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Adéquation entre effort de pêche et ressource : les actions publiques dans le secteur des pêches ArchiMer
Lantz, Frederic; Catanzano, Joseph; Weber, Jacques.
Fishing is an economic activity that, in a general way, requires the implementation of regulatory measures to avoid crises. This problem is linked to certain peculiarities inherent to fishing: the renewable and common character of the exploited resource, and the great variability of catches. Since the entire means of production coming into play in fishing is designated by the term fishing effort, various regulatory policies will become attached to the idea of fitting the level of the fishing effort to that of the exploited resource. After introducing the evolution of the fishing sector in an early section, we will study the main lines of EU policy in the sphere of fishing in section II. Section III will be devoted to the Multi-Year Orientation Programme...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Analyse des resultats et des comportements economiques des entreprises de peche artisanale ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic; Durand, M.h..
(Not controled OCR) The economic results of artisanal fishing enterprises are investigated through a sample of 300 to 700 artisanal vessels for which account books are available from 1983 to 1986. The use of economic (such as added value) and financial ratios (solvency and financial autonomy) leads to the identification of four groups of firms. A rough classification has been identified from gears used and areas. Over the period, financial rentability and autonomy show obvious damaging that underlines the relevance of a (current) analysis on the impact of public subsidies on the enterprises behaviour.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indebtness; Investment; Rentability; Artisanal fisheries; SEM; Endettement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Compte rendu de mission aux Antilles du 11 au 24 avril 1988 ArchiMer
Farrugio, Henri; Lantz, Frederic; Vallet, Jean-luc.
Cette mission faisait suite à une décision prise lors de la réunion du pôle Antilles - Guyane à la Direction Générale de l'IFREMER à Paris en décembre 1988 Elle s'est déroulée à la Martinique, en Guadeloupe, à Trinidad et à la Barbade. L'objectif de la mission était d'évaluer l'état des connaissances actuelles dans les domaines des ressources halieutiques, de la conservation et de l'utilisation des produits de la mer et des aspects économiques liés à ces activités, afin d'apprécier l'opportunité pour IFREMER de développer des recherches sur les possibilités d'expansion de la pêcherie de poissons pélagiques aux Antilles françaises (en particulier celle des grands pélagiques). La mission était composée de trois experts appartenant A la Direction des...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Developpement de la peche de grands pelagiques dans les antilles francaises et organisation du marche des produits de la mer ArchiMer
Lantz, Frederic.
The development of large pelagic fishing in the French Antilles is an integral part of a difficult economic situation of the fishing sector in Martinique where this development can seem like a solution to increasingly acute problems. Indeed, for the regulatory authorities as well as for many participants in the sector, it is imperative to find solutions to the lack of profitability of a part of the fishing ships and to confront the regular increase of the share of imports in supplying Martinique with seafood. This question about the possibilities of developing large pelagic fishing is not new since it is already mentioned in the Notice from the Economic and Social Committee of the Martinique Region in 1982. We will not show in this document a detailed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Investment and factor remuneration in small-scale fisheries ArchiMer
Lantz, Frederic; Junqueira-lopez, R.
Investment behaviour is a complex process which plays a major role in fisheries dynamics because it determines the size of the fishing fleet. The purpose of this paper is to examine the consequences of the main characteristics of fishing activity on investment. The theoretical dynamic model of a fishery shows us the "bangbang" pallern of investment. Furthermore, fishing activity has a high intrinsic variability. Thus, the system in which income is shared between the crew and the ship owner is also considered as a way of sharing risks and so reducing the variability ofinvestment return. Finally, the type of investment financing (subsidies, loans) can strongly stimulate fisheries dynamics but can also have some undesirable effects. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Investment financing; Income sharing; Fishing capacity; Small scale; SEM; [inancement de l'investissement; Partage du revenu; Capacité de pêche; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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La pêche artisanale des années quatre-vingt en France ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Lantz, Frederic; Vernier, C; Allard, M.o.
The artisanal fisheries industry has experienced a major development over the 80's: technology has improved and ship building costs have increased. The firms' economic behaviour and financial performances have shown that the marginal profitability of capital is lower for large units than for small units, the latter being used by coastal fisheries. Overall, conclusions on the financial situation of the industry must be qualified. Public intervention has materialized through (1) an increasing amount of state aids supporting modernization investment (Brittany being the most supported region), (2) more political and financial involvement of regions as a result of more administrative and decision making responsibilities being devolved to them, (3) the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Financement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Coûts; Pêche artisanale; Funding; Investment; Profitability; Costs; Artisanal fisheries.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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La peche artisanale et l'emploi : Les exemples de la Martinique et des trémailleurs boulonnais ArchiMer
Lantz, Frederic; Celimene, Fred.
