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A coastal operational oceanography system coupled to the GMES marine service ArchiMer
Lecornu, Fabrice; Dumas, Franck; Gohin, Francis; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Menesguen, Alain; Pineau-guillou, Lucia.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A comparison of surface eddy kinetic energy and Reynolds stresses in the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio Current systems from merged TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2 altimetric data ArchiMer
Ducet, N; Le Traon, Pierre-yves.
Analyses of surface eddy kinetic energy (EYE) inferred from 5 years of merged TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2 altimetric data are presented in the Gulf Stream (GS) and the Kuroshio (KS) Current systems, focusing on anisotropy and EKE seasonal, interannual, and long-term variations, as well as Reynolds stresses. For both GS and KS a descriptive analysis of the EKE field shows that it is anisotropic along the path of the currents and assesses the close relationship between the spatial distribution of EKE high levels and bottom topography. A striking ocean feature is found in the GS, shaped as a zonal "double-blade" structure in the EKE field, centered at 37 degrees N, 71.5 degrees W, that likely corresponds to a regular and permanent lateral displacement of the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2001 URL:
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A global comparison of Argo and satellite altimetry observations ArchiMer
Dhomps, A. -l.; Guinehut, S.; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Larnicol, Gilles.
Differences, similarities and complementarities between Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) deduced from altimeter measurements and dynamic height anomalies (DHA) calculated from Argo in situ temperature (T) and salinity (S) profiles are globally analyzed. SLA and DHA agree remarkably well and, compared to previous studies, Argo dataset allows an improvement in the coherence between SLA and DHA. Indeed, Argo data provides a much better spatial coverage of all oceans and particularly the Southern Ocean, the use of an Argo mean dynamic height, the use of measured salinity profiles (versus climatological salinity), and the use of a deeper reference level (1000 m versus 700 m). The large influence of Argo salinity observations on the consistency between altimetry and...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A large-scale view of oceanic variability from 2007 to 2015 in the global high resolution monitoring and forecasting system at Mercator Océan ArchiMer
Gasparin, Florent; Greiner, Eric; Lellouche, Jean-michel; Legalloudec, Olivier; Garric, Gilles; Drillet, Yann; Bourdalle-badie, Romain; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Remy, Elisabeth; Drevillon, Marie.
The global high resolution monitoring and forecasting system PSY4 at Mercator Océan, initialized in October 2006, has achieved 11 years of global ocean state estimation. Based on the NEMO global 1/12° configuration, PSY4 includes data assimilation of satellite and multi-instrument in situ observations. In parallel to this monitoring system, a twin-free simulation (with no assimilation) has been performed for the period 2007-2015. In this study, monthly-averaged fields of both ocean state estimates are compared with observation products for the period 2007-2015, to examine the consistency of PSY4 fields with related observations for representing large-scale variability and to provide a baseline that is mainly focused on in situ comparisons for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Global ocean monitoring and forecasting system; Climate variability; System evaluation/qualification; Global ocean observing system.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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A method for optimal analysis of fields with spatially-variable mean ArchiMer
Le Traon, Pierre-yves.
This brief report addresses the problem of objective analysis of fields with spatially variable mean. Conventional objective analysis is confined to fluctuations, where the larger scale is assumed to be known; this report shows how to use the method described by Davis (1985) to estimate simultaneously a large-scale component and a mesoscale component with an accurate error budget. The extension to multivariate analysis is also discussed. The method is then applied to simulated data; this illustrates its contribution in relation to conventional objective analysis.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Altimetry combined with hydrography for ocean transport estimation ArchiMer
Gourcuff, Claire; Lherminier, Pascale; Mercier, Herle; Le Traon, Pierre-yves.
