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Bacterial community structure of the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia ArchiMer
Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Hervé; Turpin, Vincent; Mondeguer, Florence; Baron, Regis; Lebeau, Thierry.
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine of economic interest (e.g. in aquaculture for the greening of oysters). Up to date the studies devoted to ecological conditions under which this microalga develops never took into account the bacterial-H. ostrearia relationships. In this study the bacterial community was analysed by PCR-TTGE before and after H. ostrearia isolation cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community. The bacterial structure of the phycosphere differed strongly from that of the bulk sediment. The similarity between bacteria recovered from the...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bacterial community structure of the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia ArchiMer
Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Herve; Turpin, Vincent; Mondeguer, Florence; Lebeau, Thierry.
Haslea ostrearia produces a water-soluble, blue-green pigment, called marennine, with proven economic benefits (as a bioactive compound used to green oysters, which improves their market value). Incomplete knowledge of the ecological features of this marine diatom complicates its cultivation. More specifically, the ecology of bacteria surrounding H. ostrearia in ponds is what remains unknown. The structure of this bacterial community was previously analyzed by means of PCR-TTGE before and after isolating H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities in order to distinguish the relative parts of the biotope and biocenose and to describe the temporal dynamics of the bacterial community structure at two time scales (2 weeks vs. 9 months). The bacterial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biofilm; Ecology; Metabolic fingerprinting; Microalgae; Phycosphere; TTGE.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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COSELMAR. Compréhension des socio-écosystèmes littoraux et marins pour la prévention et la gestion des risques. Bilan scientifique 2013-2017 ArchiMer
Pardo, Sophie; Hess, Philipp; Simon, Elodie; Barille, Laurent; Geslin, Emmanuelle; Cognie, Bruno; Martin-jezequel, Véronique; Sechet, Véronique; Herrenknecht, Christine; Baron, Regis; Bourseau, Patrick; Amzil, Zouher; Masse, Anthony; Vandanjon, Laurent; Dumay, Justine; Lebeau, Thierry; Turpin, Vincent; Mondeguer, Florence; Petitgas, Pierre; Trouillet, Brice; Mercier, Denis; Guillotreau, Patrice; Guineberteau, Thierry; Mahevas, Stephanie; Schoefs, Franck; Sophie Pardo; Philipp Hess; Pauline Borgniet; Laurent Barillé; Emmanuelle Geslin; Bruno Cognie; Véronique Martin-Jezequel; Véronique Sechet; Christine Herrenknecht; Régis Baron; Patrick Bourseau; Zouher Amzil; Anthony Massé; Laurent Vandanjon; Justine Dumay; Thierry Lebeau; Vincent Turpin; Florence Mondeguer; Pierre Petitgas; Brice Trouillet.
COSELMAR, a 4-year project financed by the Région des Pays de la Loire at 2.1 M€, officially started on the 7th January 2013. The project is coordinated by Philipp Hess (IFREMER) and Sophie Pardo (Université de Nantes-LEMNA) and falls under the Federation for Research Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral (IUML, FR CNRS 3473)*. COSELMAR has also been approved by the Scientific Council of the MSH Ange Guépin. COSELMAR is a research project uniting 5 research units of IFREMER and 11 laboratories of the Université de Nantes, along with academic partners, and national and international industries. The aim is to achieve a better understanding of the marine and coastal ecosystems and the associated resources. The project will also provide insights into risk...
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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First insight on interactions between bacteria and the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia : Algal growth and metabolomic fingerprinting ArchiMer
Lepinay, Alexandra; Turpin, Vincent; Mondeguer, Florence; Grandet-marchant, Quentin; Capiaux, Herve; Baron, Regis; Lebeau, Thierry.
A first insight on the interactions between bacteria isolated from monospecific cultures of the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia and this microalgae is described in this work. From 28 bacterial isolates, the maximal growth rate and the maximal cell concentration were on average 58% and 27% higher (max. 67% for isolate B22). Isolates B5, B10 (both Saccharospirillum sp.) and B22 (Rhodobacter sp.) were the most efficient. The geographical origin of H. ostrearia from which bacteria were isolated had no impact on the algal growth performances, and a given bacterial isolate led to the same algal growth irrespective of the geographical origin of H. ostrearia. To explain the results obtained, a comprehensive integrative strategy was conducted that analyzed the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacterial selection; Plant-growth-promoting bacteria; Phycosphere; Metabolomics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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First metabolomic approach of the epiphytic bacteria-marine diatom Haslea ostrearia relationships ArchiMer
Mondeguer, Florence; Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Hervé; Turpin, Vincent; Baron, Regis; Hess, Philipp; Lebeau, Thierry; Boug,.
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haslea ostrearia; Marine diatom; Co-culture microalgae; Bacterial community; PCR-TTGE; High Resolution Mass Spectrometry; Untargeted metabolomics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Preliminary metabolomic approach on the bacterial structure community of Haslea ostrearia ArchiMer
Mondeguer, Florence; Lepinay, Alexandra; Capiaux, Hervé; Turpin, Vincent; Lebeau, Thierry.
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haslea ostrearia; Marine diatom; Co-culture microalgae; Bacterial community; TTGE; High Resolution Mass Spectrometry; Untargeted metabolomics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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