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A Case Study of Technological Switching and Technological Lock-In in the French Fisheries Sector: Why is Sustainable Change so Difficult? 5
Le Floc'H, Pascal; Daures, Fabienne; Guyader, Olivier; Wilson, James.
Many sectors such as the fishery show classic examples of technological lock-in and path dependence, even though some economists might predict smooth switching toward technologies that are more cost effective and sustainable. We use ideas from the evolutionary economics and public choice literatures to explain why trajectories of technological change, especially in fisheries, may not be smooth at all, but rather punctuated. The interest of technological change and switching behavior for fisheries economists and managers stems from the fact that control of effective effort, often necessary for sustainable management of the resource, remains a central management problem for that sector worldwide, even in developed countries. However, various policies put in...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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A multidisciplinary approach to the spatial dimension in ecosystem-based fisheries management 5
Le Floc'H, Pascal; Bertignac, Michel; Curtil, Olivier; Macher, Claire; Mariat-roy, Emilie; Paulet, Yves-marie.
This study considers how to reconcile different spatial scales to find the best common denominator to be used as an ecosystem-based management unit. For this, two fishery production zones differing ecologically, economically, legally and institutionally were investigated. The first case study is located within French territorial waters, in a MPA created in 2007- the Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise (PNMI). The second case study, the Bay of Biscay, covers both territorial waters and the French exclusive economic zone. The paper adopts a multidisciplinary approach. Relevant questions concern how marine space is shared between exploited species and fishing fleets, especially the spatial mobility strategies they employ. An assessment of the institutional system...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial scale; Ecosystem-based fisheries management; Marine protected area; Socio-system.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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A simulation-based approach to assess sensitivity and robustness of fisheries management indicators for the pelagic fishery in the Bay of Biscay 5
Lehuta, Sigrid; Mahevas, Stephanie; Le Floc'H, Pascal; Petitgas, Pierre.
Indicators are widely promoted as means to monitor ecosystem status or to evaluate fisheries management performance. "Which indicators are most relevant as decision-support tools in fisheries management?" still remains a topical question. Indicators should be metrics related to fish populations and fleets and should be sensitive to management strategies. However, given the complexity of the processes involved, it is often difficult to unequivocally interpret variations in metrics. A simulation approach was used to study metric properties and to identify robust and relevant fishery indicators. By applying sensitivity analysis methods, simulation designs were built that cross a variety of management scenarios and uncertainty hypotheses. Bio-economic outputs...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Economie et droit des ressources naturelles renouvelables de la mer - aspects théoriques et application à la zone côtière de la manche occidentale française - tome 1 - etude economique 5
Bailly, Denis; Boncoeur, Jean; Guyader, Olivier; Le Floc'H, Pascal.
Le premier tome de ce rapport est consacré aux aspects économiques du problème de l'aménagement des usages des ressources et écosystèmes marins et littoraux. Il comporte deux parties : • La première offre une grille de lecture économique du problème étudié par le programme AMURE. • La seconde présente les résultats d'une enquête menée en mai-juin 1996 sur le littoral de la zone-atelier du programme.
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Ano: 1996 URL:
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Quel avenir pour la pêche bretonne ? 5
Boncoeur, Jean; Berthou, Patrick; Boude, Jean-pierre; Curtil, Olivier; Daures, Fabienne; Guyader, Olivier; Le Floc'H, Pascal; Thebaud, Olivier.
The identikit of Breton fishing in 2004 can be drafted through a few figures: 1,537 vessels in activity, 315,000 kW of nominal engine power, 7,053 sailors on board, 302,000 tonnes of catches (not including algae), about 466 million euros in profit. However, this global data does not take into account an essential characteristic of this activity: its great diversity. This latter can be declined based on different criteria. The most immediate criterion, that of the size of the vessels, is strongly correlated to that of the location of the activity. The class of the "less than 12 metres", the more numerous with a little more than a thousand vessels, exercises most of its activity on the coast (12 miles off the base lines). With about 260 vessels, the "12 to...
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Ano: 2006 URL:
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Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne : rapport 2001 5
Talidec, Catherine; Boncoeur, Jean; Alban, Frédérique; Curtil, Olivier; Le Floc'H, Pascal; Le Gallic, Bertrand; Pennanguer, Stéphane; Berthou, Patrick; Fifas, Spyros; Latrouite, Daniel.
This document is the 2001 activity report delivered by IFREMER, CEDEM (IUEM, UBO) and ENSA of Rennes for a co-financed study by the Brittany region within the framework of the XII CPER. This report is composed of: - an IFREMER study on the historical evolution of the Breton fleet created using data from the "halieutic observations system" (SIH) and surveys on the economic activity of fishing ships. The study is most interested in the Mor Braz and the Sea of Iroise sites. - an analysis by CEDEM of the legal and economic aspects of fishing along the coastal strip through two case studies: A seasonal break from bottom trawling and the diversification of professional fishing towards tourist and recreational economic activities. - a study by ENSA of Rennes on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Recreative fishing; Professionnal fishing; Breton fisheries; Survey; Data collection; Fishing fleet; Metier; Fishing activites; Brittany; Golfe du Morbihan; Mer d'Iroise; Mor Braz; Reglementation; Pêche de loisir; Pêche professionnelle; Pêcherie bretonne; Enquêtes; Collectes de données; Flottilles; Metier; Opérations de pêche; Bretagne.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The influence of fiscal regulations on investment in marine fisheries: A French case study 5
Le Floc'H, Pascal; Daures, Fabienne; Nourry, Myriam; Thebaud, Olivier; Travers, Muriel; Van Iseghem, Sylvie.
Analysing investment drivers in fisheries is essential in understanding the long-term development of fishing capacity. This paper addresses the drivers of investment in the French commercial fishing fleets operating along the Atlantic coast, and the role of public policies have had on investment. First, we examine the changes in the capital value of the fleet, which was strongly impacted by decommissioning schemes during the nineties. We then examine drivers of investment using an unbalanced panel data set describing the investment decisions of a sample of firms over the period 1994-2004. In addition to economic variables, the estimated models account for other factors that may have an impact on investment behaviour, including the different career phases...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishery; Capital; Fiscal regime.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The regional management of fisheries in European Western Waters 5
Le Floc'H, Pascal; Murillas, Arantza; Aranda, Martin; Daures, Fabienne; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Guyader, Olivier; Hatcher, Aaron; Macher, Claire; Marchal, Paul.
A survey of past and existing management measures applied to different fisheries in European Western Waters is analyzed as a typology of co-management between governments and stakeholders. Faced with increasing constraints on accessing fish stocks, management measures have evolved toward fishing rights individualization, limited access and various other specific measures. Restrictions on access have changed fishermen’s behaviour in several significant ways. A comparative analysis, based on qualitative data collected through interviews and focus groups, is developed for fisheries from the following European countries: France, Ireland, Spain and the United Kingdom. Past and existing individual harvesting rights in the four countries are reviewed and compared.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Fishery governance; Common Fishery Policy (CFP).
Ano: 2015 URL:
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