A method to estimate mass and heat transports across hydrographic sections using hydrography together with altimetry data in a geostrophic box inverse model is presented. Absolute surface velocities computed from AVISO altimetry products made up of a combination of sea surface height measurements and geoid estimate are first compared to Ship Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (S-ADCP) measurements of the Ovide project along hydrographic sections repeated every 2 years in summer from Portugal to Greenland. The rms difference between S-ADCP and altimetry velocities averaged on distances of about a hundred km accounts to 3.3 cm s−1. Considering that the uncertainty of S-ADCP velocities is found at 1.5 cm s−1, altimetry errors are estimated at 3 cm s−1....
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress ArchiMer
Abdalla, Saleh; Abdeh Kolahchi, Abdolnabi; Adusumilli, Susheel; Aich Bhowmick, Suchandra; Alou-font, Eva; Amarouche, Laiba; Andersen, Ole Baltazar; Antich, Helena; Aouf, Lotfi; Arbic, Brian; Armitage, Thomas; Arnault, Sabine; Artana, Camila; Aulicino, Giuseppe; Ayoub, Nadia; Badulin, Sergei; Baker, Steven; Banks, Chris; Bao, Lifeng; Barbetta, Silvia; Barceló-llull, Bàrbara; Barlier, François; Basu, Sujit; Bauer-gottwein, Peter; Becker, Matthias; Beckley, Brian; Bellefond, Nicole; Belonenko, Tatyana; Benkiran, Mounir; Benkouider, Touati; Bennartz, Ralf; Benveniste, Jérôme; Bercher, Nicolas; Berge-nguyen, Muriel; Bettencourt, Joao; Blarel, Fabien; Blazquez, Alejandro; Blumstein, Denis; Bonnefond, Pascal; Borde, Franck; Bouffard, Jérôme; Boy, François; Boy, Jean-paul; Brachet, Cédric; Brasseur, Pierre; Braun, Alexander; Brocca, Luca; Brockley, David; Brodeau, Laurent; Brown, Shannon; Bruinsma, Sean; Bulczak, Anna; Buzzard, Sammie; Cahill, Madeleine; Calmant, Stéphane; Calzas, Michel; Camici, Stefania; Cancet, Mathilde; Capdeville, Hugues; Carabajal, Claudia Cristina; Carrere, Loren; Cazenave, Anny; Chassignet, Eric P.; Chauhan, Prakash; Cherchali, Selma; Chereskin, Teresa; Cheymol, Cecile; Ciani, Daniele; Cipollini, Paolo; Cirillo, Francesca; Cosme, Emmanuel; Coss, Steve; Cotroneo, Yuri; Cotton, David; Couhert, Alexandre; Coutin-faye, Sophie; Crétaux, Jean-françois; Cyr, Frederic; D’ovidio, Francesco; Darrozes, José; David, Cedric; Dayoub, Nadim; De Staerke, Danielle; Deng, Xiaoli; Desai, Shailen; Desjonqueres, Jean-damien; Dettmering, Denise; Di Bella, Alessandro; Díaz-barroso, Lara; Dibarboure, Gerald; Dieng, Habib Boubacar; Dinardo, Salvatore; Dobslaw, Henryk; Dodet, Guillaume; Doglioli, Andrea; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Donahue, David; Dong, Shenfu; Donlon, Craig; Dorandeu, Joël; Drezen, Christine; Drinkwater, Mark; Du Penhoat, Yves; Dushaw, Brian; Egido, Alejandro; Erofeeva, Svetlana; Escudier, Philippe; Esselborn, Saskia; Exertier, Pierre; Fablet, Ronan; Falco, Cédric; Farrell, Sinead Louise; Faugere, Yannice; Femenias, Pierre; Fenoglio, Luciana; Fernandes, Joana; Fernández, Juan Gabriel; Ferrage, Pascale; Ferrari, Ramiro; Fichen, Lionel; Filippucci, Paolo; Flampouris, Stylianos; Fleury, Sara; Fornari, Marco; Forsberg, Rene; Frappart, Frédéric; Frery, Marie-laure; Garcia, Pablo; Garcia-mondejar, Albert; Gaudelli, Julia; Gaultier, Lucile; Getirana, Augusto; Gibert, Ferran; Gil, Artur; Gilbert, Lin; Gille, Sarah; Giulicchi, Luisella; Gómez-enri, Jesús; Gómez-navarro, Laura; Gommenginger, Christine; Gourdeau, Lionel; Griffin, David; Groh, Andreas; Guerin, Alexandre; Guerrero, Raul; Guinle, Thierry; Gupta, Praveen; Gutknecht, Benjamin