Registros recuperados: 19 | |
Lanjouw, J.. |
From July-December 1933 I made a botanical collecting trip in Surinam (Dutch Guiana). It was intended especially to collect the herbs and lower shrubs as in the last 20 years, for evident reasons, the collections made by the Forestry Bureau were made for the greater part from the large forest trees. Therefore I have visited several savannahs and coastal swamps. Nevertheless a great part of the collection was made also in the forest, though I had not engaged sufficient Bush-Negroes to collect the trees as intensively as I did the herbs and shrubs. Moreover I made many photographs from plants and plantcommunities and notes on the vegetation of the savannahs and swamps, which I hope to be able to publish later-on in an account on the Surinamian vegetation. I... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1935 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534902 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
On the 28th of February 1955 Prof. Dr A. A. Pulle died at Utrecht after a long and painful illness. August Adriaan Pulle was born on the 10th of January 1878 at Arnhem, where he also attended the primary and the secundary school. During the later years at the high school his interest in plants was awakened, and by numerous excursions in the neighbourhood, which is well-known for its varied vegetation, he obtained a good knowledge of the Dutch flora. However, he was at that time even more attracted by chemistry, and when he had finished the high school he thought that a university study of pharmacy would best suit his leanings. As the certificate of the type of high school he had attended gave at that time no access to the university, he had to qualify for... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1955 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534966 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
Cornelis Elisa Bertus Bremekamp was born at Dordrecht on February 7th 1888. He is therefore now just past eighty, and he has been a member of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging for sixty years. He studied at the Utrecht State University and, like many of his contemporaries, was strongly attracted to plant physiology under Prof. F. A. F. C. Went’s influence. Phototropy and geotropy had become the principal fields of research in Went’s wellequipped laboratory, and Bremekamp’s first scientific work was also devoted to these subjects. His thesis (1912) dealt with the Geotropy of Twining Plants. His publications of the following years were the results of similar studies. In the same year he left for what was then the Dutch East Indies where he... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1969 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535216 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
Zeer geachte Toehoorderessen en Toehoorders, Bij het beginnen van een wetenschappelijk onderzoek zal meestal degene die zich daaraan gezet heeft, allereerst het antwoord dienen te vinden op enkele fundamentele vragen. Zijn deze primaire vragen beantwoord, dan is de weg gebaand voor verder onderzoek en voor algemene theoretische beschouwingen. Deze fundamentele vragen zijn echter niet voor elke onderzoeker en ook niet voor elk onderzoek in een zelfde tak van wetenschap steeds gelijk. Dit hangt af van vele factoren, zoals: uiteindelijk doel van de studie, aard van het materiaal, geaardheid vooral van de onderzoeker, enz. Vandaag wil ik met U behandelen de hoofdvragen, die zich bij mij, voor de aan mij toevertrouwde onderdelen van de botanie steeds op de... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1950 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535116 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
Nooit zal ik die Donderdagmorgen 10 Augustus 1944 vergeten, toen ik op het laboratorium hoorde dat in de krant — wie las dat vod nog in die tijd — stond dat UITTIEN gefusilleerd was. Het drong eerst niet goed tot mij door. Het kon niet waar zijn. De krant werd gehaald. Ja, daar stond zijn naam in een lange lijst van lotgenoten en het verschrikkelijke, het onherroepelijke, begon langzaam tot mij door te dringen. Koud en gevoelloos stond daar het bericht, van een leugenachtige argumentatie voorzien, dat men ook UITTIEN, die zachtmoedige, gevoelige, intelligente man, had vermoord. Woorden waren hiervoor op dat moment niet te vinden. Ik had alleen behoefte zijn oudste zuster, waaraan hij zeer gehecht was, op te zoeken. Door de slechte treinverbindingen kon ik... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1948 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534819 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
In Rep. spec. nov. regni veget. XLIV (1938) p. 33 K. Suessenguth censures my commentary on Abolboda (cf. Rec. trav. bot. néerl. XXXIV, p. 492). As I can not admit the correctness of the criticism a short reply may be permitted. On p. 492 of my paper arguments have been given tending to prove first that Xyris americana Aubl. does not belong to Xyris but to Abolboda, and secondly that it is conspecific with Abolboda Poeppigii Kunth. Now Suessenguth writes:: „Lanjouw nimmt in Gegensatz zu Suessenguth und Beyerle sowie den früheren Autoren an, das Xyris americana Aubl. dasselbe sei, wie Abolboda Poeppigii Kunth.” This suggests that I am the only botanist by whom Aublet’s species has been put in the genus Abolboda and who has advocated its identity with... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535168 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
