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Refroidissements locaux aux abords du talus continental Armoricain ArchiMer
Langlois, Gilbert; Gohin, Francis; Serpette, Alain.
Infrared measurement at the sea surface, which constitutes an operational technology in remote-sensing, has become essential for the study of ocean dynamics. Nevertheless, observations are only usable when clouds do not mask infrared radiation coming from the ocean, a condition which rarely pertains in the Bay of Biscay as a whole. lt is consequently a matter of primary concern to have at one's disposai an effective method which permits the computation of mean SST fields from a chronological succession of incomplete images. In the case under consideration, "kriging" is the most widely practised method of performing geostatistical estimates. Before mapping isotherms, temperatures are estimated by interpolation on a regular gridnet. The process was applied...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ondes internes; Talus continental; Température superficielle; Télédétection; Analyse objective; Internal waves; Continental shelf; Sea-surface temperature; Teledetection; Objective analysis.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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