D.; Hamon, Mathieu; Han, Guoqi; Hauser, Danièle; Helm, Veit; Hendricks, Stefan; Hernandez, Fabrice; Hogg, Anna; Horwath, Martin; Idžanović, Martina; Janssen, Peter; Jeansou, Eric; Jia, Yongjun; Jia, Yuanyuan; Jiang, Liguang; Johannessen, Johnny A.; Kamachi, Masafumi; Karimova, Svetlana; Kelly, Kathryn; Kim, Sung Yong; King, Robert; Kittel, Cecile M.m.; Klein, Patrice; Klos, Anna; Knudsen, Per; Koenig, Rolf; Kostianoy, Andrey; Kouraev, Alexei; Kumar, Raj; Labroue, Sylvie; Lago, Loreley Selene; Lambin, Juliette; Lasson, Léa; Laurain, Olivier; Laxenaire, Rémi; Lázaro, Clara; Le Gac, Sophie; Le Sommer, Julien; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Lebedev, Sergey; Léger, Fabien; Legresy, Benoı̂t; Lemoine, Frank; Lenain, Luc; Leuliette, Eric; Levy, Marina; Lillibridge, John; Liu, Jianqiang; Llovel, William; Lyard, Florent; Macintosh, Claire; Makhoul Varona, Eduard; Manfredi, Cécile; Marin, Frédéric; Mason, Evan; Massari, Christian; Mavrocordatos, Constantin; Maximenko, Nikolai; Mcmillan, Malcolm; Medina, Thierry; Melet, Angelique; Meloni, Marco; Mertikas, Stelios; Metref, Sammy; Meyssignac, Benoit; Michaël, Ablain; Minster, Jean-françois; Moreau, Thomas; Moreira, Daniel; Morel, Yves; Morrow, Rosemary; Moyard, John; Mulet, Sandrine; Naeije, Marc; Nerem, Robert Steven; Ngodock, Hans; Nielsen, Karina; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Niño, Fernando; Nogueira Loddo, Carolina; Noûs, Camille; Obligis, Estelle; Otosaka, Inès; Otten, Michiel; Oztunali Ozbahceci, Berguzar; P. Raj, Roshin; Paiva, Rodrigo; Paniagua, Guillermina; Paolo, Fernando; Paris, Adrien; Pascual, Ananda; Passaro, Marcello; Paul, Stephan; Pavelsky, Tamlin; Pearson, Christopher; Penduff, Thierry; Peng, Fukai; Perosanz, Felix; Picot, Nicolas; Piras, Fanny; Poggiali, Valerio; Poirier, Étienne; Ponce De León, Sonia; Prants, Sergey; Prigent, Catherine; Provost, Christine; Pujol, M-isabelle; Qiu, Bo; Quilfen, Yves; Rami, Ali; Raney, R. Keith; Raynal, Matthias; Remy, Elisabeth; Rémy, Frédérique; Restano, Marco; Richardson, Annie; Richardson, Donald; Ricker, Robert; Ricko, Martina; Rinne, Eero; Rose, Stine Kildegaard; Rosmorduc, Vinca; Rudenko, Sergei; Ruiz, Simón; Ryan, Barbara J.; Salaün, Corinne; Sanchez-roman, Antonio; Sandberg Sørensen, Louise; Sandwell, David; Saraceno, Martin; Scagliola, Michele; Schaeffer, Philippe; Scharffenberg, Martin G.; Scharroo, Remko; Schiller, Andreas; Schneider, Raphael; Schwatke, Christian; Scozzari, Andrea; Ser-giacomi, Enrico; Seyler, Frederique; Shah, Rashmi; Sharma, Rashmi; Shaw, Andrew; Shepherd, Andrew; Shriver, Jay; Shum, C.k.; Simons, Wim; Simonsen, Sebatian B.; Slater, Thomas; Smith, Walter; Soares, Saulo; Sokolovskiy, Mikhail; Soudarin, Laurent; Spatar, Ciprian; Speich, Sabrina; Srinivasan, Margaret; Srokosz, Meric; Stanev, Emil; Staneva, Joanna; Steunou, Nathalie; Stroeve, Julienne; Su, Bob; Sulistioadi, Yohanes Budi; Swain, Debadatta; Sylvestre-baron, Annick; Taburet, Nicolas; Tailleux, Rémi; Takayama, Katsumi; Tapley, Byron; Tarpanelli, Angelica; Tavernier, Gilles; Testut, Laurent; Thakur, Praveen K.; Thibaut, Pierre; Thompson, Luanne; Tintoré, Joaquín; Tison, Céline; Tourain, Cédric; Tournadre, Jean; Townsend, Bill; Tran, Ngan; Trilles, Sébastien; Tsamados, Michel; Tseng, Kuo-hsin; Ubelmann, Clément; Uebbing, Bernd; Vergara, Oscar; Verron, Jacques; Vieira, Telmo; Vignudelli, Stefano; Vinogradova