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A HMM-based model to geolocate pelagic fish from high-resolution individual temperature and depth histories: European sea bass as a case study 5
Woillez, Mathieu; Fablet, Ronan; Tran-thanh Ngo,; Lalire, Maxime; Lazure, Pascal; De Pontual, Helene.
Numerous methods have been developed to geolocate fish from data storage tags. Whereas demersal species have been tracked using tide-driven geolocation models, pelagic species which undertake extensive migrations have been mainly tracked using light-based models. Here, we present a new HMM-based model that infers pelagic fish positions from the sole use of high-resolution temperature and depth histories. A key contribution of our framework lies in model parameter inference (diffusion coefficient and noise parameters with respect to the reference geophysical fields—satellite SST and temperatures derived from the MARS3D hydrodynamic model), which improves model robustness. As a case study, we consider long time series of data storage tags (DSTs) deployed on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish movement; Archival tagging; Migration; Population structure; Hidden Markov Model (HMM); State-space model.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Connectivity and population structure of albacore tuna across southeast Atlantic and southwest Indian Oceans inferred from multidisciplinary methodology 5
Nikolic, Natacha; Montes, Iratxe; Lalire, Maxime; Puech, Alexis; Bodin, Nathalie; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Kerwath, Sven; Corse, Emmanuel; Gaspar, Philippe; Hollanda, Stéphanie; Bourjea, Jerome; West, Wendy; Bonhommeau, Sylvain.
Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is an important target of tuna fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The commercial catch of albacore is the highest globally among all temperate tuna species, contributing around 6% in weight to global tuna catches over the last decade. The accurate assessment and management of this heavily exploited resource requires a robust understanding of the species’ biology and of the pattern of connectivity among oceanic regions, yet Indian Ocean albacore population dynamics remain poorly understood and its level of connectivity with the Atlantic Ocean population is uncertain. We analysed morphometrics and genetics of albacore (n = 1,874) in the southwest Indian (SWIO) and southeast Atlantic (SEAO) Oceans to investigate the...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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New insights into behavioural ecology of European seabass off the West Coast of France: implications at local and population scales 5
De Pontual, Helene; Lalire, Maxime; Fablet, Ronan; Laspougeas, Claire; Garren, Francois; Martin, Stephane; Drogou, Mickael; Woillez, Mathieu.
From 2010 to 2012, 246 data storage tags were deployed on European seabass in the Iroise Natural Marine Park, a marine protected area (MPA) off west Brittany, France. A return rate of 14.6% associated with long time series of data provided new information on fish ecology (e.g. maximum experienced depth greater than 225 m, temperature range 6.80–21.87°C). Depth and temperature series were used to infer individual migration using an innovative hidden Markov model (HMM) especially developed for seabass geolocation. Reconstructed fish tracks revealed that seabass is a partially migratory species, as individuals exhibited either long-distance migrations towards the Bay of Biscay or the Celtic Sea, or residency behaviour in the Iroise Sea. Fidelity to summer...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cod; Connectivity; Data Storage Tag (DST); Depth; European sea bass; Dicentrarchus labrax; Geolocation; Partial migration; Spawning site fidelity; Temperature; Vertical movement.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Seascape Genetics and the Spatial Ecology of Juvenile Green Turtles 5
Jensen, Michael P.; Dalleau, Mayeul; Gaspar, Philippe; Lalire, Maxime; Jean, Claire; Ciccione, Stéphane; Mortimer, Jeanne A.; Quillard, Mireille; Taquet, Coralie; Wamukota, Andrew; Leroux, Géraud; Bourjea, Jerome.
Understanding how ocean currents impact the distribution and connectivity of marine species, provides vital information for the effective conservation management of migratory marine animals. Here, we used a combination of molecular genetics and ocean drift simulations to investigate the spatial ecology of juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) developmental habitats, and assess the role of ocean currents in driving the dispersal of green turtle hatchlings. We analyzed mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequenced from 358 juvenile green turtles, and from eight developmental areas located throughout the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO). A mixed stock analysis (MSA) was applied to estimate the level of connectivity between developmental sites and published genetic data from...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chelonia mydas; Green turtle; Juvenile; MtDNA; Drifting simulation; Connectivity; Mixed stock analysis; Southwest Indian Ocean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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STAMM : un modèle individu-centré de la dispersion active des tortues marines juvéniles. Applications aux cas des tortues luths du Pacifique Ouest et de l’Atlantique Nord-Ouest et aux tortues caouannes de l’ouest de l’océan Indien. 5
Lalire, Maxime.
Sea turtles are increasingly threatened by the direct and indirect effects of human activities. Their life cycle is complex, shared between various, and often very distant, habitats. Their conservation therefore requires identifying the habitats occupied at each stage of life and the migration routes between these different habitats. While the spatial ecology of adult turtles is relatively well known, particularly through satellite monitoring, the situation is not the same for juveniles which pelagic development phase remains largely unobserved. In that context, numerical simulation constitutes an appropriate tool to explore the dispersal of juvenile sea turtles from their natal beaches. Until now, simulations were mostly performed under the assumption...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Courants marins; Dispersion; Ecologie spatiale; Modélisation lagrangienne; Modèles de mouvement; Modèles d'habitat; Simulations numériques; Tortues marines juvéniles; Tortue luth; Tortue caouanne; Oceanic currents; Dispersal; Spatial ecology; Lagrangian modelling; Movement modelling; Habitat modelling; Numerical simulations; Juvenile sea turtles; Leatherback turtle; Loggerhead turtle..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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