Among the collections made by H. E. ROMBOUTS from 1935— 1938 on the expeditions to the Suriname-Brazil frontier there are a number of Euphorbiaceae which are either new, or rare. As I was engaged in other work I could not begin the study of these specimens before August of this year. Because of the international troubles I have not been able to secure type-specimens from foreign herbaria, so that in some cases my interpretation of earlier described species may be wrong, though most of the problems could be solved satisfactory with the aid of the material preserved at Leiden and Utrecht. Most of these specimens were collected by ROMBOUTS on the Great Savanna near the sources of the Sipaliwini River, which forms part of the boundary between Brazil and... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1940 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534823 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
This paper deals with some specimens of Euphorbiaceae from various collectors. The plants have been collected in French and British Guiana. The specimens were sent to me for determination by the Kew Herbarium and the Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. Some of these specimens had to be considered as new species, others were new finds for British or French Guiana while the remainder of the list is added for sake of completeness. The author wishes to express his thanks to the directors of the Kew Herbarium and the Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden for their assistance with the material. The arrangement of the genera is that of Pax in Engler, u. Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. sec. edition Vol. 19c (1931). |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1934 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535165 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
De in deze Jubileumserie van de „Mededeelingen van het Botanisch Museum en Herbarium te Utrecht” opgenomen artikelen zijn door de schrijvers ingezonden om Prof. Pulle, ter gelegenheid van zijn zilveren jubileum als hoogleeraar, hun waardeering te toonen. Een kort woord over den jubilaris moge hier als inleiding van deze bijdragen volgen. Op 10 Januari 1878, op den dag dat in verschillende plaatsen den Ioosten sterfdag van Linnaeus werd herdacht, werd August Adriaan Pulle te Arnhem geboren. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534687 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
The genus Trymatococcus has been published in 1838 by Poeppig and Endlicher in Nova Genera ac Spec. Plant II. p. 30, and the genus was based on the species T. amazonicus. In 1876 Baillon added the species T. africanus to the genus. This gave a peculiar distribution for a genus with two species only: one in the Amazone region and one in West Africa. Later on several new species from Africa were described: three by Engler (T. kamerunianus, dorstenioides, and Conrauanus), one by De Wildeman (T. Gilletii) and one by Pellegrin (T. oligogyna). In 1922 (Archivos do Jardim Botanico Rio de Janeiro vol III. p. 22) Ducke described a second species from Amazonian Brazil (T. paraensis) and said in the notes to this new species that Lanessania turbinata Baill. should be... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1935 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534963 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
The Moraceous genus Clarisia was described by Ruiz et Pavon in 1794 in ”Florae Peruvianae, et Chilensis Prodromus” p. 128. This generic name must be rejected, if it is not placed on the list of Nomina Generica Conservanda, as in 1792 there had already been published a genus of this name by Pedro Abat In the list of genera recommended for placing on the list of Nomina Generica Conservanda (Kew Bulletin 1935 pp. 341-544). Mr. Weatherby mentions Clarisia R. et P. I quote here what he writes on Clarisia Abat: „Placed by Sprengel, L. Gen. Pl. ed. 9, I. 202 (1830) in synonymy under Anredera Juss. (1789). He has apparently been followed by all subsequent authors who have noticed the name at all. I have not seen Abat’s publication. If the date is correctly given... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1936 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534884 |
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Lanjouw, J.; Rossberg, G.. |
Some months ago the first author published in his Studies in Moraceae II (Rec. trav. bot. néerl. XXXIII, 1936, pp. 254—276) a synopsis of the genus Clarisia R. & P. The second author traced in the Berlin Herbarium a specimen of this genus which had been described in 1821 as Excoecaria ilicifolia Spreng. As this species is identic with Clarisia strepitans (Fr. Allem.) Lanj., the name of the latter species has to be changed. As in addition some interesting specimens were kindly sent to Utrecht for determination by the Herbaria at Berlin-Dahlem (D), Geneva (G) and the Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain (A), it seemed desirable to publish these notes. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1936 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534867 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
1. The following definition is proposed for the term Savannah. Savannahs are plains in the West Indian Islands and Northern South America covered with more or less xeromorph herbs and small shrubs and with few trees or larger shrubs. 2. It is suggested that the Suriname Savannahs have originated from Tropical Rain Forest, modified by Edaphic and Climatic conditions. The Edaphic Conditions being the main influence. 3. This new vegetation is liable to damage by fire, and this gives rise to the true savannah vegetation, which is a „fire climax”. 4. A description and species lists are given of Savannahs near Zanderij I, Brownsweg, Sectie O and between Moengo tapoe and Albina. 5. The vegetation of these savannahs seems to be most closely related to that of the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1936 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534766 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
