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A semi-automated Raman micro-spectroscopy method for morphological and chemical characterizations of microplastic litter ArchiMer
Frere, L.; Paul-pont, I.; Moreau, Julien; Soudant, P.; Lambert, C.; Huvet, Arnaud; Rinnert, Emmanuel.
Every step of microplastic analysis (collection, extraction and characterization) is time-consuming, representing an obstacle to the implementation of large scale monitoring. This study proposes a semi-automated Raman micro-spectroscopy method coupled to static image analysis that allows the screening of a large quantity of microplastic in a time-effective way with minimal machine operator intervention. The method was validated using 103 particles collected at the sea surface spiked with 7 standard plastics: morphological and chemical characterization of particles was performed in < 3 h. The method was then applied to a larger environmental sample (n = 962 particles). The identification rate was 75% and significantly decreased as a function of particle...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastics; Raman micro-spectroscopy; Surface seawater; Morphology; Environmental monitoring; Automating.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bioactive extracellular compounds produced by the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum are highly detrimental for oysters ArchiMer
Castrec, Justine; Soudant, P.; Payton, L.; Tran, D.; Miner, Philippe; Lambert, C.; Le Goic, N.; Huvet, Arnaud; Quillien, Virgile; Boullot, F.; Amzil, Zouher; Hegaret, Helene; Fabioux, C..
Blooms of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium spp., known as producers of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), are regularly detected on the French coastline. PSTs accumulate into harvested shellfish species, such as the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, and can cause strong disorders to consumers at high doses. The impacts of Alexandrium minutum on C. gigas have often been attributed to its production of PSTs without testing separately the effects of the bioactive extracellular compounds (BECs) with allelopathic, hemolytic, cytotoxic or ichthyotoxic properties, which can also be produced by these algae. The BECs, still uncharacterized, are excreted within the environment thereby impacting not only phytoplankton, zooplankton but also marine invertebrates and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Harmful algal bloom (HAB); Crassostrea gigas; Paralytic shellfish toxins (PST); Bioactive extracellular compounds (BEC); Histology; Behavior.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Decadal stability in top predator habitat preferences in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Lambert, C.; Authier, M.; Doray, Mathieu; Doremus, G.; Spitz, J.; Ridoux, V..
Most oceanographic systems, especially shelf ecosystems, are characterised by interannual variability in the timing, extent and intensity of their seasonal patterns. Such interannual variations have important consequences on top predator habitat preferences. Capitalising on oceanographic surveys performed every spring since 2004 in the Bay of Biscay (BoB), this study explored interannual variations in habitat preferences exhibited by five mobile top predator species: bottlenose and common dolphins, auks, fulmars and northern gannets. We expected to find species with similar habitat preferences every year or species exhibiting important variability in their habitat preferences. First, we identified with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) three different...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat preference; Temporal variability; Cetaceans; Seabirds; North Atlantic; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Défi MOREST - Mortalités estivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Caractérisation des facteurs de risques associés aux mortalités estivales - Synthèse du thème 6 - Le risque température. (La Rochelle 14- 15 mars 2006) ArchiMer
Lambert, C.; Moal, J.; Pouvreau, Stephane; Le Moullac, Gilles; Samain, Jean-francois.
Les mortalités apparaissent toujours très rapidement après le passage de la température de l'eau à 19°C. II a bien été montré que ce n'était pas la valeur absolue de la température qui était associée à la mortalité, puisque des années très chaudes comme 2003, peu de mortalités étaient enregistrées. II s'agit plutôt d'un seuil à partir duquel le risque devient réel. La température affecte tous les processus de la physiologie et c'est un facteur clef de la distribution géographique des espèces. Les espèces se maintiennent dans les conditions environnementales qui ont permis leur adaptation. Les mortalités traduisent donc une rupture de l'adaptation ou une modification brutale de l'environnement qui peut affecter les équilibres qui se sont installés entre...
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Ano: 2006 URL:
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Défi MOREST - Mortalités etivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas - Caractérisation des facteurs de risques associés aux mortalités estivales - Synthèse du thème 4B - Caractérisation phénotypique des souches R Résistantes et S Susceptibles à la mortalité estivale. (La Rochelle 14-15 mars 2006) ArchiMer
Huvet, Arnaud; Royer, J.; Moal, J.; Burgeot, Thierry; Lapègue, Sylvie; Boulo, Viviane; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Lambert, C..
