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A bio-economic analysis of long term changes in the production of French fishing fleets operating in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Steinmetz, Fabien; Thebaud, Olivier; Blanchard, Fabian; Le Floc H, Pascal; Bihel, J.
Selective fishing pressure on more highly valued marine living resources is one of the key factors proposed to explain changes occurring in fish communities and associated landings of commercial fisheries. The aim of this paper is to establish the nature of changes in the landings of French fishing fleets operating in the Bay of Biscay in the period 1973-2002, and whether these changes could be related to the relative economic attractiveness of different fish species. The analysis focuses on trends observed in the landings of all commercial fish species over the last three decades. It is based on data of annual quantities landed and ex-vessel prices compiled from official French landings records, and on bio-geographical descriptors of these species derived...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North Eastern Atlantic; Bay of Biscay; Long term changes; Bio economic analysis; French fisheries production.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A comparative review of fisheries management experiences in the European Union and in other countries worldwide: Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Andersen, Jesper Levring; Aranda, Martin; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Goti, Leyre; Guyader, Olivier; Haraldsson, Gunnar; Hatcher, Aaron; Hegland, Troels Jacob; Le Floc H, Pascal; Macher, Claire; Malvarosa, Loretta; Maravelias, Christos D.; Mardle, Simon; Murillas, Arantza; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Sabatella, Rosaria; Smith, Anthony D. M.; Stokes, Kevin; Thoegersen, Thomas; Ulrich, Clara.
This study compares the details and performance of fisheries management between the EU and a selection of other countries worldwide: Iceland, New Zealand, and Australia, which are considered in many respects to be among the most advanced in the world in fisheries management. Fisheries management in the EU, Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand has developed following different paths, despite being based on similar instruments and principles. Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand have been at the forefront of developing management practices such as stakeholder involvement, legally binding management targets (Australia, New Zealand), individual transferable quotas, and discard bans (Iceland, New Zealand). The EU has since the beginning of the 21st century taken...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Australia; Comparative review; European Union; Fisheries management; Iceland; New Zealand.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Diversification after resource crises; the case of tourism in the French archipelago of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon ArchiMer
Le Floc H, Pascal; Wilson, James; Nassiri, Abdelhak.
We use historical economic data of the Islands of St Pierre and Miquelon (SPM), a terri-tory of France situated 25 km south of Newfoundland (Canada), to explore different narratives of modern growth theory applied to small island economies when major changes in resource endowment occurs. The economy of SPM was less diversified than other territories because of privileged historical access to fisheries resources that un-derpinned the main sectors of the economy. That access was rapidly reduced because of changes brought about by the extension of the EEZ by Canada, and other fisheries management changes over time. The collapse of the northern cod stocks led to the cod fishing moratorium, imposed by Canada in 1992. This last major change, a crisis for SPM,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Le caractère territorial des attractions touristiques liées aux pêches maritimes : une illustration par le modèle du panier de biens ArchiMer
Pocheau, Chloé; Alban, Frederique; Le Floc H, Pascal; Legouvello, Raphaela.
The question addressed in this article focuses on the conditions for strengthening the territorial character of tourist attractions around a fishing port with a strong identity. In the face of the depletion of resources, the territories dependent on the exploitation of living marine resources try reconversions during the 1990s, especially towards tourism. The article is based on the fishing port of Guilvinec on which has been created an exhibition center for a large audience. The survey methodology is mobilized to delimit the territory on which the fishing activities and the exhibition center are attractive. An estimate of the expenses incurred by visitors is proposed. The tourist’s consumption of the exhibition center and fisheries is in line with the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Attractiveness; Basket of goods; Fishery; Territory; Tourism.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Les énergies marines renouvelables répondent-elles au modèle d’économie de la fonctionnalité ? ArchiMer
Lalancette, Soazig; Le Floc H, Pascal; Le Gallic, Bertrand.
This article seeks to estimate the relevance of the service economy applied to marine renewable energy projects. This study is based on stakeholder contributions in public debate in Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm project (France). We seek to analyze stakeholder perspectives through an application of a textual analysis on contributions (cahiers d’acteurs). Textual analysis reveals two main results, the first one turns to social and economic question with the impact on the territory, in particularly the employment and the training. The second issue concerns the energy efficiency of marine renewable technologies. For each of these issues, the discussion try to give a perspective regard to service economy theory and discuss about the relevance of service...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Économie de la fonctionnalité; Énergie marine renouvelable; Analyse textuelle; Éolien en mer; Débat public; Service economy; Marine renewable energy; Textual analysis; Offshore wind; Public debate.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Mesure des résultats économiques de la pêche profesionnelle bretonne : Comparaison des méthodes à base de données comptables et d'enquêtes de terrain ArchiMer
Boncoeur, Jean; Daures, Fabienne; Guyader, Olivier; Martin, Annaïck; Le Floc H, Pascal; Thebaud, Olivier.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Une évaluation des performances économiques de la pêche côtière : le cas de la région Bretagne ArchiMer
Le Floc H, Pascal; Thebaud, Olivier; Boncoeur, Jean; Daures, Fabienne; Guyader, Olivier.
Fishing activities have a significant role in socio-economic base for a few coastal areas. In this respect, fleets operating mainly in coastal fisheries deserve a special interest due to their narrow links with the home base. However, coastal fleet activities are not very known, restricting the capacity to deliver a diagnosis on their economic viability. This article suggests an assessment of the influence and the economic performance of the coastal fleets in Brittany. Results show similar economic performances for coastal units compared to offshore units. Furthermore, coastal units own additional advantages in relation to their energy consumption and capacity to operate without public subsidies. However, there are vulnerable to fishing effort of offshore...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêche côtière; Performance économique; Dépendance énergétique; Mesures de gestion; Coastal fishery; Economic performance; Energy dependency; Management measures.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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