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A geomechanical approach for the genesis of sediment undulations on the Adriatic shelf - art. no. Q04R03 ArchiMer
Sultan, Nabil; Cattaneo, Antonio; Urgeles, R; Lee, H; Locat, J; Trincardi, F; Berne, Serge; Canals, M; Lafuerza, S.
This study is among the first to examine the genesis of the seafloor and subsurface undulations on the Adriatic continental shelf by integrating stratigraphic information and in situ and laboratory geotechnical measurements. Interpretation of sediment behavior is based on a 32-m-long borehole crossing ( 1) a possible shear plane and ( 2) a silty clay layer at about 20 m below seafloor (mbsf) on which sediment undulations are rooted and could be interpreted as a potential weak layer succession. Our main results in terms of triggering mechanism for the observed undulations show that under an earthquake, liquefaction and/or failure of the silty-clay sediments ( weak layer) leading to deformation of the upper more cohesive sediments is possible only when such...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment deformation; Shear strength; Earthquake; Adriatic shelf.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The 100-ka and rapid sea level changes recorded by prograding shelf sand bodies in the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Bassetti, Maria-angela; Berne, Serge; Jouet, Gwenael; Taviani, M; Dennielou, Bernard; Flores, J; Gaillot, Arnaud; Gelfort, R; Lafuerza, S; Sultan, Nabil.
Thick forced regressive units on the wide continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean) recorded the composite effect of sea level changes during the Quaternary. They are mostly composed of coastal siliciclastic and bioclastic wedges showing clinoform geometry. These deposits have been intensively explored through high-resolution seismic investigations, but only recently it was possible to ground truth seismic interpretations, based on a long (100 m) borehole that crossed the succession and recovered a large part of the mainly sandy deposits (similar to 84% recovery). A multiproxy analysis of the sedimentary succession shows that (1) the stratal architecture of the shelf margin is defined by major bounding surfaces that are polygenic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleoclimate; Mediterranean; Quaternary; Shoreface.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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