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A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Agricultural Economic and Environmental Tradeoffs in the Central Nebraska Basins Using Field-Level Area Study Data AgEcon
Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Babcock, Bruce A.; Mitchell, Paul D..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Agricultural Policies and Soil Degradation in Western Canada: An Agro-Ecological Economic Assessment: Project Summary AgEcon
Bouzaher, Aziz; Shogren, Jason F.; Holtkamp, Derald; Gassman, Philip W.; Archer, David W.; Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Carriquiry, Alicia L.; Reese, Randall; Kakani, Dharmaraju; Furtan, William Hartley; Izaurralde, R. Cesar; Kiniry, James R..
This report describes an integrated agro-ecological modeling system that was developed to assess the potential economic and soil erosion impacts of different agricultural policies for the Canadian prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The system was constructed by linking erosion metamodels (response functions), based on multiple simulations of the USDA Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIIC), with a modified version of Agriculture Canada's Canadian Regional Agriculture Model (CRAM) denoted as RS-CRAM (resource sensitive CRAM). A summary of both the environmental and agricultural decision (RS-CRAM) components are presented, including a description of the modifications and enhancements that were made to CRAM. Results of policy...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Agricultural Policies and Soil Degradation in Western Canada: An Agro-Ecological Economic Assessment: Report 3. The Integration of the Environmental and Economic Components AgEcon
Bouzaher, Aziz; Shogren, Jason F.; Holtkamp, Derald; Gassman, Philip W.; Archer, David W.; Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Carriquiry, Alicia L.; Reese, Randall; Furtan, William Hartley; Izaurralde, R. Cesar; Kiniry, James R..
The interface between RS-CRAM and the environmental component of the integrated modeling system is described for crops, crop sequences, and management systems representative of western Canada. An experimentally designed set of EPIC simulations were performed to generate erosion output that was used to construct wind and water erosion metamodels (response functions). The results of the EPIC simulations indicate that wind and water erosion would be the dominant erosion problem over most of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. For Alberta, water erosion was predicted to be the dominant problem, except for the southern portion of the province. Erosion impacts were sensitive to tillage and cropping patterns. EPIC-predicted yields did not vary much across tillage, a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Agricultural Policies and Soil Degradation in Western Canada: An Agro-Ecological Economic Assessment: Report 4. Modifications to CRAM and Policy Evaluation Results AgEcon
Bouzaher, Aziz; Shogren, Jason F.; Holtkamp, Derald; Gassman, Philip W.; Archer, David W.; Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Carriquiry, Alicia L.; Reese, Randall; Kakani, Dharmaraju; Furtan, William Hartley; Izaurralde, R. Cesar; Kiniry, James R..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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An Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Farm Bill Policy Options Using the CEEPES-FAPRI Modeling System AgEcon
Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Babcock, Bruce A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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CRP Targeting for Wildlife Habitat: A New Indicator Using the 1992 National Resources Inventory AgEcon
Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Babcock, Bruce A.; Kellogg, Robert L..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Impacts of Agricultural Practices and Policies on Potential Nitrate Water Pollution in the Midwest and Northern Plains of the United States AgEcon
Wu, JunJie; Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Babcock, Bruce A..
An empirical model is developed to estimate the effects of alternative farming practices on potential nitrogen runoff and leaching in 128,591 National Resources Inventory sites across the Midwest and the Northern Plains of the United States. This model integrates the effects of soils, climate, crops, and management practices on nitrogen loss. The model is applied to evaluation of two policy scenarios. The first scenario reduces N fertilizer application rates by 25 percent through the soil N test. The second replaces continuous cropping practices with crop rotations. The results show that policy effects vary widely across the study region. This analysis emphasizes the importance of conducting policy analysis on a disaggregated scale.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Farming practices; Nitrogen runoff and leaching; Spatial heterogeneity; Disaggregated policy analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Livestock and the Environment: A National Pilot Project: The policy Space, Economic Model, and Environmental Model Linkages AgEcon
Osei, Edward; Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Neibergs, J. Shannon; Bouzaher, Aziz; Johnson, Stanley R..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Program Participation and Farm-Level Adoption of Conservation Tillage: Estimates from a Multinomial Logit Model AgEcon
Babcock, Bruce A.; Chaherli, Nabil M.; Lakshminarayan, P.G..
