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Avaliação da Polpa de Citros Peletizada como Material para Cama de Frangos de Corte 89
Sorbara,JOB; Rizzo,MF; Laurentiz,AC; Schocken-Iturrino,RP; Berchielli,TT; Moraes,VMB.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização da polpa de citros peletizada (PCP) como cama de frango, bem como analisar a composição bromatológica desse material. O experimento foi constituído de 1.792 pintos de um dia-machos e dividido em duas fases: 1 a 21 e 35 a 49 dias. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 2x2x2, sendo os fatores tipo de cama: PCP e maravalha x altura de cama: 7 e 10 cm x densidade: 10 e 14aves/m². Foram avaliados os parâmetros: gsnho de peso(GP), consumo de ração (CR), conversão alimentar (CA),viabilidade (V), incidência de lesões no coxim plantar e de calo de peito, matéria seca (MS) e pH da cama aos 21 e 49 dias. Para verificar as possíveis alterações bromatológicas na...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Composição nutricional da cama; Densidades em frangos de corte; Polpa cítrica; Tipos de cama.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Blood serum components and serum protein test of Hybro-PG broilers of different ages 89
Silva,PRL; Freitas Neto,OC; Laurentiz,AC; Junqueira,OM; Fagliari,JJ.
Blood serum samples of HYBRO PG broilers were analyzed, with 30 samples collected from 21-day-old broilers (G1), 30 from 35-day-old birds (G2), and 30 from 42-day-old birds (G3), with the aim of establishing normal values of some blood serum parameters. The activities of the enzymes gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase (CK), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), serum levels of total calcium, calcium ion, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorides, creatinine, uric acid, triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, total and indirect and direct bilirubin, and electrophoretic profile of serum proteins in acrylamide (SDS-PAGE) and agarose gel were determined. There was no...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler; Serum biochemistry; Serum protein test.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Commercial laying hen diets formulated according to different recommendations of total and digestible amino acids 89
Casartelli,EM; Filardi,RS; Junqueira,OM; Laurentiz,AC; Assuena,V; Duarte,KF.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate different commercial laying hen diets formulated based on recommendations for total and digestible amino acids. One hundred and twenty Lohmann LSL commercial laying hens aged 25 weeks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design involving five replications of six birds in four treatments. Diet formulation on a total amino acid basis followed the recommendations of NRC (1994) and Rostagno et al. (2000), whereas formulation on digestible amino acids basis was according to Rostagno et al. (2000) and Degussa (1997) recommendations. The experimental period was divided into five periods of fourteen days. Performance parameters (egg production, feed intake, feed conversion, egg mass) were evaluated for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Egg quality; Layers; Nutrition; Performance; Poultry.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Desempenho de Frangos de Corte Alimentados com Ovo em Pó 89
Junqueira,OM; Araújo,LF; Araújo,CSS; Faria,DE; Laurentiz,AC; Dahlke,F.
Um experimento foi conduzido para estudar a adição do ovo em pó na dieta de frangos de corte no período de 1 a 28 dias, sendo dividido em duas fases (1 a 7 e 8 a 28 dias). No período de 1 a 7 dias, as aves receberam dietas contendo 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% e 20% de ovo em pó e de 8 a 28 dias de idade as aves foram distribuídas em um arranjo fatorial 2x5 (2 níveis de ovo em pó - 0% e 5% - e os 5 níveis da fase anterior). No período de 1 a 7 dias as aves do tratamento controle apresentaram melhor ganho de peso e as aves alimentadas com dietas contendo 20% de ovo em pó apresentaram menor ganho de peso e pior conversão alimentar. As aves deste mesmo tratamento apresentaram também menor peso e comprimento do intestino. Na segunda fase (8 a 28 dias) não houve interação...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Desempenho; Frangos de corte; Ovo em pó.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Different criteria for feed formulation based on digestible amino acids for broilers 89
Araújo,LF; Junqueira,OM; Araújo,CSS; Laurentiz,AC; Assuena,V; Gomes,GA.