Shiffer, Nadya; Visser, Pieter; Vivier, Frederic; Volkov, Denis; Von Schuckmann, Karina; Vuglinskii, Valerii; Vuilleumier, Pierrik; Walter, Blake; Wang, Jida; Wang, Chao; Watson, Christopher; Wilkin, John; Willis, Josh; Wilson, Hilary; Woodworth, Philip; Yang, Kehan; Yao, Fangfang; Zaharia, Raymond; Zakharova, Elena; Zaron, Edward D.; Zhang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Zhongxiang; Zinchenko, Vadim; Zlotnicki, Victor.
In 2018 we celebrated 25 years of development of radar altimetry, and the progress achieved by this methodology in the fields of global and coastal oceanography, hydrology, geodesy and cryospheric sciences. Many symbolic major events have celebrated these developments, e.g., in Venice, Italy, the 15th (2006) and 20th (2012) years of progress and more recently, in 2018, in Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry. On this latter occasion it was decided to collect contributions of scientists, engineers and managers involved in the worldwide altimetry community to depict the state of altimetry and propose recommendations for the altimetry of the future. This paper summarizes contributions and recommendations that were collected and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Satellite altimetry; Oceanography; Sea level; Coastal oceanography; Cryospheric sciences; Hydrology.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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An Integrated All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System in 2030 ArchiMer
Deyoung, Brad; Visbeck, Martin; De Araujo Filho, Moacyr Cunha; Baringer, Molly O’neil; Black, Carolanne; Buch, Erik; Canonico, Gabrielle; Coelho, Paulo; Duha, Janice T.; Edwards, Martin; Fischer, Albert; Fritz, Jan-stefan; Ketelhake, Sandra; Muelbert, Jose-henrique; Monteiro, Pedro; Nolan, Glenn; O’rourke, Eleanor; Ott, Michael; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Sousa-pinto, Isabel; Tanhua, Toste; Velho, Filomena V.; Willis, Zdenka.
The ocean plays a vital role in the global climate system and biosphere, providing crucial resources for humanity including water, food, energy, and raw materials. There is a compelling need to develop an integrated basin-scale ocean observing system to support of ocean management. We articulate a vision for basin-scale ocean observing – A comprehensive All-Atlantic Ocean Observing Systems that benefits all of us living, working and relying on the ocean. Until now, basin-scale ocean observation has been conducted through loosely-aligned arrangements of national and international efforts. The All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS) is an integrated concept for a forward-looking framework and basin-scale partnership to establish a comprehensive ocean...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean observation; Atlantic Ocean; Ocean observing system; Ocean governance; Basin-scale; Global ocean observing system; Framework for ocean observing.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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An introduction to GODAE OceanView ArchiMer
Bell, M. J.; Schiller, A.; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Smith, N. R.; Dombrowsky, E.; Wilmer-becker, K..
