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Overpressure within upper continental slope sediments from CPTU data, Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Lafuerza, S.; Sultan, Nabil; Canals, M.; Frigola, J.; Berne, Serge; Jouet, Gwenael; Galavazi, M.; Sierro, F. J..
Data from in situ piezocone tests (CPTU) and laboratory analyses are utilized for the interpretation of the stress history of Quaternary sedimentary sequences in the upper continental slope of the Gulf of Lion, northwestern Mediterranean Sea. A CPTU based preconsolidation pressure profile referenced to the current effective stress indicates that the deposit is underconsolidated from 12 meters below the seafloor (mbsf) down to at least 150 mbsf. Excess pore pressure below 12 mbsf is further supported by results from oedometer and dissipation tests. Subseafloor pockmarks and indications of free gas in seismic reflection profiles reveal four main overpressure sources (SI-SIV) with overpressure ratios > 0.3 at subseafloor depths coinciding with levels where...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lion; Continental slope; Overpressure; Preconsolidation pressure; Stress history.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Subseafloor stratigraphic profiling and soil classification from piezocone tests: A case study in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Lafuerza, S.; Frigola, J.; Canals, M.; Jouet, Gwenael; Bassetti, Maria-angela; Sultan, Nabil; Berne, Serge.
We show the results provided by piezocone tests in determining the stratigraphic profile and the soil classification of two drilling sites in the outer shelf and the upper slope of the Gulf of Lion, PRGL2 and PRGL1, respectively. Correlations with grain-size data indicate that sleeve friction can be used for profiling fine-grained sediments (site PRGL1), whereas cone tip resistance is the most adequate for sequences made of alternations of coarse- and fine-grained intervals (site PRGL2). Normalized cone resistance and friction ratio proved to be also appropriate for soil stratigraphy as it depicts trends in the coarse fraction of the tested soil. Silts and clays present in similar proportions at site PRGL1 responded to piezocone testing as pure clays...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lion; Soil classification; Stratigraphy; Piezocone.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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