The conservation compliance provision of the 1985 Food Security Act requires highly erodible land to be cropped according to a locally approved conservation plan. There is overwhelming evidence that conservation compliance has reduced soil erosion. A key issue confronting Congress as they consider 1995 Farm Bill options is the fate of these erosion benefits if commodity programs are eliminated or it the subsidy level is greatly reduced. This study provides policymakers with additional insights into the relationship between conservation tillage practices and government programs by using observed farmer behavior. The central question addressed is: If future program benefits are not tied to conservation practices, will there be a significant decline in the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Renewing CRP: Results from a Study of Alternative Targeting Criteria AgEcon
Babcock, Bruce A.; Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Wu, JunJie.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Sampling Schemes for Policy Analyses Using Computer Simulation Experiments AgEcon
Carriquiry, Alicia L.; Breidt, F. Jay; Lakshminarayan, P.G..
Evaluating the environmental and economic impacts of agricultural policies is not a simple task. A systematic approach to evaluation would include the effect of policy-dependent factors (sue as tillage practices, crop rotations, and chemical use) as well as the effect of policy-independent covariates (such as weather, topography, and soil attributes) on response variables (such as amount of soil eroded or chemical leached into the groundwater). For comparison purposes, the effects of these input combinations on the response variable would have to be assessed under competing policy scenarios. Because the number of input combinations is high in most problems, and because policies to be evaluated are often not in use at the time of the study, practitioners...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Sampling Schemes for Policy Analysis Using Computer Simulation Experiments AgEcon
Carriquiry, Alicia L.; Breidt, F. Jay; Lakshminarayan, P.G..
Evaluating the environmental and economic impacts of agricultural policies is not a simple task. A systematic approach to policy analysis would include investigating the effect of factors such as tillage practices, crop rotations, type and amount of chemical used, weather, topography, and other soil attributes, on observables such as amount of soil eroded or chemical leached into the groundwater. For comparison purposes, the effects of those factors on the response variable would have to be assessed under alternative policy scenarios. Because the number of factor levels is alarmingly high in most problems, and because policies to be evaluated are often not in place at the time of the study, practitioners have resorted to simulation experiments to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Computer experiment; Sampling; Policy analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Temporal and Spatial Evaluation of Soil Conservation Policies AgEcon
Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Babcock, Bruce A..
This paper presents estimates of the benefits and costs of alternative soil conservation policies in a spatially and temporally consistent framework. The policies considered are implementation of soil conservation practices with an objective of reducing erosion to a site's tolerance level and a policy with an objective of a voluntary 50% reduction in conventional tillage. Costs and erosion benefits of these two policies are compared with that obtained from CRP. The changes in erosion and cost are estimated relative to 1992 levels. The analysis is conducted on every NRI point in a 12-state region in the north central United States. Erosion metamodels estimated using site-specific resource, production, topography, and weather data make such an endeavor...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation compliance; Conservation tillage; CRP; Metamodels; Sediment damage; Soil erosion; Soil loss tolerance; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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The Choice of Tillage, Rotation, and Soil Testing Practices: Economic and Environmental Implications AgEcon
Wu, JunJie; Babcock, Bruce A.; Lakshminarayan, P.G..
Which management practices farmers adopt has a significant effect on agricultural pollution. Research has analyzed factors influencing adoption of a single management practice. But often adoption decisions about many practices are made simultaneously, which suggests use of a polychotomous-choice model to analyze decisions. We apply such a model to the choice of alternative management practices on cropland in the Central Nebraska Basin and control for self-selection and the interaction among alternative practices. We use the results of the choice model to estimate the economic and environmental effect so adopting alternative combinations of management practices. Our results suggest that crop rotation and soil N testing are complementary practices, perhaps...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Rotation; Soil N testing; Corn yield; Fertilizer use; Soil erosion; The polychotomous-choice selectivity model; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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The Determinants of Dairy Farm Location AgEcon
Osei, Edward; Lakshminarayan, P.G..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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The Economic, Environmental, and Fiscal Impacts of a Targeted Renewal of Conservation Reserve Program Contracts AgEcon
Babcock, Bruce A.; Lakshminarayan, P.G.; Wu, JunJie.
What to do with CRP contracts as they expire is one of the most pressing issues confronting U.S. agricultural policymakers in 1995. Because CRP renewal will compete in 19959 with other agricultural programs for funding, greater attention will be paid to improve targeting of payments to maintain a significant portion of existing environmental and farm benefits at a reduced program cost. We consider three alternative renewal criteria: (1) renewal of least expensive land first (cost-raking), (2) renewal of most environmentally sensitive land first (benefit-ranking), and (3) renewal of land according to the cost per unit of environmental benefit offered (cost/benefit-ranking). Environmental indicators used to measure benefits include sheet and rill erosion,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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