Les résultats du programme MOREST démontrent l'existence d'une composante génétique à la survie estivale du naissain et nous permettent de disposer aujourd'hui d'huTtres « résistantes» (R) et « susceptibles» (S) aux mortalités estivales (Dégremont et aL, 2002, 2005). La forte héritabilité estimée face à un tel système multifactoriel permet de suspecter que le caractère sélectionné puisse être gouverné par un ou un trés petit nombre de gènes sur une région chromosomique donnée. D'après le modèle d'interaction suspecté entre l'environnement, l'huître et des pathogènes opportunistes, une hiérarchie des facteurs, conduisant aux mortalités, permet de montrer qu'aucun d'entre eux ne peut provoquer à lui seul les mortalités mais que leur combinaison est...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2006 URL:
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General description of the Scheldt estuary OMA
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Van Eck, B.T.M.; Lambert, C.; Wollast, R.; Goeyens, L..
A general description of the Scheldt estuary, including the hydrology, the sediment transport, the productivity and the biodegradation with respect to their influence on the trace metal behaviour in the Scheldt estuary, is given. The river basin can be divided in several sections according to their morphological, hydrodynamical and sedimentary properties. The zone from km 78 to 55, which corresponds roughly with the salinity zone from 2 to 10 psu, is the zone of high turbidity, high sedimentation and of oxygen depletion, especially in the summer period. That area is called the geochemical filter because the solid/dissolved distribution of the trace metals is controlled by redox, adsorption/desorption, complexation and precipitation/coprecipitation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ANE; Netherlands; Westerschelde.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the composition, concentration and spatial distribution of microplastics: A case study of the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France) ArchiMer
Frere, L.; Paul-pont, I.; Rinnert, Emmanuel; Petton, Sebastien; Jaffre, J; Bihannic, Isabelle; Soudant, P.; Lambert, C.; Huvet, Arnaud.
The concentration and spatial distribution of microplastics in the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France) was investigated in two surveys. Surface water and sediment were sampled at nine locations in areas characterized by contrasting anthropic pressures, riverine influences or water mixing. Microplastics were categorized by their polymer type and size class. Microplastic contamination in surface water and sediment was dominated by polyethylene fragments (PE, 53–67%) followed by polypropylene (PP, 16–30%) and polystyrene (PS, 16–17%) microparticles. The presence of buoyant microplastics (PE, PP and PS) in sediment suggests the existence of physical and/or biological processes leading to vertical transfer of lightweight microplastics in the bay. In sediment (upper...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastic; Coastal ecosystem; Surface water; Sediment; Raman spectroscopy; Hydrodynamic; Dispersal particle modelling.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Why is Asari (= Manila) clam Ruditapes philippinarum fitness poor in Arcachon Bay: a meta-analysis to answer? ArchiMer
De Montaudouin, X.; Lucia, M.; Binias, C.; Lassudrie, Malwenn; Baudrimont, M.; Legeay, A.; Raymond, N.; Jude-lemeilleur, F.; Lambert, C.; Le Goic, N.; Garabetian, F.; Gonzalez, P.; Hegaret, Helene; Lassus, Patrick; Mehdioub, W.; Bourasseau, L.; Daffe, G.; Paul-pont, I.; Plus, Martin; Do, V. T.; Meisterhans, G.; Mesmer-dudons, N.; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Sanchez, Florence; Soudant, P..
Asari (= Manila) clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, is the second bivalve mollusc in terms of production in the world and, in many coastal areas, can beget important socio-economic issues. In Europe, this species was introduced after 1973. In Arcachon Bay, after a decade of aquaculture attempt, Asari clam rapidly constituted neo-naturalized population which is now fished. However, recent studies emphasized the decline of population and individual performances. In the framework of a national project (REPAMEP), some elements of fitness, stressors and responses in Arcachon bay were measured and compared to international data (41 publications, 9 countries). The condition index (CI=flesh weight/shell weight) was the lowest among all compared sites. Variation in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Condition index; Perkinsus; Brown Muscle Disease; Element contamination; Immune system; Arcachon Bay.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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