An experiment was carried out to evaluate different criteria in feed formulation based on digestible amino acids for broilers during the grower phase. Diets were formulated according to the recommendations for digestible methionine, methionine + cysteine, lysine, and threonine. A total number of six hundred Cobb 500 male day-old chicks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, with three formulation criteria supplying the recommendations established by Baker & Chung (1992), Degussa (1997), and Rostagno et al. (2000), with 4 replicates of 50 birds each. No significant differences were observed for weight gain and feed intake. However, feed conversion ratio improved when birds were fed the diets containing the profiles...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broilers; Carcass yield; Digestible amino acids; Performance.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Efeito da Proteína Bruta e de Diferentes Balanços Eletrolíticos das Dietas Sobre o Desempenho de Frangos no Período Inicial 89
Borges,SA; Laurentiz,AC; Araújo,LF; Araújo,CSS; Maiorka,A; Ariki,J.
Foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando-se 520 pintos machos de um dia para avaliar o efeito da proteína bruta (PB) e do balanço eletrolítico (Na + K- Cl) sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte no período inicial. O Experimento I (1 a 7 dias de idade das aves) foi realizado em baterias, utilizando-se 160 pintos machos "Cobb", no Experimento II (1 a 21 dias) foram utilizados 360 pintos machos "Aviam Farms" que foram alojados em um galpão experimental dividido em box. Nos dois experimentos as aves foram aquecidas com lâmpadas infravermelhas e receberam água e ração à vontade. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em um esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (PB x balanço eletrolítico - BE), com 5 repetições e 8 aves por unidade experimental no Experimento I e...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Balanço eletrolítico; Frangos de corte; Período inicial.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Effect of dietary phytase suplementation on the performance, bone densitometry, and phosphorus and nitrogen excretion of broilers 89
Assuena,V; Junqueira,OM; Duarte,KF; Laurentiz,AC; Filardi,RS; Sgavioli,S.
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of different levels of phytase on broiler performance, bone densitometry, and phosphorus and nitrogen excretion. Nine hundred and sixty one-day old broilers, 50% males and 50% females, were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design into five treatments and six replicates 32 birds each. The treatments consisted of a control diet and four diets with the addition 25, 50, 75, and 100 g/ ton of phytase (250, 500, 750 and 1000 FTU of phytase/kg fed). Diets were formulated to contain equal nutritional levels, and considered the phytase product nutritional levels. In general, the addition of phytase resulted in a linear decrease in broiler performance. However, the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bone mineralization; Feed conversion ratio; Feed intake; Weight gain.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effect of phytase in laying hen diets with different phosphorus sources 89
Casartelli,EM; Junqueira,OM; Laurentiz,AC; Filardi,RS; Lucas Júnior,J; Araujo,LF.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the enzyme phytase in diets formulated with different phosphorus sources on performance, eggshell quality and excretion of commercial laying hens. Two hundred and eighty-eight commercial Hyssex Brown laying hens were evaluated during two production phases, which included eight twenty-eight-day cycles, using a completely randomized design in a 3x2 factorial with six replicates of eight birds per treatment. Three phosphorus sources (calcium and sodium phosphate, micro-granulated dicalcium phosphate and triple super phosphate) and two phytase levels (0 or 1000 FTU/kg diet) were tested in the composition of the diets. After the post-peak period, triple super phosphate decreased bird performance and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Commercial laying hens; Eggshell quality; Phosphorus sources; Phytase enzyme.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Electrolytic Balance in Broiler Chicks During the First Week of Age 89
Borges,SA; Maiorka,A; Laurentiz,AC; Fischer da Silva,AV; Santin,E; Ariki,J.