Real-time operational predictions of the major ocean basins which resolve the ocean mesoscale at mid-latitudes have become established in more than a dozen countries over the last 15 years. These predictions depend on the global ocean observing system (particularly satellite altimeters and the Argo profiling float system), high performance computers and sophisticated ocean models and data assimilation systems. They support an expanding range of information services for operations at sea, weather forecasts and protection of the environment. GODAE Oceanview (GOV) assists the groups developing these predictions. This paper provides an introduction to GOV and the papers in this special issue.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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ARGO - a decade of progress ArchiMer
Freeland, Howard J.; Roemmich, Dean; Garzoli, Silvia L.; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Ravichandran, Muthalagu; Riser, Stephen; Thierry, Virginie; Wijffels, Susan; Belbéoch, Mathieu; Gould, John; Grant, Fiona; Ignazewski, Mark; King, Brian; Klein, Birgit; Mork, Kjell Arne; Owens, Breck; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Sterl, Andreas; Suga, Toshio; Suk, Moon-sik; Sutton, Philip; Troisi, Ariel; Vélez-belchi, Pedro Joaquin; Xu, Jianping.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Argo Data 1999–2019: Two Million Temperature-Salinity Profiles and Subsurface Velocity Observations From a Global Array of Profiling Floats ArchiMer
Wong, Annie P. S.; Wijffels, Susan E.; Riser, Stephen C.; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Hosoda, Shigeki; Roemmich, Dean; Gilson, John; Johnson, Gregory C.; Martini, Kim; Murphy, David J.; Scanderbeg, Megan; Bhaskar, T. V. S. Udaya; Buck, Justin J. H.; Merceur, Frederic; Carval, Thierry; Maze, Guillaume; Cabanes, Cécile; André, Xavier; Poffa, Noe; Yashayaev, Igor; Barker, Paul M.; Guinehut, Stéphanie; Belbéoch, Mathieu; Ignaszewski, Mark; Baringer, Molly O'Neil; Schmid, Claudia; Lyman, John M.; Mctaggart, Kristene E.; Purkey, Sarah G.; Zilberman, Nathalie; Alkire, Matthew B.; Swift, Dana; Owens, W. Brechner; Jayne, Steven R.; Hersh, Cora; Robbins, Pelle; West-mack, Deb; Bahr, Frank; Yoshida, Sachiko; Sutton, Philip J. H.; Cancouët, Romain; Coatanoan, Christine; Dobbler, Delphine; Juan, Andrea Garcia; Gourrion, Jerome; Kolodziejczyk, Nicolas; Bernard, Vincent; Bourlès, Bernard; Claustre, Hervé; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Le Reste, Serge; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Rannou, Jean Philippe; Saout-grit, Carole; Speich, Sabrina; Thierry, Virginie; Verbrugge, Nathalie; Angel-benavides, Ingrid M.; Klein, Birgit; Notarstefano, Giulio; Poulain, Pierre-marie; Vélez-belchí, Pedro; Suga, Toshio; Ando, Kentaro; Iwasaska, Naoto; Kobayashi, Taiyo; Masuda, Shuhei; Oka, Eitarou; Sato, Kanako; Nakamura, Tomoaki; Sato, Katsunari; Takatsuki, Yasushi; Yoshida, Takashi; Cowley, Rebecca; Lovell, Jenny L.; Oke, Peter R.; Van Wijk, Esmee M.; Carse, Fiona; Donnelly, Matthew; Gould, W. John; Gowers, Katie; King, Brian A.; Loch, Stephen G.; Mowat, Mary; Turton, Jon; Rama Rao, E. Pattabhi; Ravichandran, M.; Freeland, Howard J.; Gaboury, Isabelle; Gilbert, Denis; Greenan, Blair J. W.; Ouellet, Mathieu; Ross, Tetjana; Tran, Anh; Dong, Mingmei; Liu, Zenghong; Xu, Jianping; Kang, Kiryong; Jo, Hyeongjun; Kim, Sung-dae; Park, Hyuk-min.