The genus Pausandra Radlk. belongs to the Tribe Cluytieae of the Euphorbiaceae. It was described by Radlkofer in 1870 in Flora LIII pp. 79—95. The genus is based on Thouinia Morisiana of Casaretto. In his paper Radlkofer discussed at length that this species does not belong to the Sapindaceous genus Thouinia, but represents a new genus of the Euphorbiaceae. As at that time female flowers were unknown Radlkofer stated that the systematic position of the new genus was still doubtful, but that most probably it should belong to a new subtribe of the Jatropheae. Two new species were described in the genus in 1873 by Baillon, P. Trianae Baill. based on Pogonophora Trianae Müll. Arg. which was published in 1864, and P. Martinii Baill. based on very young material... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1936 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534948 |
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Burger, W.C.; Lanjouw, J.; Wessels Boer, J.G.. |
The genus Sorocea was established by AUG. DE SAINT HILAIRE (1821) in a study about the unequality of the cotyledons but he did not describe a species nor did he cite specimens. GAUDICHAUD’s study (1844) gives only figures not accompanied by descriptions. The first publication with well-described and illustrated species of which the type-specimen is also well-perserved is MIQUEL’s treatment (1853) in Martius Flora Brasiliensis. Balanostreblus, described and figured by KURZ (1873) is known only from a cultivated specimen in the Calcutta herbarium and is undoubtedly conspecific with Sorocea guilliminiana. Three of the four Pseudosorocea species described by BAILLON (1875) belong also to Sorocea. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1962 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534832 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
When, during my stay in Suriname in 1933, I planned to visit the Voltzberg, Prof. Stahel, the Director of the Agriculture Experiment Station, told me that he had discovered there, in one of the fissures in the granitic dome, which forms the top of this low mountain, an unusual kind of cassave. As I had for the “Flora of Suriname” been working on the Euphorbiaceae, I was of course much interested in this plant, especially while Prof. Stahel suggested that it would be possible to cultivate it in the Agricultural Garden at Paramaribo from cuttings. When I arrived at the Voltzberg, the plant was easily found growing in a fissure between the granite plates along one of the ravines just below the dome-shaped top. The plant possessed rather long (2—3 m) stems,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534906 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
Wenn man bei dem Studium von Monographien und sonstigen systematischen Arbeiten darauf achtet, in welcher Weise die verschiedenen Autoren den Begriff „Varietät” benutzen, bemerkt man sofort, wie in dieser Hinsicht grosze Willkür herrscht. Nicht nur ist die Begrenzung des Begriffes sehr variabel (cf. Danser, Du Rietz) sondern auch der Wert, welchen man ihm beimisst, und zwar besonders in Hinsicht auf die Frage, ob in bestimmten Fällen wohl ein genetischer Zusammenhang zwischen Art und Varietät besteht oder nicht. Dazu kommt speziell in der letzten Zeit noch ein dritter Faktor hinzu, der Verwirrung hervorruft. Diesen findet man in der experimentellen Methode, welche die Arteinheiten kennen zu lernen ermöglicht (cf. Turesson, Du Rietz). Diese Methode... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1932 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534768 |
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Lanjouw, J.; Uittien, H.. |
JEAN BAPTISTE CHRISTOPHE FUSÉE AUBLET est né à Salon (Provence) le 4 nov. 1720 et mort à Paris le 6 mai 1778. Dès son enfance il se passionna pour l’étude des plantes. Il alla étudier la botanique à Montpellier. De Montpellier il se rendit à Lyon, où il fit la connaissance de CHRISTOPHE DE JUSSIEU et il s’engagea dans le service des hôpitaux de l’armée commandée par l’infant DON PHILIPPE. Dégoûté bientôt de la vie des camps, il prit son congé, et vint à Paris. Là il se logea dans la maison du chimiste VANEL, suivait les cours de chimie de ROUELLE, visitait les environs de Paris en naturaliste et consultait BERNARD DE JUSSIEU comme une bibliothèque, pour nous servir de son expression. Ensuite il s’engagea au service de l’état et fut chargé d’établir à... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1940 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534955 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
De bioloog, en dan heb ik vooral op het oog de botanicus, heeft tegenwoordig alle reden om de verantwoordelijkheid voor zijn werk en voor de toekomst van onze samenleving zwaar op zich te voelen drukken. Vrijwel dagelijks stormen een aantal vragen op ons af, die wij niet ontgaan kunnen. Vragen van zo grote betekenis, dat het niet beantwoorden tegelijk tot een aanklacht moet leiden. Zullen de mensen elkaar met biologische middelen vernietigen? Zal er genoeg voedsel zijn voor de groeiende bevolking? Zullen we straks nog natuur bezitten? Zal er nog een leefbaar milieu zijn voor plant, dier en mens? Benard voelen wij dat de ogen van de maatschappij zich op ons richten. Het is ons duidelijk, dat de maatschappij een uitkomst biedend antwoord van ons verwacht. De... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1969 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535039 |
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Registros recuperados: 19 | |