Two experiments were carried out using 712 day-old chicks to evaluate the electrolytic balance (Na+K-Cl) in pre-starter (1-7 days) broiler diets. The feed, based on corn and soybean meal with 21.5 % protein and 2,900 kcal ME/kg, was offered ad libitum. In experiment I, K level was fixed, and Na and Cl levels were changed, using four 4 treatments and eight replicates of 16 birds. In experiment II, increasing levels of Na and K were used, with a total of four treatments and five repetitions of 10 birds. In both experiments, the dietary electrolytic balance was 40; 140; 240 and 340 mEq/kg. Electrolytic balance caused a quadratic effect on weight gain and feed:gain ratio, and a linear increase in feed intake when the electrolytic balance was increased by the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broilers; Chlorine; Electrolytes; Potassium; Sodium.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Pearl millet utilization in ccommercial laying hen diets formulated on a total or digestible amino acid basis 89
Filardi,RS; Junqueira,OM; Casartelli,EM; Laurentiz,AC; Duarte,KF; Assuena,V.
An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of replacing corn with pearl millet in commercial layer diets, formulated according to the minimal requirements for total and digestible amino acids. Two hundred and forty Lohmann LSL laying hens with 25 weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design according to a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement with 3 replicates of 8 birds. Feed was formulated on two amino acid basis (total or digestible) according to Rostagno et al. (2000) and there were five pearl millet inclusion levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Performance and egg quality were evaluated during five periods of 21 days.At the end of each period, feed intake, egg production, egg weight and feed conversion were evaluated....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Digestible amino acids; Egg quality; Laying hens; Pearl millet; Performance; Total amino acids.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Performance and Serum Biochemical Profile of Broiler Chickens Supplemented with Piper Cubeba Ethanolic Extract 89
Rubio,MS; Laurentiz,AC; Sobrane Fº,ST; Mello,ES; Filardi,RS; Silva,MLA; Laurentiz,RS.
ABSTRACT Piper cubeba is an Asian pepper used in popular medicine for its known antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory actions. The study evaluated the effects of dietary inclusion of Piper cubeba ethanolic extract (PE) as a replacement for anantibiotic growth promoter (AGP) on the performance and biochemical serum profile of 1- to 21-d-old broilers (Cobb®). Two hundred one-d-old broilers were housed in experimental battery cages and distributed in a completely randomized design. The following treatments were applied: negative control (NC) - basal diet; positive control (PC) - basal diet with addition of AGP; and the basal diet with inclusion of 0.17%, 0.34%, and 0.52% of PE (NCE1, NCE2, and NCE3, respectively). Growth performance, biochemical...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Additives; Antibiotic growth promoters; Biochemical serum profile; Pepper.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Proteína Bruta e Proteína Ideal para Frangos de Corte no Período de 1 a 21 Dias de Idade 89
Araújo,LF; Junqueira,OM; Araújo,CSS; Laurentiz,AC; Almeida,JG; Serrano,PP.
Dois experimentos foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de frangos de corte no período de 1 a 21 dias alimentados com dietas formuladas nos conceitos de proteína bruta e proteína ideal. No primeiro experimento, foram utilizados 400 pintos machos de um dia de idade da linhagem Cobb, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 2 tratamentos (proteína total e proteína ideal) e 5 repetições de 40 aves cada. No segundo experimento, foram utilizados 800 pintos, 400 machos e 400 fêmeas, em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (2 formulações - proteína bruta e proteína ideal e 2 sexos) com 4 tratamentos e 5 repetições de 40 aves cada. As dietas foram formuladas atendendo às exigências estabelecidas pela DEGUSSA (1997). Aos 21 dias, foram...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Desempenho; Frangos de corte; Programa de alimentação; Proteína ideal.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Sunflower meal in commercial layer diets formulated on total and digestible amino acids basis 89
Casartelli,EM; Filardi,RS; Junqueira,OM; Laurentiz,AC; Assuena,V; Duarte,KF.
An experiment was conduced to evaluate the inclusion of sunflower meal (SBM) in commercial layer diets formulated on total or digestible amino acids basis. One hundred forty-four 41-week-old Lohmann LSL layers were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement with three replications of six birds each. Treatments consisted of a combination of four SBM inclusion levels SBM(0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%) and feed formulation according two amino acid recommendations (total or digestible). The experimental period was divided into five periods of fourteen days. Performance parameters (egg production, feed intake, feed conversion, egg mass) were evaluated for each period. In the last two days of each period, three eggs per...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Egg quality; Nutrition; Performance; Poultry.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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