In the past two decades, the Argo Program has collected, processed, and distributed over two million vertical profiles of temperature and salinity from the upper two kilometers of the global ocean. A similar number of subsurface velocity observations near 1,000 dbar have also been collected. This paper recounts the history of the global Argo Program, from its aspiration arising out of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, to the development and implementation of its instrumentation and telecommunication systems, and the various technical problems encountered. We describe the Argo data system and its quality control procedures, and the gradual changes in the vertical resolution and spatial coverage of Argo data from 1999 to 2019. The accuracies of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Global; Ocean; Pressure; Temperature; Salinity; Argo; Profiling; Floats.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Argo: The Challenge of Continuing 10 Years of Progress ArchiMer
Roemmich, Dean; Belbéoc, Mathieu; Freeland, Howard; Garzoli, Sylvia; Gould, John; Grant, Fiona; Ignaszewski, Mark; King, Brian; Klein, Birgit; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Mork, Kjell Arne; Brechner Owens, W; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Ravichandran, Muthalagu; Riser, Stephen; Sterl, Andreas; Suga, Toshio; Suk, Moon-sik; Sutton, Philip; Thierry, Virginie.
The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE []) has spanned a decade of rapid technological development. The ever-increasing volume and diversity of oceanographic data produced by in situ instruments, remote-sensing platforms, and computer simulations have driven the development of a number of innovative technologies that are essential for connecting scientists with the data that they need. This paper gives an overview of the technologies that have been developed and applied in the course of GODAE, which now provides users of oceanographic data with the capability to discover, evaluate, visualize, download, and analyze data from all over the world. The key to this capability is the ability to reduce the inherent complexity of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: GODAE; Argo; Global ocean observing system; Ocean data assimilation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Argo: The Global Array of Profiling Floats ArchiMer
Roemmich, Dean; Boebel, Olaf; Desaubies, Yves; Freeland, Howard; Kim, Kuh; King, Brian; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Molinari, Robert; Owens, Brechner W.; Riser, Stephen; Send, Uwe; Takeuchi, Kensuke; Wijffels, Susan.
The Argo network of autonomous profiling floats will provide the first global views of the time-varying temperature (T) and salinity (S) fields of the upper ocean. Argo will serve a broad community of scientific and operational users, with objectives falling into several categories. It will provide a quantitative description of the evolving physical state of the upper ocean and the patterns of ocean climate variability, including heat and freshwater storage and transport. The data will enhance the value of the Jason altimeter through measurement of the subsurface vertical structure of T and S, plus reference velocity, with sufficient coverage and resolution for interpreting altimetric sea surface height variability. Argo data will be used for initializing...
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Ano: 2001 URL:
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Assessesment of the impact of ARGO in ocean models and satellite validation from E-AIMS project ArchiMer
Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Remy, E; Ballabrera Poy, Joaquim.
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Assessing the impact of multiple altimeter missions and Argo in a global eddy-permitting data assimilation system ArchiMer
Verrier, Simon; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Remy, Elisabeth.
A series of observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) is carried out with a global data assimilation system at 1∕4° resolution using simulated data derived from a 1∕12° resolution free-run simulation. The objective is to not only quantify how well multiple altimeter missions and Argo profiling floats can constrain the global ocean analysis and 7-day forecast at 1∕4° resolution but also to better understand the sensitivity of results to data assimilation techniques used in Mercator Ocean operational systems. The impact of multiple altimeter data is clearly evidenced even at a 1∕4° resolution. Seven-day forecasts of sea level and ocean currents are significantly improved when moving from one altimeter to two altimeters not only on the sea level, but...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Assessing the impact of SAR altimetry for global ocean analysis and forecasting ArchiMer
Verrier, Simon; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Remy, Elisabeth; Lellouche, Jean Michel.