The dynamism of small-scale fishing since the end of the sixties was able to slow the fall in employment observed since after the war in the fishing sector. If changes in the number of small-scale fishermen correspond to those of the entire primary sector, two contrasted examples, that of Martinique's small-scale fishing and that of the Boulonnais sole trammel netters, will bring out the influence of the peculiarities of this sector as well as that of the general economic environment on employment. After the first section devoted to the general evolution of employment in the fishing sector, the second section will focus on studying the influence of public assistance on the situation of Martinique's fishing industry. The third section will be devoted to the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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La reduction des capacites de captures: un cadre theorique general ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Les entreprises de pêche artisanale : essais de typologie ArchiMer
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic.
(Not controled OCR) This paper presents some attempts for a French a rtisanal fishing enterprises typology. The originality of these attempts arises from the lead given to economic variables in order to analyze the fishing fleet using accountable datas both at national then regional level. The theoric use of economic and financial ratios (added value, solvency and financial autonomy) leads to the presentation of the a rtisanal fleet economic situation. The choice of a geographic area and the use of multiple-correspondance-analysis permits a cross analysis of fisheries features and return criteria.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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L'information economique et les besoins de la politique economique et de la gestion du secteur des peches et cultures marines ArchiMer
Weber, Jacques; Lantz, Frederic.
This document is written for and at the request of the Central Committee of Maritime Fishing. Yet it is also addressed to regional institutions, several of which would like to equip themselves with an economic monitor. In his "report on the modernisation of the Interprofessional Organisation of Fishing and Marine Farming", the president of the CCPM makes the development of economic information one of the main principles of reform. At the same time, a growing number of regional authorities wish to equip themselves with economic monitors, with the concern of controlling the management and future of their sector of fishing and marine farming. The two problems are similar insomuch as: (i) it is a matter, in both cases, of responding to the same questions: -...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Report of the Meeting of the STCF Working Group on Improvements of the Exploitation Pattern of the North Sea Fish stocks ArchiMer
Lantz, Frederic.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Returns and fishermen income in the artisanal fisheries : a review ArchiMer
Lantz, Frederic.
(Not controled OCR) Investment decision in the artisanal fisheries is a complex process involving a number of parameters (biological, economic) which are not known with certainty. Net investment is an effort capacity increase, so investment policy plays a major role in the fisheries management policy. Charles (1986) has pointed out the influence of the unit cost (including the cost of capital) on fisheries activity. In this study, capital budgeting methods are used to evaluate the investment projects. The first section recalls the cash flows calculation applied to artisanal enterprises. The consequences of the share system and public subsidies on the capital budgeting criteria are examined in section 2 and 3.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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The market for fresh sole and its importance in northern french fisheries ArchiMer
Ioannidis, Chris; Lantz, Frederic.
(Not controled OCR) Sole is a species whose market has been expanding steadily since the end of the 70's ; landings have doubled, from 4097t in 1979 to 8048t in 1987. In real terms (1980=100) the value of landings has increased from FF124 m to FF265 m over the same period. One must appreciate that the importance of fresh sole lies in its high valuation. Despite the fact that the species occupies no more than 1.66% of total landings in terms of weight, in value terms exceeds 8.5% of the total, making sole the third most valuable species in France. Sole is consumed essentialy fresh and its price to the consumer does not therefore depend on any transformation process. It depends solely on demand and supply (domestic landings plus imports) conditions. The role...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Typologie des entreprises de peche artisanale ArchiMer
Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic.
The document introduces a typology of small fishing companies from the Finistère area based on a factorial analysis of multiple correspondences. This typology is an integral part of the continuation of the study conducted on the economic analysis of small fishing companies. The analysis in multiple components is performed by using the economic criteria of profitability and investment as elements, and as additional variables the structural characteristics (techniques) of the companies. The analysis makes it possible to differentiate companies by their financial parameters on the one hand, and their operating income on the other hand.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Tableau de Burt; Analyse des correspondances multiples; Ratios de rentabilité; Typologie; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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