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Cultivation of an immobilized (hyper)thermophilic marine microbial community in a bioreactor 5
Landreau, M.; Duthoit, Frederique; Roussel, Erwan; Schonherr, S.; Georges, Myriam; Godfroy, Anne; Le Blay, G..
Cultivation in a bioreactor of immobilized deep-sea hydrothermal microbial community was tested in order to assess the stability and reactivity of this new system. A community composed of 8 hydrothermal strains was entrapped in a polymer matrix that was used to inoculate a continuous culture in a gas-lift bioreactor. The continuous culture was performed for 41 days at successively 60°C, 55°C, 60°C, 85°C and 60°C, at pH 6.5, in anaerobic condition and constant dilution rate. Oxic stress and pH variations were tested at the beginning of the incubation. Despite these detrimental conditions, 3 strains including 2 strict anaerobes were maintained in the bioreactor. High cell concentrations (3 × 108 cells mL−1) and high ATP contents were measured in both liquid...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Immobilization; Anaerobiosis; Marine (hyper)thermophiles; Continuous culture.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Entrapment of anaerobic thermophilic and hyperthermophilic marine microorganisms in a gellan/xanthan matrix 5
Landreau, M.; Duthoit, Frederique; Claeys-bruno, M.; Vandenabeele-trambouze, O.; Aubry, T.; Godfroy, Anne; Le Blay, Gwenaelle.
Aims The aims of this study were (i) to develop a protocol for the entrapment of anaerobic (hyper)thermophilic marine micro-organisms; (ii) to test the use of the chosen polymers in a range of physical and chemical conditions and (iii) to validate the method with batch cultures. Methods and Results The best conditions for immobilization were obtained at 80°C with gellan and xanthan gums. After 5-week incubation, beads showed a good resistance to all tested conditions except those simultaneously including high temperature (100°C), low NaCl (<0∙5 mol l−1) and extreme pH (4/8). To confirm the method efficiency, batch cultures with immobilized Thermosipho sp. strain AT1272 and Thermococcus kodakarensis strain KOD1 showed an absence of detrimental effect...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: (hyper)thermophilic marine micro-organisms; Anaerobiosis; Entrapment; Gellan; Immobilization; Xanthan.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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