Satellite altimetry provides essential sea level observations to constrain ocean analysis and forecasting systems. New generation of nadir altimeters now provides enhanced capability thanks to a SAR mode that allows reducing the 1 Hz (7 km) measurement noise level from about 3 to 1 cm RMS. A first assessment of the impact of SAR altimetry for global ocean analysis and forecasting is carried out using Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) with the global Mercator Ocean high resolution 1/12° system. OSSEs are used to quantify the impact of assimilating multiple altimeter missions with and without a SAR mode. A simple twin experiment set up that only takes into account initialisation errors and impact of altimeter random noise is used. Results are...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Benefits of the future sea surface salinity measurements from SMOS: Generation and characteristics of SMOS geophysical products ArchiMer
Obligis, E; Boone, C; Larnicol, G; Philipps, S; Tranchant, B; Le Traon, Pierre-yves.
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) level 2 and level 3 products are simulated and characterized over a one-year time period. A simulator is first used to evaluate the sea surface salinity (SSS) error of level 2 SMOS products. An optimal interpolation method is then adapted to map the surface salinity in order to simulate a level 3 SMOS product. The quality of the simulated products is satisfactory. The mean error of the SSS at pixel scale is around 1 psu, and the error on the final gridded product fits the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment requirements (0.2 psu).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity SMOS; Sea surface salinity SSS; Remote sensing; Optimal interpolation; Microwave radiometry; Brightness temperatures.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bulletin d'information PREVIMER - Informations et analyses des eaux côtières. Janvier Février 2010 - n°12 ArchiMer
Lazure, Pascal; Huret, Martin; Gohin, Francis; Menesguen, Alain; Lecornu, Fabrice; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Thomin, Pascale; Jegou, P.; Baraer, F.; Corre, Gilles; Louazel, Stephanie; Equipe projet PREVIMER.
Sommaire * Météo et débits des fleuves.....2 * Caractéristiques des masses d’eau côtières..............5 * Production biologique............11 * Rappel des objectifs du bulletin PREVIMER..................13 * Les moyens d’observations et de prévisions de l’état des mers côtières...........................13 * Glossaire..................................15
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Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comparison between three implementations of automatic identification algorithms for the quantification and characterization of mesoscale eddies in the South Atlantic Ocean ArchiMer
Souza, Joao Marcos Azevedo Correia De; De Boyer Montegut, Clement; Le Traon, Pierre-yves.
Three methods for automatic detection of mesoscale coherent structures are applied to Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) fields in the South Atlantic. The first method is based on the wavelet packet decomposition of the SLA data, the second on the estimation of the Okubo-Weiss parameter and the third on a geometric criterion using the winding-angle approach. The results provide a comprehensive picture of the mesoscale eddies over the South Atlantic Ocean, emphasizing their main characteristics: amplitude, diameter, duration and propagation velocity. Five areas of particular eddy dynamics were selected: the Brazil Current, the Agulhas eddies propagation corridor, the Agulhas Current retroflexion, the Brazil-Malvinas confluence zone and the northern branch of the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Consistency of the current global ocean observing systems from an Argo perspective ArchiMer
Von Schuckmann, Karina; Sallee, Jean-baptiste; Chambers, D.; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Cabanes, Cecile; Gaillard, Fabienne; Speich, Sabrina; Hamon, Mathieu.
Variations in the world's ocean heat storage and its associated volume changes are a key factor to gauge global warming and to assess the earth's energy and sea level budget. Estimating global ocean heat content (GOHC) and global steric sea level (GSSL) with temperature/salinity data from the Argo network reveals a positive change of 0.5 +/- 0.1 W m(-2) (applied to the surface area of the ocean) and 0.5 +/- 0.1 mm year(-1) during the years 2005 to 2012, averaged between 60 degrees S and 60 degrees N and the 10-1500m depth layer. In this study, we present an intercomparison of three global ocean observing systems: the Argo network, satellite gravimetry from GRACE and satellite altimetry. Their consistency is investigated from an Argo perspective at global...
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