling-driven phytoplankton... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Banc d'Arguin; West Africa; Food web structure; Remote sensing; Stable isotope; Upwelling. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00269/37999/36078.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 13 | |